Jim grinned at his reflection, pleased with the amount of water falling from his limbs.

He stepped out into Spock's quarters, extremely pleased with the double-take of his Vulcan lover. Spock was always so lively, so active in the shower. Jim had wondered for a long time if it was because he had a thing for water. From the looks of it, he'd hit the nail on the head.

"Jim." He chuckled, slowly making his way to the tense man on their bed. Spock always growled like that when he was about to lose his precious control.

"Yes, love? See something you like?" Faster than he could keep up with, damn Vulcan's and their speed, he was yanked onto the bed and pinned under his lover. His very aroused lover.

The soft growl in Jim's ear let him know just how much Spock loved the droplets of water sliding down his naked body. He could almost feel the burning trail of Spock's gaze following every drop of water. Spock pulled him up, enough for him to lean back on his arms. The new angle let the droplets fall faster, creating patterns on Jim's chest that he was sure Spock would have memorized. He grinned when Spock lowered himself to trace those patterns with his lips.

The light, loving kisses to his torso had Jim sighing in delight. Every touch Spock left on his body had him waiting eagerly for more. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back on the bed. He felt Spock's hot breath on his abdomen, before a tongue started caressing the skin.

Please note that I've edited this story so that anything mature was left out, in accordance with FanFiction's rules. The rest can be found on my Tumblr and DeviantArt accounts, both under the same username.