Lexie sighed as she put the last of her clothes in her suitcase. They were leaving in a couple hours and she couldn't help but feel empty inside. She was really going to miss the rainy city and most of all she was going to miss Mark. Sitting down on her bed she couldn't help but think about how great last night had been.

People always said your first time was magical but that couldn't even describe it. It was like the two had become one. He was so gentle, sweet, caring. Having sex wasn't even the best part, it was the way she felt afterwards, lying next to him with his arms wrapped around her, and she felt safe. There was nowhere else in the world she would have rather been.

Then they talked for hours about anything and everything. They talked about their future, there past, there hopes and dreams.

It was the best night of Lexie's life.

"Dreaming of McSteamy?" Meredith asked as she sat down next to her sister.

Lexie quickly snapped out of her thoughts and blushed. "Kinda." She said giving a sheepish grin. When she arrived home last night she woke Meredith up to tell her all about her night.

"Mom said we weren't going to leave for another hour, so if you wanted to you could go see someone for one last time."

Lexie looked up at Meredith grinning. "Really?"

The older sister nodded. Lexie jumped up off the bet and slipped her flip flops on. "I'll be home in an hour."

Lexie happily walked up the front walk of Marks house he shared with Derek with two coffees in hand. Balancing the cups in both hands she knocked on the door. No answer. She looked around the drive way to make sure his car was there. Sure enough it was the only one in the driveway. She knocked again, still no answer. Turning the nob of the front door she let herself in.

Lexie found the house a little two quiet. "Mark?" She asked as she made her way through the living room. That's when she heard a noise in his bedroom. "I brought you a coffee." She said out loud as she walked down the hall. "I wanted to see you one last time before I –"Lexie stopped midsentence in front of the doorway to his bedroom, dropping both coffees onto the ground. Right in front of her where Mark and Addison in a full on lip lock, their bodies all tangled together under the sheets.

The sound of the falling cups must have startled them from their 'activities' because they both jumped like they had been caught stealing the last cookie. "Lexie." Mark said obviously shocked that she was there.

Lexie just shook her head as tears filled her eyes.

Mark jumped out of bed and reached for her arm but she pulled away.

"I never want to see your face again." Lexie told him as she turned around and ran out the door tears falling down her face.

Slamming the car door, Lexie speed out of Marks driveway. She couldn't believe this was happening. She told him she loved him, she gave him her virginity not even twenty four hours ago and this is how he repays her? By sleeping with Addison. She knew there was something going on between the two of them. All summer Addison had been all over him. The tears began to cloud her vision and she didn't realize the car that was coming towards her, driving on the wrong side of the lane.

"My baby." Susan Grey said as she walked into Lexie's small room and wrapped her arms tightly around her.

"I'm fine mom." Lexie told her. Besides a sprained wrist and a nice gash on her head Lexie was going to be fine. The doctor told her she was probably going to be pretty sore for a few days but nothing too bad.

"You had us worried sick." Thatcher said as he kissed her forehead. "We delayed are flight till Thursday."

"No I want to leave now." Lexie told him as tears filled her eyes.

"Lexie the doctors want you to take it easy for the next couple days."

"I don't care. I want to go home."

Susan wiped the tears off Lexie's cheek. "What's wrong sweetie?"

Lexie shook her head. "I just want to go home."

Susan looked at Thatcher then back at Lexie. "Alright I will go fill out your discharge papers while your dad goes and books us our flights."

When both adults left Meredith went and sat down next to her baby sister. Something had obviously happened to make Lexie want to leave Seattle so bad. Lexie had loved Seattle. Unlike her parents who probably thought she was just scared because of the car accident, she knew better.

"Lex, what happened?" Meredith asked as she brushed Lexie's bangs back. Lexie looked up at her big sister with tears in her eyes.

"He cheated on me Mer." Turning to her big sister Lexie buried her head in her shoulder and cried. Meredith wrapped her arms around her and held her as she cried. She couldn't believe that Mark would do something like that to Lexie.

"Are you sure?"

Lexie nodded. "I saw him with Addison."

"Oh Lexie, I'm so sorry." Lexie laid her head back on Meredith's shoulder.

"I told him I loved him. I gave him everything and this is how he repays me? How could he do that to me?"

Meredith didn't know what to say. So instead she just held Lexie while she cried.

Lexie was discharged from the hospital two hours later. Even though her parents wanted to wait to go home Lexie insisted they go. So instead of heading back to the rental house they headed to the airport.

Lexie was quiet the whole trip back home. She slept most of the plane ride and then on the two hour drive home from the airport she pretended she was asleep again. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She just wanted to get home, curl up in her bed cry herself to sleep and pretend that this whole summer didn't happen and that's exactly what she did.

Please don't hate me! There had to be some more drama for the story. But please do not lose faith in me. There will be a happy ending. I can promise you that.
