Summary: SG1 find the coordinates for Gaia. Of course, SG1 usually has terrible timing for their travels, and this is no exception.
Jack O'Neill rolled back on the heels as he stared ahead at the spinning Stargate. To his left stood Daniel Jackson while Teal'c and Samantha Carter were on his right. "So," he said. "Where are we going?"
"Sir, you really should start reading the reports that the General sends out," Carter chastised, although she was smiling slightly under her helmet.
"I should," Jack agreed, "but since I didn't, anyone want to tell me where we're going?"
"P39X43," Sam said automatically.
"Of course," Jack said, shooting Jackson a confused look indicating that that little bit of information did not clear up his confusion.
"These are the coordinates that SG3 found during their last mission. We've sent a MALP through. The areas it showed is desert but the basic readings show that it is very similar to earth. They think it could prove to be a good site to use as an off world base site which is one of the reasons why we want to check it out," Jackson explained.
"Got it," Jack said as the last chevron locked into place and the gate exploded to life.
"Well, let's go, off into the desert," Jack said as he took a step forward and his team followed him up the ramp and through the blue event horizon.
When they stepped through to the other side they were immediately hit with a dramatic climate and scenery change.
"Sure is hot," O'Neill said as he stepped out onto the sand.
"And bright," Jackson added as he shielded his eyes with one hand as he fumbled with his hat.
"I believe that that is because it is a desert," Teal'c said as he blinked in the strong light.
"Thanks, buddy," O'Neill said as Teal'c blinked stoically.
"Well, I suppose we should go see if there is anything around here besides sand," O'Neill said as he took the lead and began hiking up one of the slopes in a randomly selected direction. After hiking around for a good ten minutes, the team had found nothing but sand, rock, sand dunes, dead grass, and more sand.
"I haven't seen a single sign of life, not even a cactus," O'Neill commented as he wiped some sweat from his brow.
"Yea, there doesn't seem to be anything here," Jackson agreed as he strained his eyes to try and see anything in the strong sunlight.
"I'm getting some weird readings," Sam said as she tapped the device in her hands.
"Define weird," O'Neill said.
"I don't know, sir, just very weird, as if something is interfering with the electronics."
"But not we're-all-going-to-get-cancer weird? Right?" O'Neill asked hopefully.
"I don't think so sir," Carter said.
"Wait, what's that?" Jackson said suddenly, pointing towards the horizon.
"I don't see anything," Jack said, but he fumbled for his binoculars and then raised them to his eyes, looking off in the direction that Jackson had motioned. For a second he couldn't see anything but more sand, but then he spotted something else.
"I think it's a city," Jack said.
"In that case we should check it out," Sam said looking up from her malfunctioning scanner. "How advanced does it look?"
"It's hard to tell from here," Jack said, handing her the binoculars. "You look."
She accepted the binoculars. "I don't know," she said after taking a long look. "But it looks pretty sophisticated. They're certainly not stuck in the medieval ages like most of these planets. They have a very unusual architectural style."
"So, does that mean we have to walk all the way over there?" Jackson asked.
"Yup," Jack said cheerfully.
"It's not that far," Sam countered as Teal'c nodded in agreement and then stopped and turned, looking out of the desert.
"What is it, Teal'c?" Jack asked.
"Do you not hear that O'Neill?"
"Hear what?" Jack asked before pausing to listen. Then he heard it, the sound of an engine.
"Is that a car?" Jackson asked.
"Sounds like it," Sam said.
"Look there!" Jackson said pointing onto a cliff that wasn't too far off. Three figures could be seen on what appeared to be large motorcycles.
"Should we head up that way? They're too far away to hear us from here even if we yell," Sam said.
"I guess, but let's be careful," O'Neill said. "I've got a bad feeling about this."
The sound of revving engines pierced the air and suddenly two of the bikes came to life, leaping forward and down the cliff at a terrifying speed.
"Think they saw us?" Sam asked nervously as the bikers tore down the cliff face.
"No, I believe they saw him," Teal'c said motioning to a fourth biker, heading towards the city.
"Those are cool bikes," Jack noted as the two bikers jumped over a pile of rocks, catching up to the fourth biker.
"Think they're friends?" Sam asked as the two bikers rapidly caught up to the fourth one.
The sand around the bikers suddenly turned dark, as if it was in a shadow. Then huge beasts, creatures that seemed to be made of bones, rose out of the sand.
"What is that?" Jackson asked in shock.
"Those don't look friendly," O'Neill noted glancing around the sand near them, looking for the terrifying shadows.
"I've never seen anything like that before," Sam said. "They're like land sharks that come out of the sand."
They watched in surprise as the lead biker pulled out what appeared to be a sword and slashed out at the closest beast. As he struck it, it appeared to turn back to dust. Then one of the other bikers pulled up behind him and struck out with a weapon attached to his arm. The first biker defended with his sword and then quickly spun away, knocking away bullets fired by the other biker's gun.
"They're going to kill that guy!" Sam said as she raised her gun slightly.
"What can we do though?" Jackson asked. "They're armed and they have those monsters."
"Jackson's right," O'Neill said. "We can't do anything; we don't even know who these guys are. Maybe that guy down there is the bad guy."
"What's that other guy doing?" Sam asked pointing back up at the cliff.
"He appears to be making a phone call," Teal'c said.
"That's… odd," O'Neill said. "But right now we need to get out of here. This is clearly hostile territory which we're not prepared for."
"Agreed," Sam said, although she shot a pitying look at the guy who was currently fighting the two bikers and the monsters. She let out a muffled cry as one of the bikers rose up on his bike and fired a shot straight in the blonde biker's face.
"Let's go," O'Neil repeated and he turned, hurrying back to the Stargate.
"Wait, those things just vanished," Jackson said nervously.
Jack stopped and looked over his shoulder. Sure enough, the monsters were gone and the two attackers were driving back towards the cliff. The third biker had his hand raised in the air as some sort of signal.
"He must have called off the attack," Sam reasoned.
"But it appeared that they were just about to win," Teal'c said. "It is very strange."
"Guys," Jackson said nervously. "I think we should go. Now! I think they're heading this way."
"Move!" O'Neil called and they all took off running, watching the ground nervously as they watched for strange shadows.
They tore across the desert, their boots churning up a tiny dust storm in the sand.
"I don't think they're following us," Jackson said as he risked a glance over his shoulder and saw only sand.
"Good," Sam panted. "Now let's keep it that way."
They reached the DHD and Jackson furiously punched in the address as the sound of an engine roared not far behind them. The gate seemed to spin forever before the final chevron locked and the gate came to life. Sam quickly punched in the code to open the iris.
"Okay," she said. "Let's go."
They were almost at the gate when long shadows appeared on the ground.
O'Neill swore as one of the terrifying skull faced creatures appeared right in front of the gate. He, and the rest of his team, scrambled back. He raised his gun and was about to fire off a shot when it was knocked from his hand. He jerked his hand back and found himself staring at the long barrel of an elegant weapon which was held by one of the strangest men he'd ever seen. He had long white hair, pale skin, and green eyes that were oddly cat like. He was not dressed for the desert, O'Neill noticed. He was wearing all black leather.
"Teal'c!" Sam cried and several gunshots pierced the air. O'Neill wrenched his eyes away from this stranger to his teammates. Teal'c was lying on the ground, withering in pain as if he had just been electrocuted. His staff was under the leather clad foot of another strange man; this one was older, with short hair. He grinned fiercely at them. "Put the gun down," he ordered at Sam.
Sam glanced at Jack and then complied. Jackson already had his hands in the air.
"What is this?" came a voice from behind them. He turned to spot the third member of this strange bike gang. He was the youngest. There was no way that he could be older than sixteen, O'Neill decided. Man, they had been captured by three kids. This one also had shoulder length hair and the same pale skin and fierce green eyes as the others. However, despite his age, he had an aura of power about him. He was dangerous.
Teal'c let out a groan and finally slowly sat up. His movements where stiff.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked, worried.
"Indeed," Teal's said, rubbing the burn on his arm as he shot a fierce glance at the oldest of the white haired boys.
"What is that?" He repeated angrily motioning at the gate.
"It's a Stargate," Sam explained, trying to make her voice sound calm and confident. "It is used to travel to different worlds."
The boy's eyes widened and he glanced at the boy with the gun. "Mother was from another planet," he said softly.
Sam shot Jack a surprised look as she heard this.
"We're just travelers, explores," Jackson said. "We mean you no harm, we just want to go back home."
Before the strangers could respond, their radios crackled to life with the sound of the General's voice. "O'Neill, where are you? What's happened? Why are you not through the gate yet?"
"Um, can I answer that?" Jack asked, motioning towards the radio as he looked up at the youngest member, who he was guessing was the leader.
Instead of answering, the boy took a step closer and held out a hand. Jack paused for a moment and the plucked up the radio and handed it over to the boy.
The boy looked at it for a second and then raised it to his lips, holding down the talk button as he spoke. "Hello, sir," he said, sounding rather amused, and almost delighted.
"Who is this?" The General asked, sounding confused by the young voice.
"Are you really from a different planet?"
"Yes. I am. Now can I talk to my people?"
"Who are you?" The boy asked, his eyes narrowing.
"I am General Hammond and I want to talk to SG1."
"SG1," Kadaj repeated, glancing over at the Earthlings. "No, sorry, General. I want them. Goody bye." He dropped the radio and then crushed it under his boot.
His green eyes flickered over SG1. "We'll take them with us," Kadaj decided.
"But, Kadaj," Loz said. "They'll slow us down."
Kadaj waved a hand. "They know how to travel to other planets. Mother will want this information."
"Mother," Loz lamented, dropping his head slightly as SG1 shared a confused glance, wondering who exactly their mother was.
"Don't cry, Loz," Yazoo said emotionlessly, although he never took his eyes of O'Neill.
"I'm going to go personally meet with the President," Kadaj said with a smirk. "You take care of them," he motioned to the SG team. "And round up our other brothers and sisters. We will all need to present for the Reunion."
"Reunion?" Jack asked, but no one answered him.
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