Bonjour! Hello y'all, been a while hasn't it? Well, no need to fear because here I am though yes, I do still feel a little icky from the cold I'm suffering from. Sorry for the wait chickas!

Dedication: I would be honoured to dedicate this chapter to kie1993 ( I am very glad you like it honey!), KeepingPaceTalkingHisFaceBlue ( You worship this story? This story worships it's readers love. Remember, without you and the other readers/reviewers, there would probably be no story but thank you anyway!) and alyssa love. ( As always, I must thank you for giving me my very first review, for allowing me to name Luna's child after you and for reviewing every chapter.)

Please accept these cookies...

(::) (::) (::)

Please enjoy!

" Luna! How long are you going to take?" The doctor yelled from the other side of the large wardrobe door. Rolling my eyes at him, I carried on putting my dark wash denim shorts on before moving to help our little girl do the same thing. According to my goofy, bow tie wearing husband, we wouldn't need them as Space Florida was supposedly at it's hottest since the beginning of the planet. How lovely that we chose to go on that particular day with Rory, Amy and Melody. So, despite the heat, I wanted to wear my shorts because I didn't feel comfortable wearing the deep blue bikini that was chosen by my best friend. Apparently, it would make my husband ' gape like a fish' in her words. Personally, I didn't see how but the frilly little one Alyssa was wearing looked completely adorable!

Now, another reason I wasn't comfortable was because I wasn't the thinnest women in the universe. Ever since I had given birth to my beautiful daughter, I couldn't seem to shift the extra few pounds. In the few years since bringing our child into the world, I had gone from a size 14 to a size 16 and gained 4lbs as well. Of course, I was a little more chubby around the stomach area but admittedly, the good side was me going up a cup size due to excess breast milk. The only thing which confused me was that we basically ran for a living! About 10 hours of our week consisted of running from monsters, chasing a 3 year old around or dancing around the console like a couple of headless chickens so why wasn't I losing it!

However, bad sides have good sides and as the doctor had been commenting on how 'healthy' I looked and how 'attractive' he found the extra weight, I found myself beginning to adjust to it.

" We won't be much longer now love. Why don't you go get us all a descent spot with Rory, Amy and Mel? You could even set up the umbrella!" I yelled back with a smile while I put on the matching denim hat on my baby's head, hiding most of her brown curls from sight. After putting mine up with a ribbon, I balanced her on my hip so I could take a good look at our reflection in the mirror, making sure nothing was wrong. The bikini I wore was a little tight around the chest area, causing them to push up slightly but a thin cotton shirt solved that problem.

Alyssa was wearing a frilly baby's two piece in the same shade of deep blue as mine. The hat which sat on her head was enough to keep her protected from the sun but I knew I'd have to put some factor 70 on so she wouldn't burn. Her hat and bikini, when paired with her matching dolly shoes, made her look cute with a capital C. With a wink to my daughter, I grabbed the wicker beach bag which held everything we might possibly need. Thinking about it, the TARDIS would only be a dozen or so feet away, parked in the parking lot but its better to be safe then sorry.

I mean honestly, you never know when you might need a green rubber duck or banana, do you?

Once it was resting securely on my shoulder, I grabbed Alyssa's plushy. Trust me, if you saw it, you'd know who bought her it. In my opinion, every child needs a toy whom they can speak to and be friends with. My idea was something cute like a rabbit or kitten. However, her daddy had other plans. You see, one movie night ( a tradition which will never die out if I have anything to do with it.) the doctor decided that we should watch something other then Disney films. Allow me to tell you this, I wish I never agreed with him! He put on alien, thinking it would be funny. Well, me and Amy pooped ourselves but Alyssa decided to like the face hugger thing. This lead to my idiotic husband buying her a little plushy toy of it which she will not leave behind. I know what you're thinking... your husband is an idiot. Yes. I agree whole heartedly but she loves it so I can't get rid of the damn thing.

When we walked out, the sunlight hit us so I quickly placed my hand over her eyes in an attempt to protect them. Like her father, Ali loved to stare at shiny objects or anything that glowed. Great when it's something like stars or a distant planet in pretty colours but when it's a huge sun and it's twin? Not good.

Luckily, it didn't take me long to spot the pair of huge multicoloured umbrellas, one with a pair of legs poking from under it. Recognising the pale legs of the doctor, I adjusted Ali then darted towards them. How lucky was I that I didn't decide to fall over at that moment? Pretty darn if you ask me.

" Ah! There they are. What took you so long?" The doctor asked, standing up to take Alyssa from my arms and plant a kiss on my lips though when I tried to take it further, he simply backed up with a knowing look before gesturing to his right. Following it with my eyes, I saw the huge sign beside the beach.


Damn the damn sign! Was it really necessary to put it there? Pouting, I sat down on the towel but when I did this, our little girl began squirming in her father's arms, trying to get to me. Smirking, I grabbed her and plopped her on my lap. Yes, she was a mummy's girl... most of the time. Whenever we went out anywhere, she wanted to be with me but when we were in the TARDIS, she was practically super glued to her father's leg. It was cute... if not a little bit annoying at time. Especially when I had to go and get her which usually resulted in tears. The doctor's, not Alyssa's, because he'd end up with small scratch marks where she tried to stay clinging on.

" W-Water". She gurgled cutely, pointing to the vast blue ocean while I was busy rubbing sun cream on her delicate skin. Her eyes seemed to be glued to Melody and her parents who were splashing around in the sea like huge children. Nodding, I carefully took her arm and generously covered it in the cool cream.

" Right you are sweetheart. See Lu? She'll be flying the TARDIS and saving planets in no time!" my husband boasted proudly, his chest puffing out like a peacock. Rolling my eyes, I jumped to my feet and began walking us both to the water where our friends were but a warm hand on my shoulder stopped me. Looking back, he shook the bottle in his hand at me.

" Don't think you can go in the water without some of this on either love. You'll come out as red as a Racnoss at Christmas time.". Closing my eyes briefly, I tapped into the TARDIS part of me, curious as to what a Racnoss actually was. Want to know what I found out? It's a big spider thing... that's red.. got hairy legs... and like 8 eyes. In a word? FREAKY! So, if it was a possibly that I was going to resemble that in anyway, I was going to be covered in sun lotion until not a spot of me was showing. I quickly jogged to the water, asking Amy to keep an eye on my daughter before dashing back to my alien who was lounged on the towel, waiting with a somewhat sinister smile on his face. If his eyes weren't sparkling with laughter, I'd have been worried.

Just as I was about to take the cream from out of his hand, he shook his head, smirking.

" There is no way you'll be able to get everywhere on your back by yourself. So if you take off your shirt and shorts love, I'll be able to do it for you.". With a sigh, I quickly removed the articles of clothing, revealing the cursed bathing suit which didn't cover a lot though he didn't seem to care that much. All he did was sit back with his legs open, beckoning me to sit between them so I did though I made sure that my back wasn't touching his body. If I did, he wouldn't be able to reach it. Then, while he applied it to my back, I applied it to my front and my legs. As it said on the sign, it was a family resort and if I had let him touch me any more then necessary, we would end up scarring some little kid for life.

When he finished, I forced him to lie down and applied it to him as well which... unlike me... didn't end very well. You see, Melody walked over to get a drink from her water bottle and saw something.

" Uncle Doctor... why do you have your sonic screwdriver in your swimming trunks?". The question so innocent.. the tone so confused... his reaction so funny that I couldn't stop myself from practically wetting my pants with laughter. His face turned bright red while she simply stared at him, excepting an answer to her question. Taking pity, I decided to save him.

" You see honey, you never know when you're going to need it. Especially around here. Did you know that an umbrella could go wild and eat someone? So he had to scan all the umbrellas which is why it's in his pocket.". In my mind, I couldn't help but repeat the thought ' please don't notice that he has no pockets. Please don't realise he has no pockets.' over and over again. Luckily, she accepted the answer and skipped back over to the water, completely unaware and satisfied with the lies. Good.

With a quick kiss on his cheek and a cheeky grin, I ran over to go play in the water with everyone, deciding to allow him chance to cool his passions before joining us which didn't take very long. He jumped in, splashing though making sure that none hit Alyssa who looked rather content with poking a crab, her plushy clutched tightly in her spare hand. Her daddy joined in, chuckling when it scuttled over to her, only to be poked and scuttle back over to him. I watched on in amusement, wondering how they weren't bored but I just decided it was a time lord thing. Simple things amuse simple minds and though their minds were far from simple.. the saying remained the same.

" You know Lu, your hair isn't wet yet." Rory commented casually. Looking over, I nodded with a smile.

" I know. I'm quiet happy actually. It'll go all frizzy which wouldn't be a good thing.". If only I had watched him carefully. If I hadn't taken my eyes off of him, I might have had a chance but he scooped me up in his arms, pausing only to call my daughter's name before chucking me back into the water. When I hit it, I couldn't help but gasp slightly as I plunged underneath. Then, when I popped up, Ali began clapping happily.

" Mummy's like a mermaid! Pretty mermaid with long hair!".

As the day went on, our fun only seemed to grow until the inevitable happened and Alyssa got sleepy. Picking her up from the towel we'd been laid on to watch the suns set, I rested her against my hip while helping the doctor collect up our things. Seeing that he had trouble putting the parasol down, I handed the precious child over and did it myself. I didn't want it to result in a fight between him and an inanimate object like it had with the microwave while trying to make popcorn.

Me and Amy had set to work putting the children to bed while the guys went off and did whatever they wanted. To say it was difficult to change my baby into her pyjamas would've been a lie as she was practically out for the count, meaning I could manoeuvre her however I needed. Within 10 minutes, she was dressed in a pair of yellow footsie pyjamas and tucked beneath the sheets of her bed. The room was filled with soft snores and sighs though when I was about to leave, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

" Isn't she beautiful?" I asked him, knowing who it was without looking. He nodded his head then moved it to rest on my shoulder.

" Just like her mummy but she seems to be growing up too fast. It only felt like yesterday when you were waddling around, complaining that we'd ran out of peanut butter."

" Hey! You should have kept stocked up then."

" Well you should have rationed it out."

" Believe me love, when you're pregnant and your little girl is demanding peanut butter, you can't deny her, no matter how hard you try... not like you can deny her anything now."

" I know." he murmured softly. We ended up standing there for a while after that, simply looking down at our little bundle of joy and time seemed to fly around us.

Please Review.

Also, if you like Willy Wonka, Please check out my newest story called ' Life has never been sweeter since...'. It has a similar format to this one! Thank you!

Love you all. x x x