This is dedicated to my internet best friend and AMAZING authoress, OwlheadAthena, for giving me the inspiration for this. The quote that inspired this all is the second to last line of actual speech.
It's totally epic.
And no, I'm not continuing this, so don't ask.
Disclaimer: Me no owney.
Transcription of the audio recording found in Reno, Nevada on February 24th, 2298 by Jack L. Stockholm
~Incoherent sounds~
Hello. If you've found this recording, then… I don't know what to say. You may be fascinated, you may be disgusted, you may be unbelieving.
But every word of this is true.
My name is Danny Fenton, and I am still 14 almost 100 years after I turned 14.
I know that this is where you're probably thinking 'HA! This kid's a lunatic!' or maybe 'Really? How is that possible?'
Well, I'm not a lunatic, and it is definitely possible.
Exactly 99 years, 7 months, and 24 days ago, I was turned into a half-ghost.
It's possible.
A big enough charge-up of ectoplasm and electricity can do that to you. The electricity shocked me, while the ectoplasm was fused with it, therefore implanting it into my DNA. It's been there since, and it's impossible to remove. Trust me. I've tried dozens of times- some simple, some complex; some I couldn't even feel, some were very painful.
You may have heard of the ghost boy, Danny Phantom. He's old news now; nobody cares about him anymore.
Yeah. He's me.
We're the same person. I'd show you, but-
~Incoherent sounds~
What the- oh. It's only you.
Glad he's taken care of. Stupid Box Ghost… still bugging me almost 100 years later…
Sorry about that. As I was saying, I'd show you that Phantom and I are the same person, but this is an audio recording.
I don't know what year it is while you're listening to this, but right now it's October 25th, 2103. Tomorrow's my 114 birthday, while I'm still 14.
Not that you'd care…
I'm counting each day until I can be free of this game of Monkey in the Middle- where the players are Earth, the Ghost Zone, and me.
And I'm in the middle.
Counting… counting… interminable pain…
Sorry. I zone out like that. When you've lived for so long, you see things that make you crazy…
But I've got no one left for me. Nowhere to go… no one to turn to… what was that old musical that Jazz was always yammering on about? …Uh… Les Miserables, I think it was. Yeah, that. That song… er… "On My Own". Who sang it? Emily… Emma… Eppa… Eponine! Yeah… I'm on my own. Nobody for me.
Vlad was the first to go. Killed in a fire. Idiot should've known better than to mess with Ectoranium and open flame. I never would've gone to him. Maybe on a last resort, but never by my own free will.
Tucker of all people went next. Killed by… oh yeah. Stupid 'Master of Long-Winded Speeches'. Electricity and water don't mix well, kids. As advanced as the world is technology-wise, I'm surprised they haven't made it so that it isn't fatal when they mix.
Uh… who was it… it's been so long, I can't remember anything from those times; sorry about that. Oh yes. It was Mom. Dad was devastated, but he didn't know the real reason why she killed herself. He thought it was just because she was sick of him. But no… it was because of me. She somehow figured out I was half-ghost and was horrified. Shot herself with an ecto-gun.
Nobody died for a while after that, but it was just me, Dad, Jazz, and Sam. All that was left of my loved ones. Yeah, at that time I admitted to Sam I loved her, which turned out well.
Of course, then I wasn't there to protect her.
…It's just so hard. Nobody's here to comfort me…
But Skulker got a hold of her. He had a blade at her throat… and killed her right before my eyes… just for the fun of it, decapitated her…
Let's just say Skulker doesn't exist anymore.
Jazz went after Sam. She and like… I dunno, 15 other people got held hostage at the bank. Four of them didn't make it out alive, and one of them was her… bullet to the head…
Of course, Dad went ballistic and killed himself over it. Used a butcher knife to stab himself. Said that she was his favorite, and the next time I saw him, he was bloody and dead. I didn't bother to let anyone know; I just left.
It was only me…
I'm just waiting for the day where I can finally die all the way, nothing to hold me back…
I've been wandering around the country for a while now… somewhere around 90 years. Too long… at least ghosts have stopped bothering me. Except for the Box Ghost. He bugs everyone.
People forgot about Phantom, and I was somewhat at peace. They didn't need him. I still transform often, especially for transportation, but they never recognize me unless if they're history buffs.
I've made a few temporary friends, but kept them for only a couple of days. Never for long…
I've got nobody left…
I don't know what happened to my clone, Danielle, but I'm pretty sure with all my luck that she's gone as well. Dunno how, but she's probably gone.
I can check, but I'm positive it'll be futile.
I can't die…
Yeah, some people wish that they can't die, but it's not all that fun living for all eternity. Not fun at all…
~Incoherent sounds~
Just landed in… Orlando? Or is this San Diego? Eh, who cares? I've gone loopy, being 14 for so long.
You may see me and never know it. Your great-grandchildren may see me and never know it. Their great-grandchildren may see me and never know it.
But if you're listening to this, do some research for me. Find out if there's a way for me to die. Find out if I can become mortal again, to be like you and everybody else surrounding me.
Then find me. Look for me, flying in the sky. Tell me what you found out; everything. I need to know how to die.
Don't share this with anyone. Destroy this, and never tell anyone what I've told you or what you've found out.
I've left other tapes in various places. If you do happen to find another one, give it to somebody you can trust.
This information can't be taken lightly.
An everlasting break from life… We can dream. And hope, and beg, and slave for this concept.
But I'll never get it…