It was a normal day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The winter season had arrived and most everyone had gone home for the holidays. All that was left of Gryffindor house was James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin (Peter Pettigrew, the last of the Marauders, had gone home for the holidays. Sirius was a bit down that he had no one to do his homework for him).

After the December Quidditch game, the school had exploded with gossip about Lily and James going out (which was true. Well, some of it. Sirius liked to spread a few rumors himself about his best friends). After the big kiss when the game ended, the rumors were sure to be true.

One day, while doing homework, Lily was distracted by the sight of James running his hand through his already untidy hair.

Gah! Lily thought, angrily. Let me do that!

James huffed in frustration and got up to get a book from his dorm. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, James walked towards the boy's staircase. Lily got up right after him, stuffing her quill behind her ear. She blocked his path up the stairs and immediately reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair.

"Er, Lily…" James said, bending his knees and hunching his back a little. "What are you doing?"

"Oh hush. I've wanted to do this for years!" Lily exclaimed to her boyfriend, a large smile on her face.

It took forever for Remus and Sirius to stop laughing.

A.N: Hey guys! First author note ever! Woot! Ahem. I would like to not that the idea for this story, along with some of the lines, came from this drawing on deviantArt. LInkie - .com/gallery/5652956#/d39eu70
Thank you, Autumn