"So, how did it happen this time?" Katara asked as she examined Zuko's broken arm. It was a month after the war ended, and she was staying at the palace with Aang before they started traveling.
"One of the new recruits caught me from behind," he grunted.
Katara looked at him skeptically. "Really? That's the third time this week. You were able to take on five Firebenders at once while we were still healing your scar, but now you can't handle three? Either your recruits are a new class of super-benders, or becoming Fire Lord has made you weak."
Zuko muttered something unintelligible, and Katara dropped the subject. She used her healing powers on his arm, and after putting it through a few tests, deemed it fully healed. "It will still be tender for the next few days, though. We should do another healing session on it tomorrow, just to make sure."
"Thanks, Katara," Zuko said, smiling.
She looked away. "You have to stop doing this," she said softly.
"Doing what?"
"Getting hurt on purpose just so you can come see me!" He winced as her voice cut through the room. "I know that's why you keep getting taken down by the soldiers you're training. Don't try to deny it."
Zuko sighed. "Well, what am I supposed to do? You stopped the healing sessions on my scar, and you refuse to see me otherwise. I wish you would stop hiding from me!"
"I'm not hiding from you, Zuko!" Katara shook her head and lowered her voice. "You know why we can't see each other. I'm with Aang now, and you're with Mai. That's just the way it has to be."
"But it's not what either of us want. Don't our opinions matter?" He grabbed her hands, pleading.
"No," she said harshly, yanking her hands away. "They can't. Not until the world is set right. We've been over this." She raised her hand to caress his cheek. "You're the Fire Lord. Your nation needs to see you leading them into the future, but slowly. Do you really think they'd accept anyone else as Fire Lady besides a Fire Nation noble? Mai is your best choice. You were the one who told me that. Besides, you know that Aang needs me. He defeated Ozai, and saved the world. How could I possibly tell him that I'm in love with you?" Her eyes misted over, but she already resolved not to cry about this.
He rested his hand over hers and closed his eyes. "You and I defeated Azula. We saved the world, too. Why don't we deserve happiness?"
"Because we know that the rest of the world is more important than the two of us."
"In theory, that is a good reason. A great one, even. But it's just not enough for me." He wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "I would make you my world if I could."
Katara leaned up and gave him a lingering kiss. "I know you would, Zuko. But we don't have that luxury. Right here, right now, this is all we can have." All too soon, they heard Aang's voice echoing down the hall. With a final look, Katara swept out of the room, both of them knowing that she could never return as long as Aang needed her. It was just one more duty for which sacrifices had to be made, even if it was the happiness that two people deserved.
Hey, everyone! Wow, it's been a while. But I was watching the last episode of ATLA yesterday (it's already been 3 years since that ended?) when this idea struck me. I hope you enjoy it! Also, thank you in advance to anyone who reviews. While I don't always have time (or remember) to respond, I do read each and every one and they make my day! You guys rock!