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My mother was severely irritating me.

First of a we had to go to this party, which wasn't even a real party. No rock music, no dancing, nothing interesting. It was just a bunch of rich people and politicians kissing butts.

My mom had my hair straightened so I was bored out of my mind. My mom was guiding me around introducing me to politicians that worked with my dad. "Bianca this man is Mr. Russo, a colleague of you father's, Mr. Russo this is my daughter Bianca," said my mother slowly to me, like I'm stupid. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm slow. But my fake innocence act was crucial if I ever want to move out of the house some day. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Russo," I said as nicely as I could.

Just after I felt a pinch on me cheek. "Oh, don't surprise her like that, she's blind," she said in a loud whisper to Mr. Russo. I almost rolled my eyes. I wasn't four years old anymore. I'm 16, and pinching a 16 year old's cheek makes you seem like a pedophile to me.

My mother resumed the butt kissing, and frankly, she's very good at it. How men talk to her, I can tell she's a very pretty woman. My mom took me person to person, until suddenly I couldn't feel my mother's guiding arm. I stopped and listened, and since my father would probably chew me out if I took off my shoes, I searched for a nearby wall.

"Um please stop touching me, it's severely reducing my deduction skills." said a guy that I thought was a wall. "Yeah, sorry, I'm just a poor blind girl," I said irritably, taking off my pesky high heeled shoes, "And I could honestly care less about your freaking deduction skills."

I started walking away and the guy started following me. "Go away, or I'll call security," I said "looking" for my mom. "It's interesting watching a 'poor blind child' move perfectly fine on her own," he muttered, but at the same time, he always seemed to mutter. "Get lost," I snapped.

"Amusing, indeed," he said his mouthful. "That's it," I said, stomping then hitting the pressure points in his right arm. "Hey, that's my eating arm," he muttered sadly. I walked off and the guy kept following me.

I just ignored him as much as I could.

"Bianca, why aren't you wearing shoes? Where is your mother? Who is that guy following you?" asked my father sounding angrier and angrier. "It helps; I thought she was with you; no clue," I replied sweetly. "Shoes. Now," my father growled.

"MOVE AND THE WOMAN DIES!" yells a man, by the voice, it sounded like none other than the pedobear, Mr Russo, and according to the vibrations, he had a blade to her neck.

"You're the only one who can save your mom," said the stalker guy. I didn't reply as many stupid ideas ran through my head rapid fire. But one stood out, go and disable the man who was threatening my mother. I was standing there for maybe 12 seconds before I went in action. I ran to my mother's attacker and I disabled both of his arms. I knocked him to the ground and kicked the blade from his hand.

Then there was silence.