Disclaimer: disclaimed

Oh my God it's DONE. PRAISE JESUS.

"I think you're worse at debriefing than Batman," Artemis interrupted dryly. "All I've gotten so far is that Philippe's cologne had a complicated form of chloroform mixed in but he was immune for reasons unknown, he was targeting rich kids for reasons unknown, and even though Kaldur brought him in he is still missing because Shadows broke him out of his prison transport," she paused and raised her eyebrow. "For reasons unknown. Also why are you even debriefing me? You weren't even there!"

"I was running my own op!" Robin answered hastily. "And it's not my fault you just pick out the important details."

"Why me?" she demanded in return. "I'm not rich, my face isn't well-known, and there were two princesses, a millionaire playboy's ward and a duke-to-be at that party, not to mention the rest of the guests! So why'd he go for me?" At Robin's sheepish expression, she sighed. "Let me guess: reasons unknown."

He offered a shrug and a smile. "Got it in one. But we're working on it, and if he was really after you, he could be back."

"Good," Artemis huffed. "I want a rematch." She crossed her arms, ignoring the tightness of her back, where there were more bandages than skin, and leaned back on the soft pillows. "Well, at least I didn't end up in a hospital."

Robin sat down and put his feet on her bed, snickering when the archer shoved them off with a glare. "Yeah; food's much better here. Not to mention the company."

"Yeah, where is M'gann?" she teased.

He shot back, "Funny. Everyone's back at the mountain already, 'cept Wally. You were the only one injured." He smirked.

Artemis threw a (surprisingly comfy) pillow at his head, but of course he caught it easily. "Shut up. And shouldn't Baywatch be over here rubbing my feet or something?"

"Um, why?"

"Because I'm injured, duh."

The Boy Wonder snickered. "Touché. Actually he should be here pretty soon; he told me he was just going to call his mom before you woke up."

She raised her eyebrows. "Wally was…here?"

"Hasn't left your side since he was beamed up," Robin announced cheerfully, "Well, until Flash begged him to call his mom because he was gonna get in trouble for it." He paused and tilted his head minimally to the left. "Gotta go; Bats is calling. See you!" Artemis barely had time to halfheartedly wave before the kid was gone, cackle echoing down the halls."

"I really hate it when he does that," Wally's deadpan voice said. Artemis nearly gave herself a neck crick turning back to the doorway; she had been staring out the window again.

"Nice of you to finally show up," she said primly.

His jaw dropped. "I was gone for less than half an hour and you happened to wake up! It's not my fault!"

Artemis rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "Excuses, excuses."

"Well, do these make up for it?" With a flourish, the ginger presented her with a vase of daffodils, neatly cut and a spot of brightness in the muted room. Artemis, for once, was speechless, but she could feel a faint tinge of red touching her cheeks.

"Thanks," she managed quietly. "That's…really nice of you."

Wally acted nonchalant about it. "Yeah, well, I've been thrown through windows before, so I figured you could use some cheering up."

Silence descended over the room, but it was neither comfortable nor awkward: somewhere in the middle.

"So, um, you like the view?" he asked.

Said view was one of space outside of the Earth's atmosphere: without light pollution, space junk, and wayward light the stars looked like water droplets thrown over the black velvet sky. Artemis didn't see how she could ever get over how magnificent it was. "Yeah, it's…" she faltered.

"Indescribable," Wally murmured, but when she turned back to him, he was staring at her.

So. It's not August...or September...and almost November. OOPS.

Well, it's done now, soooo...yeah. And I'm not very happy with the ending, but as I've mentioned before, tidying things up is not my specialty, so we're just gonna leave it with this. Like with enchanted, I'm leaving this open-ended in case I ever want to revisit it, but nothing's planned so far.

Things that ARE planned: a Waltermis (of course) fic called Friends with Benefits (or, excuses to write makeout scenes). I think you can guess what it's about. And a team fic that should be up soon-ish called Crossfire.

ALSO! New episodes=3 SO. MUCH. WALTERMIS. I love it I love it I love it!

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(but seriously)