Me: I'm going to make this the last chapter guys so it's going to be really long chapter.

Lydia: it is so that's a warning.

Me: yep I don't own pokemon READ ON!

May's vampire story

Last chapter of the epic story XD

May's POV

So the morning started, and like most mornings, I spent it waking up Dawn and Misty.

"WAKE THE **** UP YOU GUYS OR WE WILL BE LATE" I bellowed at them for being so stupid and still being a sleep.

"FINE" They shouted getting out of bed and rushing for the bathroom door. Misty got there first thanks to her mallet.

"May can I use your bathroom" Dawn pleaded with the cutest face she could put on.

"Here" I said handing her my key.

"YAY YOU IS, THE BEST" Dawn shouted running out the door.

"My friends, what would they do without me" I said sacking my head and walking out the door. I went to see is Amy was up. She and so was Max.

"MAX" Amy shouted/giggled jumping into Max's arms.

I just watched from the door thinking that was the cutest thing ever. if they could go out with each other than why can't me a Drew although I don't think Drew would ever ask me out. I walked away from the door and was about to go back to my room but Drew was like right behind me watching his sister and my brother get together.

"Sorry" I said with a blush and went on back to my dorm.

"You know I'm shocked you didn't fall through the door again" Drew said with a smirk. I think I know why we won't work cause he's a **** face no hart ****.

"Go away Drew I'm too tired right now" I said.

I got back to my room Dawn was finished and looking for Misty. She asked me I said look in her room and she might be there. Dawn went and I got my bag and went after her. We got to Dawns room and opened the door and you would only believe it if you saw it Ash and Misty KISSING!

Then just like Dawn to do, she blurted out "FINELY" but I was thinking it as well I mean we have been waiting forever.

"May Dawn it... it oh yeah it's what it looks like" Misty sighed.

"YAY so when did this happen how why well we know why cause you love each other-" I cut Dawn off to stop her talking.

"If you don't want to you don't have to tell us" I said getting dawn's bag and pulling her out the room.

"Hey Dawn, May what are you doing?" Paul asked.


"Really go Ash didn't think he would do it" Paul said looking at the door "you know May I think that was a good idea to shut Dawn up" Paul finished.

"I thought that to" I smiled.

"You want me to shut up well I don't want to so bla bla bla bla bl-" Paul cut her off with a kiss what was with everyone today but I guess there all really excited.

"Bye guys" I said as Paul and Dawn where kissing. "Oh and where going in like 10 minutes so be quick" I said they nodded and went on with the kiss.

Well what should I do everyone all doing something so I'm kind of alone.

I kept walking down the corridor and was about to reach Drew's room but he came out holding almost all the stuff for the camping.

"Drew don't you think that's a bit much" I said taking some stuff of the top off the pile he was holding.

"Well I have to everyone's to buzzy to help" Drew said seeming not bothered at all.

"You could have asked me you know that I won't be doing anything" I said thinking back to all my friends being buzzy.

"What about Misty and Ash?" Drew said as we walked out of the door and going to the main door to get to the coach.

"They were kissing when we walked into Dawn and Misty's room" I said as I opened the main door and let Drew out.

"Good for Ash he's been waiting for a long time" Drew said walking out the door.

"Same for Misty" I smiled.

We got to the coach it happens that everyone had already sorted it out like really early. So we were the last to put are stuff on the coach. We got everything on and the overhead speakers boomed out.


"So errrm May you want to sit together on the coach you know cause everyone else is you know" Drew asked and did I sense a bit of shyness there better sound like I'm not at all.

"Sure but you have to promise not to annoy me or make fun of me" I said standing tall.

"Alright" Drew said walking to the coach.

"Pinky swear" I said holding out my pinky.

"Really pinky swear?" Drew said looking at me as if I was a 2 year old.

"Pinky swears mean everything" I said "to me they do even more than the promise of an oak tree leaf falling in autumn".

"Fine" Drew said doing the pinky swear I gave him a sweet smile and dragged him on the coach.

"So where should we sit?" I said looking around "Oh what about the back" I asked.

"May I may be popular but I'm not that popular to get us at the back the oldest sit there" Drew said to me I thought he was that popular. "How about 4 rows from the back" Drew said.

"I have nothing wrong with that" I said taking the seat next to the window.

"So witch couple do you think will come first 5 quid" Drew asked me.

"Amy and Max" I said.

"Misty and Ash I think Misty's going to drag Ash by the ear" Drew said that could be a possibility.

For a split second I saw Drew's eyes go red inside I did freak out but I stayed calm. "What's up" I asked.

"I lost" Drew said with a fake pout I went into angel state for I second and smelt Max and Amy.

"YES HA cough it up" I said Drew passed me the 5 quid "I can get like 3 lunches for this sweet" I smiled.

"Hey Amy Max How's the youngest couple doing" Drew mocked.

"Shut it Drew" Max spat.

"Hooo angel got a bit of a bite" Drew countered.

"Drew shut up Max can be really scary when he's mad" I said thinking back to a scary time.

"Fine who next" Drew asked.

"Dawn and Paul" I said.

"Same" Drew said.

"Ash and Misty" Both Max and Amy said.

"You do know this is a bet for money" Drew said.

"Yep got 5 quid right here" Max said holding up some money.

"Dam it here" Drew said I passed my money as well. One thing Drew did get right was that Misty was dragging Ash in by the ear and so the bus journey began Max and Amy where on the row across from us Misty and Ash in front Paul and Dawn behind it was pretty fun lots of games and laughing if that's just the coach ride what will the trip be like.

"Ok All off and remember tent first play second" the teacher said we all got off and Misty and Ash found a good place to set up it was on a small hill kind of thing like flat but slops down to another field there was also a tree there that had some rope on it like a swing.

Max and Amy went to locate toilets and stuff we might need to know.

Dawn and Paul went and registered us all in.

And me and Drew once again having to take all the stuff. "So Drew what was it like not being annoying to me" I asked with a smile.

"Not the worst thing in the world" Drew shrugged. We got to the place Misty and Ash told us about they had gone with Amy and Max to find the toilets.

"So should we start to set up or wait for the others" I asked I mean I'm really good with tents so it wouldn't be that bad to set everything up.

"Do it now everyone else is buzzy" Drew said getting all the pegs and poles "Errrm do you know how to do this" Drew asked.

"You just do the blow up matrasses and stuff leave the big boy stuff up to me" I said with I smirk.

"…..No comment" Drew said getting the air pump and doing as told. I started to laugh at that he looked so funny.

"Ok so I get this pole and thread it though here then cross this pole over here to make one pod wait why are there like 4 there were only meant to be 2…oh well right let's do the main bit Hey Drew can you hold this for me" I asked.

"Sure" Drew got hold of the other end as I thread the pole though I did the other 4 pods and put it all together. "That was quick" Drew announced.

"Yes Drew it was can you put the air matrasses in the pods so I can get the middle bit done" I asked.

"Ok" Drew said dragging the 4 blow up matrasses in the tent I got a blow up conch and put it in the living area and some cloths and a table and the gas cooker.

"Done good I'm tired" I said collapsing on the blow up couch.

"You should I mean look at this place you did it mostly on your own good job Maple" Drew said sitting next to me.

"Hey how the hell did you guys get all this done so quickly" Misty asked walking in with the rest.

"I'm very good with tents" I smiled.

"Right so who wants to go to the carney" I said looking egger to do something. They all nodded and we went. We found a place that looked amazingly fun rides, food shows, food go carts MORE FOOD.

By this time it was close to sunset like maybe an hour or less so me Amy, Dawn and Misty went to the go carts the boy's went on the biggest ride they could find.

"GET GOING DAWN OR I WILL CRASH INTO YOU" Misty yelled with her mallet in hand.

"THIS IS MY FIRST TIME OK" Dawn shouted back failing with the stirring wheel.

"Dawn just press down on the peddle and move the wheel" I said.

"WHOO! MAY I'LL RACE YOU 3 2 1 GO!" Amy shouted at me.
"HEY YOU HAD A HEAD START!" I shouted going after her.

We did many things without the boys like we did the spinning tea cups XD the tramples oh and we did that thing where the person draws you with a big head we did a group picture and that's where we meet up with the boys and that's where we separated I was left with Drew.

"So what you want to Drew" I asked.

"I want to go on that big ride again want to come?" Drew asked.

"As long as it doesn't make me poo myself Sure" I smiled Drew did to see the joke there.

We went and it was really big but I think it would be fun. Drew somehow got me to sit at the front and I would have peed myself if it wasn't for Drew holding my hand but I don't think he realized he did but it calmed me down.

The last thing we went on was the ferries wheel I got Drew to come on although he really didn't want to I had to drag him on. It ends up that Misty, Ash, Dawn, Paul, Amy and Max all got on as well just in different pods.

"Looks like the sunset's just about to end" I said looking out the window.

"Yeah shame really the sunset is really nice" Drew said sitting next to me.

"Well at least we can see the comet soon" I said looking at Drew.

"You know I've never seen a comet even after all this time of being here" Drew said.

"Really same I would have seen one but I fell asleep as it was happening" I said with a sheepish smile.

"That's so you" Drew laughed.

"Ant it just" I laughed as well all the lights went off and the wheel stopped us right at the top and some lights went up to the sky hitting the comet to make everyone look.

"Wow look at that" I said with my hands on either side of me looking out the window.

Drew toke my hand and pulled me close to him and without warning he kissed me so after everything that's happened he did like me I joined in and inside of me I felt like a hole in my life be filled the part that say's I've done something I shouldn't have but I loved that it happened I just knew at that moment we were meant to be.

So the first angel family and vampire family to be completely together and the first time an angel and vampire lived together in harmony.

Life went on me and Drew got married had two kids Melody and Jayden. Dawn And Misty came round Meany times to help out.

Dawn and Paul, Misty and Ash got married to and had 1 kid each Dawn gave birth to Libra. Misty gave birth to Leo.

Amy and Max are married but yet waiting for a child.

And so, from start to finish

My vampire story

Love May

Me: so that's it guys finely finished thank you all that help me reviewed and special thanks to TreatyBirdCage and Monochrome13for reading all the way through and ponyiowa who helped me with a miss hap