100 reviews :D and on the final chapter no less :P

"So now what?"Haruhi sat on the floor as Kaoru finally stopped trying to open the door. It was well past midnight now but the moment was to stressed for either of them to sleep

"Can we talk?"Kaoru had his hand gripped on the knob tightly in his frustration. He was a messy. His hair had to be the most disgustingly jumbled mess and as for his clothes, let's just say his mother would have lectured him for hours about it.

"Okay"Haruhi spoke softly and unsurely. Her hands touched one of the crumpled up papers on the floor and she looked around to floor to see the papers all around the ground

"What is all this?"Haruhi started to stand up and found that every time she stepped it'd be on a piece of paper

"Failed idea.. Haruhi I'm sorry, form the bottom of my heart I'm sorry; I love you, I truly do and without you.. just look at me.. I can't sleep, nothings funny, and.. it feels like the biggest part of me is gone..somewhere along the line you began more important to me then anything.. and anyone"Kaoru stood there infront of her. Tears fresh in his eyes as he stared at her unsure of what to do. His heart hurt and his body was craving to hold her in his arms but he knew she'd push him away. Haruhi stared at him, letting every work sink in.

'Does he mean it..'Haruhi moved her feet forward and before she even knew it herself she was wrapping her arms around him with tears in her eyes and a sniffle coming from her

"I hate you"Haruhi whispered softly against him. The sky darkened and in the distance you could see the flashing of lighting moving closer. With her back to the storm Haruhi didn't even notice but Kaorus eyes were fixed on it as he wrapped his arms around her tightly

"I love you, I love you so much Haruhi; I'll do anything to make you happy and I'll never leave your side again"He could feel her tears soak his shirt as he held her there. The lighting was growing closer and Kaoru didn't have much time.

'He's a liar, he's a liar and I hate him'Haruhi gripped his shirt tightly as she stood there in his arms. It was the most painful part of their fight, the making up and letting go of what happened before

'I need to get her away from there'Kaoru picked her up as she gripped him tightly still crying and unaware of the storm approaching. Kaoru moved quickly into one of the walk in closets where he kept most of his clothes. It was about the size of Haruhis bedroom and living room combined but as they got deeper the less sound their was considering the closets had stone walls. Kaoru reached the back of his closet where he hadn't been in over a month but knew it was clean because the clothes were freshly pressed.

"I don't believe you"Haruhi released his shirt when she felt her butt touch the ground and then realized that Kaoru had moved into the far back of what she assumed must be his closet because off all the clothes. It was dark but she could still make out his features that showed he was hurt

"Can you let me explain now please?"Kaoru sat next to her in the darkness. Their heads just barely touched the clothes hanging above and Kaoru pulled down a jacket from one of the hangers above him. He held the material in his hands for a moment

'This is from last spring, why is it in here? But at least it's not too heavy'Kaoru placed the jacket around Haruhis shoulders figuring she'd be cold in the night air and was pleased when she didn't throw it back at him. They sat in silence for a few more minutes until Kaoru felt a pressure on his shoulder, looking down he say Haruhis leaning against him

"You've got 5 minute to explain"Haruhis breathed out in a very cold tone

"It started out as me and Hikaru just wanting to date you, but after the kiss and then.. everything started to get out of control, we kept trying to one up each other to prove who you loved more.. but it turns out that it became more like you were a prize and not a person.. we just took things too far and I'm sorry, please Haruhi forgive me? I need you! I need you more then I need my own twin, you're my everything"Kaoru had broken down and was now sitting in front of her, his hands gripped hers tightly praying that she'd forgive him.

"What if I told you I slept with Hikaru?"Haruhi closed her eyes and refused to look at him trying to make it look as convincing as possible that she had actually done something like that. There was a pause of silence as Kaoru tightened his grip on her hands and then released her

"I'd still ask you to be mine"Kaoru eyes were fixed on her face as she looked at him a bit surprised. His smile was imperfect and nervous with a bit of hurt mixed it. But he still wanted her, even with the thought that he had lost something he craved so much to his brother; he still wanted her.

"Kaoru"Haruhi placed her hands against his face with a slight smile on her lips. He was no jealous, he was being sincere and most of all, he wanted her in any condition she came in.

"Yeah?"Kaoru pressed his forehead against hers and looked deep into her big brown eyes hoping for something good to come off him spilling his heart out to her. Their eyes locked both searching for something different. Haruhi opened her mouth but then stopped as a smile curled onto her lips and then she opened her mouth to speak again

"I love you"