A/N: My first full-length story that includes Shiz-era! This is about Nessa's twin sister Autumn who was adopted at birth. She navigates her way through Shiz and befriends her two biological sisters, but when Elphaba decides to fight the Wizard, Autumn is torn between her twin sister and older sister.

Me: Disclaimer, please! Where is it?

Autumn: It's...uh...

Me: Tell me!

Nessa: *sighs* She should get over that silly little crush she has.

Me: Oh...I get it... *writes another disclaimer* I guess we can't get it, so anyway, I do not own anything except Autumn. This goes for the whole story.

"What?" I exclaimed, half-surprised, half-outraged. OK, so maybe I was overreacting, but I'd just been told I was adopted by the family I'd thought was biologically mine for sixteen years.

"Calm down, honey." my adopted mom said. "I just thought your life would be easier if you didn't know. But now you're starting at Shiz University in two weeks, a couple of years younger than usual, you should probably be aware, because your biological sisters are going there too."

This caught my attention. "Tell me about my real family, please." I said, intrigued by the family I'd never known.

"Well," Mom said. "When you and your twin sister, Nessarose Thropp, were born, your mother, Melena Thropp, was killed in childbirth. You were born first. We thought you wouldn't be able to walk," (I've had to use crutches all my life) "But it wasn't as bad as we first thought. Your twin had a more severe condition, and most likely has to use a wheelchair. Your father, who was – is - the governor of Munchkinland, didn't think he could handle both of you girls and your elder sister, so he put you up for adoption."

"Some father." I muttered. "Able to look after two girls and not three." I regained composure and asked "What is my older sister like? What's her name?"

Mom looked away for a moment. "She's...different." she finally said. "I only saw her once, and she was only little. Oh, and her name's Elphaba. You'll see when you meet her."

"What do you mean, she's different?" I demanded. "I should be prepared to meet her."

Mom's eyes flickered around the room. "You'll see. It's hard to explain." I frowned, but didn't press the issue further.

However, when I got to my room, I looked up Frexspar Thropp, governor of Munchkinland, but it didn't bring up anything about my sisters. I'd just have to wait until I got to Shiz.

Sorry it's so short, but don't worry, the other chapters will be longer! Oh, and review, please. I spend all my time writing, and all for the reviews.