az: Since I have free reign here... might as well take my time. Not going to let Ankh meet the previous OOO so fast. Just don't kill my OC now. I need to set the pace after all. Not in the hurry to have the Greeeds sealed.

Reason for Existence

Chance Encounter

Written by Izzu



I wished my life would be different. I wished I could have reach out towards that envisioned future...

...ah. I shouldn't desire so much.

Isn't living right now... enough already?


The carriage has suddenly stopped. She blinked as she poked her head out of the carriage window. She gasped as one of the men guarding her noticed her and hurriedly hit the horses' back with his sword hilt. She fell back onto the carriage floor as carriage she was in started to move again.


There were so many of them, humans... and their desires. It would not be so hard to imagine chaos going on here and there should any of his or the other's Yummys were set loose amongst them and—what? What was that?

A runaway carriage—it seemed there was someone inside of it. Ankh flew down towards it as he landed on the ground, few metres in front of the carriage. He clapped his wings together as the blast of wind surprised the two stallions to a stop. Ankh chuckled to himself as he fold his wings. He walked up towards the carriage before poking his head inside.

He shrugged in annoyance.

"Ah, just a little girl... huh?" he said to himself before deciding to walk away.


Ankh turned around to see the young girl scrambled out clumsily from the carriage. Upon closer look, the girl was quite attractive for a human female. Yet, he noticed one of her legs was limped. He cocked his head at her as the girl finally spoke.

"It was you, isn't it? You saved me. I... thank you."

Ankh shrugged at her.

"Well... it was nothing to be fussed about. I didn't do it to help you. So now you're safe, you can fend for yourself just fine—"

"Stop! Wait!" The girl grabbed Ankh's arm as he stared at her questioningly. "Don't leave me alone here! Please... stay!"

Ankh turned to gave her a thorough look. "You—don't you fear me?"

The young lady shook her head. "You helped me... even if you didn't planned for it. You cannot be a bad person, right? Besides... aren't you a knight?"

Ankh cocked his head at her. She... thought he was—ah, come to think he did noticed some of these humans fashioning themselves with armours made of steel and other metals. Ah, so even if any of them would want to wander out in the open, blending in amongst the humans should not have been hard. Given the current times. How... peculiar.

Well, considering he had nothing to do...

"Oi, what's your name?"

The young lady blinked at him at the blunt tone before stuttering. "It's Isabelle. Isabelle Kinsey."

He tilted his head slightly as he introduced himself. "I'm called Ankh."


"What are you doing out here? It's cold out."

Isabelle chuckled softly. "It's lonely inside the carriage by myself. If over here... at least I have Ankh keeping me company."

Ankh snorted at her.

"Anyway, what are you doing out here in the countrry on that carriage alone by yourself?"

"I wasn't going out alone by myself! I had my escorts! It's just... we had been attacked by bandits and one of the men had set the horses loose with me still in the carriage."

Ankh whistled to himself.

"Oh? So what purpose do you come to this area? You did not seemed to be familiar with this place."

Isabelle shrugged. "Well... I'm supposed to be married off to a noble living somewhere in this country, but then my carriage was attacked."

"Hmm... so that's what humans like to do, huh? Is getting married that enjoyable?"

The girl laughed. "What're you talking, Ankh? Aren't you human as well? Don't you want to have someone with you by your side as a companion? Don't you feel lonely?"

Ankh looked at her strangely. Companion? Lonely? What ridiculous notion was that?

"Are you... happy just with that?"

Isabelle looked up to him innocently. "Don't we? For me... I think that's enough." She started scooting closer to Ankh's side. She sighed.

"After all, someone like me shouldn't have desired more than that."

"Why is that?" Ankh asked as Isabelle sighed. She patted one of her legs.

"Because unlike other ladies of my station, I wasn't born to be as perfect." She smiled weakly. "Ankh... I was born with one of my legs being slightly crooked. Therefore whenever I start to walk on my own I could never do it as gracefully as eveyone expected of me. My parents used to lament over it but no matter how many times they tried to fix my condition, it was never enough. They used to say that I'm a bad luck to the family. That no man would ever take my hand in marriage. That was why they didn't hesitate in sending me off the moment there was someone interested to marrying me."

Ankh cocked his head at her. "Yet, you had the loveliest of faces. Is that not acceptable enough?"

Isabelle shrugged.

"It's not to people who thinks like my parents, I guess."

"Don't you desire to have a stronger body like any other normal hu—I mean, people?"

Isabelle gave Ankh a peculiar look before shaking her head.

"I guess, sometimes I do... but it's all right. Even if I cannot get all that I want in this life, at least I am alive right now. That should be enough for me."

Ankh eyed the girl for a moment.

How peculiar. He could still sense a deep desire in the girl, yet somehow she had surpressed it with other kinds of reasoning so much that it seemed so minuscule. Was living that satisfying? How could there be humans who had so much desire but still be able to keep it at bay? How could she be satisfied so easily? Many others he have seen before have lost themselves into their desires once any of them had unleashed it onto them. Why was there humans like this girl existing as well?

How could she already be satisfied with the things she have received yet Greeeds like him would never be able to do it and keep on wanting more and more?

Yet another thing that would plague his mind for a long time. Not that he already found the answer to another question that has bothered him for a while; what was the reason for his existence?