
About Courtship and growing up

He was standing in front of her with his arms crossed, shoulders slump backwards and a spoil pout on his mouth.

It was the perfect picture of a child who had to share his favorite toy in the world. Tigress lips quirked upwards, the difference this time was Po wasn't sharing a thing but rather a person. His favorite person in all the world. If she was to believe what Mr Ping said about Po's favorite action figure.

It made Tigress tingle, a spark of happiness was evident in her eyes as she realized Po's actions were because of her. As the male Tiger kept on talking to her, his own posture straighten up in a very proud and almost arrogant posture. His eyes never leaving Tigress as he showed off his sharp teeth, shiny fur, strong body and refined way of talking. It was obvious what he was implying with his words and posture.

He wanted to mate with her.

And Po was just standing in the back watching as Tigress converse with the Tiger.

She didn't mean to be evil, but never before had someone felt so strongly for her. Not enough to be watching her every move, to narrow his eyes as the male tiger that tried to move forward, to grab her, to make her submit to his advances.

Po was evidently jealous and some part of Tigress mind thought it was only fair. After all, she did have to watch as some females kept on hanging onto him and stealing kisses or Po's attention when she was with him.

It wasn't until she decided to just growl and practically dragged Po out of there that the annoying females stopped fawning over him.

What did she have to do to make them understand Po was hers?

Tigress soon found herself thinking about the so many ways she could make them understand. Her distraction and mental process took her to some…mental images better left unsaid. Or show.

Po for his part was biting his lower lip pretty hard, his hands were holding tightly onto his arms. This guy didn't shut up!

He was babbling about how strong he was, how he was the perfect male. How shiny his fur was.

Oh, look at my teeth they are…eh, pointy and shiny. Oh, I go to the manicure so my claws are always sharp…

This shouldn't bother Po that much. Really. Tigress had made it pretty clear the day after she was pretty much interest in him.

Po actually blushed as he remembered the way she showed Po how interested she was. But as he lifted his eyes to Tigress, he had to wonder, was she? She did seem pretty interest in this guy.

And they both were of the same species. Once again, Po crossed his arms and pouted.

This was so unfair!

Po's glare only intensified when the Tiger dared to look over at him with disdain, a mock sneer on his face as he kept on talking, "And of course, I'm always in good shape. Eating healthy, enough exercise…nothing here that seems to indicate I would eat anything in front of me."

Oh, that was it! Po growled. He actually growled at the tiger who merely lashed challenging his tail, hitting Po hard on his leg.

Stupid Tiger! I'm a growing Panda! I eat enough and pretty healthy!

"So, what do you say, Master Tigress?"

The tiger didn't have time to react as two strong hands grabbed him from his shoulders, turning him around he almost mew as he found himself face to face with the Dragon Warrior.

"She doesn't need anything from you and…if I see you again you will know firsthand how I defeat Tai Lung and Shen." Po growled loudly shoving the tiger away from Tigress and putting himself between them. "Understood?"

With a weak nod the Tiger staggered back falling on his butt. Po's demeanor changed completely, he smiled gently at the Tiger and waved at him. "Good, then bye."

Tigress watched with eyes wide open, Po looking at her with a more softened stared. "Are you…are you okay?"

He looked nervous and pretty unsure. But for Tigress that was…


"Uh?" Po looked confused while Tigress move closer to him, her paws caressing his chest softly making him squirm nervously as he looked around, trying to spot anyone who may be seeing them.

"That was pretty …hot."

"I…I'm pretty sure is the weather." Stuttered Po. This actually made Tigress chuckled and Po blinked in confusion.

The kiss was unexpected but not unwelcome and Po this time responded with a little more eagerness than the last time. His arms wrapping carefully around Tigress who purred contently at him.

"So, eh…aren't you…mad?" She always loved the dazed look Po had after they kiss. Granted it had been twice but Tigress had already planned on a lot more kisses…yes, Po would not know what hit him.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" Po nodded his head at the place were moments before had been the male tiger.

"You know? That guy seemed pretty interest."

"Oh, yes but…he had a huge problem." Commented Tigress moving away from Po.

Po frowned confused, "Problem? What kind of problem?" Po seemed to think about it and then his eyes lit up. "He had rabies?"

Tigress rolled her eyes, hitting Po slightly on his arms, "No, you fool!"


This time Tigress seemed pretty embarrassed but she did look directly into Po's eyes as she said, "Well, he wasn't you."

Po opened and closed his mouth for a few moments, lifting his finger to say something only to lower it again, and then as flustered as Tigress seemed to be, he smiled shyly.

"So, wanna train?"

Tigress chuckled again, nodding her head she went to move away only to be stopped by Po's arms. The embrace felt warm to both of them. They seemed to engraved the moment in their minds as their hug extended longer than they thought, then suddenly Po lifted Tigress face and kiss her hard on the lips.

"Let's train!" said Po letting go of Tigress pretty abruptly and taking off running with a mischievous smile on his face.

Tigress smirked, tilting her head she let Po had an advantage. After all, her advantage would get as soon as she jumps on him.

Crane was looking, open-mouthed, the way Tigress kept on nuzzling Po's neck, licking the nasty scratch he had on his face. Monkey was scratching the back of his head while Mantis watched the scene bewildered. Viper for her part was smiling dreamily at them

Just a few moments ago they had watched what they thought was a training session between Po and Tigress. It was brutal and pretty…different.

It was a battle of wits, a game between them only to have it ended with Tigress grooming over Po after having won the training session.

"I…still don't understand." Said Mantis looking at the pair, the tiger that had been following Tigress all day long wasn't anywhere to be seen. "This is all part of the game Po was talking about the other day?"

Crane looked at Mantis as if he was serious, Monkey shook his head while Viper, once again, rolled her eyes. "Really Mantis, what did I tell you last time?"

Mantis twitched annoyed as he remembered but Viper seemed unfazed by it, "Exactly, so tell me, are you big enough now?"

AN: Today was a pretty strange day. And this second part was born out of all the...weirdness of my day. Again, I'm not sure about this, it may need some work and all that but I hope you like.

Thank you guys for the reviews! Remember, English isn't my native language so they may be a lot of grammar, spelling and other funny mistakes. I apologize for them and, as soon as I found a beta-reader I would have them all corrected. Until then, enjoy!

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