It's a bit OOC, just because Taz's accent in the show impaires a bit of the dialogue, so I cut that. Inspired by the "taz gets kidnapped, up has to save her" prompt, so that's kinda where it's going, but that won't show up for a bit.

Taz had a long memory.

She remembered how her dress pulled at her body as she was hanging upside down from the tree at her quincenera. She remembered feeling helpless for the first, and only thus far, time in her life. She still could smell the burning homes as the robots violently killed everyone she knew. She could still picture what the Ranger looked like as he cut her down.

Taz thrashed around in bed, the nightmare that over took her mind returned to the events of her fifteenth birthday. She could smell and see everything perfectly as if she was still there.

"Taz, Taz, wake up," a voice interrupted, shaking her awake. She opened a sleepy eye reluctantly. The man before her resembled the man from her dreams. She groaned.

"Up, what are you doing here?"

"Time for training, come on." She groaned again and rolled over away from where Up was standing, entangling herself into the comforter so that she was cocooned.

"No, I refuse." Suddenly the bed disappeared from beneath her, replaced with a pair of strong arms around her body. Up carried her to the bathroom, depositing her in the shower and leaving her to undress and wash. She emerged after ten minutes, her short hair damp, covered in a towel. Up blushed, hoping that she didn't notice, when he saw how she wasn't wearing much. The towel only reached to halfway down her thighs and as soon as he felt the familiar stirring of desire run through his body, he looked away. It was enough to just see her like that to send electricity through his veins. She dressed in the requisite training camoflauge combat pants and combat boots, but due to her small figure, the only top that would fit her was a white tank top, which she donned. Putting in her signature red bandana, the pair headed to the cafeteria for a short pit stop before walking to the training area.

Taz and Up were always the first in the gym that the Rangers trained in and the last to leave. They were always seen together, the rumors flew but neither paid any attention to them. Taz lit up as she entered the gym, her face splitting into a grin, this was where she felt truly at home and the most comfortable. "Come on, you still owe me a rematch from yesterday!" Taz said, running toward the boxing area.

"You're going down," Up replied tauntingly, grinning cockily. The two quickly set foot onto the mat, circling each other immediately. Taz's first jab just barely grazed Up's messy brown hair. He was at least a head and shoulders taller than her, so it was a feat for her to be able to even reach his hair. But they were seasoned fighters so she was used to it. He had brought her into the Academy, rescuing her from the robots and training her to fight them. He did a one-two jab, then sweeping her legs to send her crashing to the ground. He sat down on top of her and counted,

"One, two, three, four, five-" she hammered at his body to try and get out, but she couldn't. "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" he got off of her then, extending a hand and helping her up. "Nice try." She responded by performing the same sweeping leg movement on him, sending him to the ground. Sitting down on top of him,

"Yeah, it was," she replied, glaring. Up laughed good-naturedly, his entire body shaking. "Taz, you're going to have to teach me some of those moves!" Another voice called out. The two turned to see the others Rangers filing in for training. Even though they'd all graduated from the Academy, all the Rangers on the ship still trained everyday like they were back in the Academy, with Up leading them. Taz got off of Up with a sigh, she liked it much better when they could be alone.