When Jesse St. James walked into the glee room saying he loved Rachel, Kurt felt like crying
But he just looked away and hid behind a magazine or his phone.

After glee he went to talk to Rachel.
"Your boyfriend will break your heart. He doesn't love you. He is using you!" he said as soon as he found her.
"You're just saying that because you're jealous! As I've said before I have more chance because I'm a girl!" she said angrily.
Kurt just laughed in her face.
"Just don't have sex with him. He was my first." Kurt said leaning closely into her face.
"Wait. You and Jesse?" she asked with a hurt face.
"Since before glee club was formed Berry. I thought we were still going out actually." Kurt said with a hurt expression.
"Oh." she said.
"Ya I knew you didn't know which is why I refrained from punching you in the face but do you know how much it hurts? Because whatever hurt you feel right now it feels so much worse for me." he said before walking off.

The next day when Jesse walked in the glee room Kurt looked him right in the face and started crying.
"Oh crap Kurt." mumbled Jesse
"W-why?" sobbed out Kurt.
"My coach made me! She said she would kick me off the team! I love you!" exclaimed Jesse.
Everyone looked on in confusion.
"I l-love you too!" sobbed out Kurt.
He cried harder
Jesse pulled Kurt into his arms in an awkward attempt at an embrace and kissed his forehead.
"I'm sorry. I don't love her. Only you." he whispered.
The other glee members were ushered out by Rachel.

"What just happened?" asked Mr. Schue.
"Apparently Jesse is gay has been dating Kurt since before our glee club and was only dating me because of his coach." said Rachel.
Everyone was speechless.
Quinn snorted "I'm surprised Berry. I thought you would have tried to kiss her in front of him."
"Uhm well I said something really mean to him and then he said something that made me feel really bad. Plus the relationship was kind of new. He was using me, and I have uh lingering feelings for someone else."
"What did you say to my boy? Do I need to cut a bitch?"
"Uh I said I said I had more chance because I was a girl. He said I shouldn't have sex with him Jesse was apparently his first and he thought they were still dating and then he said whatever hurt I was feeling was nothing compared to what he was feeling." said Rachel.
"Damn Berry. Way to be 'nice'." said Santana.
"I felt horrible." admitted Rachel.
"No one cares how you feel. My poor boo." said Mercedes.
Everyone but Rachel nodded in agreement.

"I love you Kurt." said Jesse planting a sweet and loving kiss on Kurt's lip.
"I never kissed her."
"I love you too Jesse." said Kurt with a tired smile on his face.