Very short looking one-shot I had an idea for… so long ago now that I don't remember when… It's based around the concept of passing notes. It's probably a totally unoriginal idea or whatever, but yeah... so sue me.

Janey xx

One Potion Lesson.

Granger, I blame you for this.

Malfoy, if you actually SPOKE to me during the making of the potion, you'd know that I'd already added the beezle wax and nothing would have gone wrong.

Well, maybe you should've told me.

You made it explode.

Your fault.

If we get detention, I will hurt you.

What, like that sissy punch in third year?

You flailed and ran off sobbing.

I did not "sob".

You acted like a baby.

You punched me.

With good reason, Ferret.

Oooh, FERRET? I'm scared now… That the best you've got, Granger?

What? Did "Foul, loathsome, evil little Cockroach" not do it for you?

Did "Buck-tooth Beaver" not work for you?

Why am I partnered with you?

Do not roll your eyes at me.

Oh, stop ignoring me. This isn't my fault. You're just ignoring me because you think I ruined your perfect reputation with Professor Snape.

When have I EVER had a perfect reputation?

You're his favourite. Which is stupid.

You are utterly ridiculous, Granger.

Shut up.

You're the one bothering me.

Oh, VERY mature. Screwing the paper up? Nice.

YOU started the note passing. If we get caught, I will kill you.

Always the prude, rule abiding goody-goody, Granger.

You are beyond annoying.

Then why're you writing back? Just stop, then.


Stop it.

Stop what? I stopped writing to you?

Stop flirting with Weasley, it's disgusting.

He's my friend. I'm not flirting. How is it disgusting?

You would have some very strange, ginger, buck toothed babies. It would not be right.

What's it to you?

That was a question.

Just stop.

That does not mean do it more!

I'm NOT flirting.

Oh, and POTTER now?

Dear Merlin, grow up.

I am grown up. In more ways than one. Just ask a few Slytherin girls.

NOW who's disgusting?

You. You always have been the disgusting one.

Is that a muggleborn joke?

No. But if it was, which it isn't, you're the one that put it in that context.

I hate you.

No, you don't.

I'm going to kill you.

No, you aren't.

Shut up and go screw Pansy or something.

Really, Granger? That's your comeback?

Oh, come on.

I didn't mean it in a blood related way.

Okay, NOW you're just flirting with him to get at me.

Why would it get at you? You don't like me.

So you admit it? And it doesn't "get at me". It's just annoying.

Admit what?

Don't roll your eyes at me.

Malfoy, what is your problem?

Ignoring me? Lovely.

Draco, I do hope you weren't counting too much on our date tonight.