This is the Remake of what used to be Horseman's Glory. The chapters are recycled and rewritten to be longer and things are changing that may affect the story. The writing has been revamped and things are better. It has been written in a style that Outbreak is part of.
The Horseman Chronicles
A young blonde boy that went by the name of Uzumaki Naruto ran through the streets of the village, trying desperately to get away from the mob of dangerous villagers who were out for his innocent life. He heard the roars and screams for his death closing in on him and he tried to run even faster. The whole time, he hoped and hoped that the old Hokage that had always protected him would come and save him from their wrath once more. His musings were cut very short as he came to a stop at the large gate that separated him from the Forest of Fire.
He was absolutely terrified on both fronts that he was faced with. On one end he would face a horrific beating unlike he had known before and on another angle he would be treading into unknown territory. He trembled as he was torn in his thoughts. 'I have to get away...they're coming for me! I have to run! I have to get away...'
Naruto was torn form his fearful thoughts by the sounds of the closing mob and he began to shiver in fear. He looked to his right and saw that the Chunnin guards were not at their regular post and were probably drunk at some bar. He tried to steel himself as he thought his decision to himself. 'I don't have a choice...I have to run! I need to get away from here! I need to get out of this village!
With his mind made up, Naruto ran into the thick and nearly suffocating darkness of the forest. He ran and ran, not stopping nor daring to look back in, fearing that they would be right behind him ready to grab at him. Naruto ran for nearly an hour and he soon felt his ribs beginning to throb from the pain of running for so long. The young blonde came to a stop beside a dead tree and sat down to let his legs rest.
As he sat down with his back against the tree, Naruto began to cry as he realized what was happening to him. 'They...they finally ran me out...they finally got what they wanted. They're probably celebrating right now in some sick bar talking about how their lives are easier now that I'm gone. Why, though...why don't they want me...why?'
As his tears fell to the ground in a pool, Naruto had failed to notice the sign that was etched into the trees around him. They were something that looked like a symmetrical carving of four horses and they all began to glow with a faint light as he cried to no one. As the glow faded away, the bark of the tree began to peel away where he sat, revealing that it was hollow. Naruto was too late to notice it until he had fallen through the hollow tree.
His screams echoed all around him as Naruto fell into darkness. He tried to convince himself that it was a good thing, though; that maybe death would be his release from his cursed life. He was not lucky as he neared the end, and a light began to glow beneath him, showing that there was actually something underneath him.
As he fell into the light, he was sure that he would hit the ground and become nothing more than a splatter for someone to clean up or leave to fester in the humid air, but once more he was surprised as he landed softly in the center of a if someone were lowering him themselves.
As he stood up inside of the cave, Naruto felt an ancient and almost fearful power wash over his body. He kneeled down, as if to bow down to the demanding presence of the power residing in the cave. As it washed over his form, he failed to notice just what the ancient energy was coming from.
On the far side of the underground cave stood four doors and on each side there were torches. On the one door to the far left, there was a carving of a large symmetrical raven that adorned its smooth rock surface. On the one to the right of it was a carving of a very intricately designed pistol, though he knew not what it truly was.
To the right on the next door there was another carving but it was that of a scale with the left plate holding a human heart and the right plate holding what looked like a pile of gold, apparently to show that money was worth more than a human life. Wrapped around the scale seemed to be some sort of fiery whip. The final door was very intricately carved, showing that whoever had done it took great pride in their work. It held a carving of a glorious scene of war. People were torn apart and dried blood decorated the door as well, giving a very dark, brownish hue.
When Naruto was finally able to pick his head up from the overwhelming power, he was able to look around and he noticed the doors. He stood up, still feeling the power flowing around him, and approached the doors. As he did, a voice, evil and raspy, broke the silence like a finely sharpened blade. " would seem that the ever powerful Four Horsemen have finally found the one who shall wield their power." Naruto stopped dead in his tracks, turning to where he heard the voice behind him. The thing that he came to face was possibly the most horrific thing that he had ever seen.
It was a demon, or at least, that's what he was sure that it was. It had what looked like six horns on his head. Four small ones near the crown-like decoration on his head on either side and two large ones on either side of his head as well. He had large, gnarled teeth and his eyes were very…ominous with their evil blue glow. He floated on a misty substance that completely replaced his legs. He wore no shirt to cover his deeply scarred chest and wore a tunic-type robe around his waist that probably hid the stump where his legs used to be. On his right hand was a claw-like thing that looked to be very deadly if it were to be used as a weapon. His left hand was pretty regular except for the gnarled claws that decorated its fingers. On his waist hung a blue orb thing that had faces of terror swimming around in its open space and a curved horn hung beside it.
Naruto looked over the creature with fear and he began to tremble again. "Who...w-who are you?" The creature pulled his hand back to feign his shock and awe at the question. "Why…you haven't heard of me? This is terrible, though it is not a big surprise to me. Well Vulgrim...I am nothing more than a humble merchant and a procurer of…things. But this moment in time is not about me…this is about you, young one. It would seem that since you have not been brutally torn apart by the pure, raw power that resides within this place then you must obviously be the mortal that has been prophesized to appear millennia ago when the Third Kingdom was recreated."
Naruto, being the five year old that he was, did not know what the demon merchant meant with his words. "What do you mean?" Vulgrim smirked making him look even more evil than before, as if he knew something that Naruto didn't…which, of course, he did. "I mean, quite clearly I might add, that you are the Child of the Prophecy. Millennia ago, as I said, a child was prophesized to take up the mantel of the now deceased Horsemen."
The boy still couldn't quite grasp what was being said. "Who were the Horsemen?" Vulgrim chuckled as he readied himself for the lesson to the young blonde. "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...they were the enforcers of a great and powerful entity known only as the Charred Council. They had one job and that was to ride forth at the End of Days and punish the wicked for their crimes. But...everything had happened too early and one of the Horsemen was framed for the crimes of a fallen angel. He was cast from the Council back to Earth to redeem his name. He eventually did, but in reparation for what he'd done, he needed the help of me and another."
Naruto was still confused to no end. "Who was the other?" The boy's hardheadedness was beginning to irk Vulgrim, but he continued. "The other was a demon that went by the name of Samael. He tricked the framed Horseman, War, into setting him free from his eternal prison. Samael was a tricky little cur until the seventh seal was broken. This action called forth the other Horsemen and brought War back to life after he had been killed by Heaven's Champion, Uriel. They fought Samael for nearly a century until they were eventually able to use their combined power to overpower him and imprison him once more, but this in turn destroyed most of their bodies. All throughout their journey, I was there. I was the one who gave them the power to do what they did. As I once helped them, I shall help you…for a price."
Naruto looked down as he heard the demon merchant speak. "I don't have any money to give you...the villagers took everything from me before they started running me out of the village." Once more the demon merchant smirked with his dark chuckle. "I do not use your world's money, young child. In Hell, the demons true currency is the souls of humans and angels. They are souls of the damned that have been sealed away into many different things. I can give you the sight that is required to see these souls, but in return, though, you will bring me souls to feed my hunger. If you do this then I will open the doors for you. Feed my hunger and I'll feed your curiosity."
At hearing this, Naruto turned with a smile as he tried to run out of the cave but came into contact with a wall. He fell to the ground rubbing his head until suddenly the wall opened up to an open area covered with roots that came from the ceiling. He then felt a strange power enter his head. When he heard a voice, he was about to flip out. 'Do not worry yourself too much, child. I am simply speaking with you through the mental link we established when you looked into my eyes. This comes with many advantages, allowing me the ability to give you certain things passively such as me giving the power of Soul Seeing to you. It is strictly a passive ability and you shall see all of the souls of the damned that wander the earth. I would not be surprised if you ran into some right now since you are staring into what used to be the ancient Forest of the Damned. Souls roam this area, constantly in torment. As you find the souls, be sure to draw them in using your Soul Gatherer.'
Naruto thought back. 'What is a Soul Gatherer?' 'The Soul Gatherer is your arm. Everyone in the world has the ability to use it but none know how to utilize it besides the demons and the angels. You are supposed to channel you demonic power into your arm and it will do the rest for you. Soon the ability may even become a simple thing for you, child.'
As Naruto looked around, he saw what Vulgrim was talking about as he watched the souls of the dead float everywhere around him. He walked forward into the rooted area and everywhere he looked there were souls, souls, souls and more souls. He tried to visualize some foreign demonic energy filling into his arm and apparently it succeeded in filling him because the souls began to shoot towards him at an alarming rate. He cringed for the impact but felt only ecstasy as they coursed through his arm and into his body. He moaned with pleasure and was barely able to speak. "!"
As he tried his best to control himself, he heard a chuckle in the back of his mind. 'Hmhmhmhm...I see that you can feel the embrace of these tormented souls. It feels nice, does it not? It makes you want more?' Naruto moaned as he tried to answer.'Yes…it just...feels so...good. It feels like Heaven on Earth!'
As Naruto was soon on his knees in pleasure, he heard Vulgrim's voice again.'I understand that this is your first but do not worry yourself over these pathetic souls, though. After you bring them to me and open the doors…you will have the strength to gather far tastier souls. Mmmm...the younger ones…they're the far more…delectable ones...I hope you found some...'
Naruto then realized that the souls were almost all gone and willed the energy to leave his arm. He then ran back into the cave as the wall closed up behind him and the feeling of power embraced him with warm arms once more. He looked around and once again came face to face with the demon merchant who had his sickening smile plastered to his face. "You have done very well, child. Feed my hunger...and the doors shall be opened to you!"
Naruto imagined a sort of pushing force on his arm and the souls flew out of his palm and into Vulgrim's mouth. He then heard Vulgrim's chuckle again as his eyes widened from the taste. " found…some of the younger ones…mmmm…spectacular! Barely...barely even a month old…so young…so pure!" He then regained his composure as spoke. "Very well! You have held up your end of our little bargain. It would be a shame if I were to cheat you on your end, wouldn't it?"
Vulgrim turned to the four stone doors and waved his hand and they began to shake. They all soon opened with loud scraping sounds echoing over the cave. When they were wide open, Vulgrim spoke again. "Seeing how young you are, you'd do very well to stay here with me until you come to an appropriate age that you can graduate the academy."
Naruto looked about to speak out but the merchant cut him off. "Yes…I know of your world's ninja villages and your academy students with their pathetic little training exercises. I may not dally in your daily lives but I do watch them with a great interest. I've seen the beatings that you've suffered through; I've seen the council meetings contemplating on what they were going to do with you...asking themselves whether or not they should kill you or turn you into a weapon for their use. That old man that you've looked up to for so long...he's no better than they are. You are dead to them. Stay here, my child, learn the ways of the Horsemen, then we shall send you back to that God forsaken place with all of their power. There you will make a reputation for yourself as the punisher of all the sinners and the destroyer of the wicked! All of those who have sinned against you shall bow at your feet begging for a mercy that shall not come for them! Will you accept my offer? Will you remain here with me and become stronger?"
Naruto thought long and hard with his head beginning to hurt. 'He's right, everyone wants me gone and they were finally able to get rid of me...but...I just saved Hinata-chan from kidnapping the other month and she's just now starting to come out of her shell. I can't...I can't leave her...can I? No...I'm not leaving her...I'm going away...this is a training trip! I'm going away to get stronger for her! This is perfect! I can...but...what if will happen to her while I'm away...don't fear for her...get stronger for her! I'll do it!' Naruto looked at the demon merchant with a serious look on his face. "Fine…I'll stay and become stronger...for Hinata-chan..."
Vulgrim looked ready to burst with excitement as he heard the boy's conviction. "Ohohohoooo...EXCELLENT! must enter the first door...and claim the soul...of Death!" He pointed to the door that had had the raven on it and Naruto narrowed his eyes in determination as he walked forward into it.
The room itself was generally empty except for the black pedestal that sat in the middle of the room, shrouded in a dim light that came from something that sat upon the pedestal. He cautiously approached it and stepped into the light. Behind him, he heard the scraping of the door and he turned to see it close shut. He wasn't worried, though, and turned back to the pedestal that glowed with an ethereal light. On the platform there was a black mist that had a very dark feeling about it to Naruto.
He stared at the mist until he finally decided to reach out to it. He was fine until he hand touched it and the mist instantly shot into his right arm and his skin instantly paled to a deathly pallor. Naruto then felt a searing pain in his head and tried to scream out, but found that he could make no sounds. He fell to his knees in pain as he clutched his head and a voice invaded his mind. The very sound of it made Naruto's blood run cold from the sheer iciness of it. 'You who have taken my soul, the Soul of Death...what is your name?'
Naruto had to groan in order to fight through the pain as he spoke out loud. "!" The voice made no sound until it spoke again. 'You are handling the pain rather well for one so young, Naruto-san. I'm sorry...but you'll have to go through it just a little longer. You see...I am testing you, in a sense. I am going through your memories to decide whether you are worthy to take my power. You will go through the exact same procedure with my brothers and sister if you pass my test. If you cannot pass this test then your body will reject all of our souls and your body will crumble to ash. Do you understand?'
Naruto kept his mouth shut, afraid that he would scream out in pain. As the minutes passed while Death administered his test, Naruto could see images flashing through his mind. These images were of his past when he was being beaten...images of when he was in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital. His disgust grew more and more with each memory and Death was faring no better than he was.
After what Felt like an eternity, the pain subsided and Death came to his mind once more. 'This life that you have gone through, is without a doubt one of the most horrific things that I have seen done to a child so young. It is sickening that they would do this to have passed my test Naruto. I was looking to see whether or not you had the ability to face death...and it seems that you have come close to it plenty of times. My power of Causa Mortis, the form of the Grim Reaper and my personal weapon, the Harvester are now yours to wield. Use them to defend those whom cannot defend themselves...Otōto...'
Naruto opened his eyes as he heard the last word of Death in his mind. He stood up and soon heard the door beginning to open. He turned and walked from the room to see Vulgrim floating where he had been before he went in. He spared Vulgrim a single nod to show that he had succeeded and the demon merchant smirked in surprise. 'The boy has been able to pass Death's test...but now he must pass Strife's...'
Naruto walked into the next room and the door did the same as the last, shutting while he walked towards a sickly green pedestal that looked to be crumbling to pieces, barely holding up the yellow mist that floated above it. He walked up and was about to stick his hand to it until he remembered the pain and tried to prepare himself for it. When he was mentally ready, he touched the mist and it shot into his arm once more.
As time passed, he did not feel any pain, but he began to feel a cold sweat break out on his forehead and he suddenly became nauseous. It took all of his willpower to not throw his guts up all over the floor. He doubled over cradling his stomach when he heard the next voice come to his head. ' have passed my brothers test, eh? You must be very familiar with death...and you're so young! You must be one of those really twisted little fucks, huh? You like to chop people up into little itty bitty pieces, boy?'
Naruto was unable to control himself as the images of brutalized people made their ways into his mind. He heaved his stomachs contents onto the floor and groaned when the spewing finally ended. 'Hmmm...weak stomach? Oh well...I guess I should administer my test then...this'll take a bit. Chill in that little puddle of bile while I'm going through your head, okay?'
Naruto was happy that the voice of Strife left his mind, but he couldn't help but still feel sick when he tried to stand up straight. He stayed bent over as he tried to speak to no one. "Damn...this...*cough*...this really hurts...I hope he doesn't take too long..." As if angels were watching him, Naruto was finally having something go his way as he heard the voice of Strife while the sickness subsided. ''ve had one seriously fucked up life...people have put you through so much...yet deep inside of your mind you still want to prove yourself to them. You have faced the strife...the bitter conflict and the undeniable hate. I got to admit...I thought you were a pussy at first...but you apparently have a strong will. You have clearly earned the right to use my power of form of Vengeance is now yours to control...and my guns, Mercy and Vengeance, are yours to wield. You better not fuck this up kid...because if you do then I'll be the first to bite back.'
Naruto acknowledged the threat and got up, though still sweating from the sickness that he had suffered through. He turned and walked to the now open door and stood at the entrance while he stared sickly at Vulgrim. The merchant simply kept his smirk as he crossed his arms, watching Naruto walk up to the next door. 'This boy...he is definitely the one of the prophecy. He has been able to pass Death and Strife's tests...Fury should be an easy pass for him...but War...he will definitely get into it with the child...'
Naruto walked into the next door and was honestly afraid of what he would be subjected to with this mist. As he entered, the door closed again and he saw a purple pedestal with a purple and very sparkly mist floating above it. For some reason, when he saw it he wasn't afraid of actually seemed nice. He smiled a little as he went up and carefully pushed his hand into it. It didn't shoot into his hand as it had done before. Instead it gently and calmly was absorbed into his skin.
As a feeling of warmth washed over him, Naruto then heard a very soft and feminine voice come to his head. 'So our host has finally come to claim us, has he? I was wondering when you would show up, master.' Naruto chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Uh...heheh...well...I'm no one's master..." The voice laughed warmly at this, causing Naruto to blush at the sound. 'I can tell have the potential to be a true leader. You are humble and know your have faced the fury, I'm sure. I do not need to go through your memories to know that you are capable enough to wield my powers. You will receive my powers of Donec Felis and you will gain a modified version of my Judgment form to fit your future manly physique. You will also be bestowed my weapon, Nullam Nunc; a whip forged by the great Ulthane, also known as the Black Hammer.'
Naruto nodded in thanks and blushed at the comment on his future looks. He turned as the warmth left his body and the door began to open behind him. As he walked through he saw Vulgrim rolling his eyes. 'Fury never could find the heart to judge another even though it was technically her job...but now...the youngling faces the most brutal of all the Horsemen...the Rider of the Red Horse...War...and his encounter with him will be far different than the others.'
Naruto turned from the demon and made his way to the final door. He remembered what was on the door and feared what he would be walking into. As he passed through the doorway, the stone door immediately slammed shut, leaving Naruto in a room that smelled of blood and gore. He looked to the center of the room and found that there was no pedestal and no mist to touch. He looked around but failed to notice the ominous set of blue eyes that stared at him from afar, glaring a hole into his form.
Naruto soon felt the gaze and turned to it, finally seeing the eyes and he began to shiver in fear as a cold and indifferent voice spoke up. "You who have come into my chamber...speak your name this instant!" Naruto gulped as he tried his best to shrink in on himself. "M-m-m-my name is...Uzumaki N-N-Naruto, sir..." The way that the eyes in the darkness moved made it look as if the person had raised an eyebrow. "Are you afraid, Uzumaki-san?"
Naruto gulped again as he nodded his head and the man chuckled dryly, making the young blonde scared even more. "You who have been able to pass my sister and brother's fear me? Why is that? Is it because I hold a shape of some sort? Is it because I can actually harm you?" The young boy felt tears coming to burn his eyes as he nodded and tried to back up to the door. The man just narrowed his eyes. "You fear me because I can hurt you?" Naruto nodded again with his tears present in his eyes.
The person that had been staring at him apparently stood up and Naruto soon heard footsteps that finally brought the man close enough to be able to see him clearly. Naruto only cried harder when he saw him. The man looked like the embodiment of pure evil from the angle that Naruto was looking at him.
He stood far taller than Naruto and his piercing blue eyes seemed to stare into his very soul. He wore very large and bulky armor that would hinder any normal person, but Naruto had tossed out the idea of him being normal as soon as he heard his voice. He had tattered red cloth hanging from points on his armor and he had a red hood that shrouded him, only showing his eyes. His greaves were half as big as Naruto's young body was and the gauntlet that he had on his left hand was almost as big as he was and could very easily crush his frail little body. But what caught his eye the most was the large, scraped and scratched double-edged broadsword that he effortlessly carried in his disproportionate right hand when compared to his left. On it were faces of terror and anguish that had been forged into the metal of the imposing weapon.
Naruto gulped again as the man kneeled down to his eye level with strict shards of blue. "Your eyes tell me all, young one...and I see that you apparently have good reason to fear such a monster like myself. You have faced have faced great conflict...and you have faced the fury of the world. He only thing that you have yet to true war. Though it is understandable for one so young..."
Naruto had calmed slightly, as the man's voice had taken a slightly softer tone. He looked up to his glowing blue eyes and spoke. "So...what...what are you going to do?" The man, whom Naruto figured was War, spoke to him as he stood up. "I'll do the same as my brothers...but under the condition that you are willing to fight for everything that you believe in and to never let people undermine your authority...can you do that?"
Naruto narrowed his eyes and stood taller as he heard him talk. When War finished he nodded his head a single time and War smirked at him. "You are strong...and Chaoseater will only make you stronger. My form of pure chaos will turn you into a true monster to be feared and my power of Horrida Bella will make you powerful. With our combined powers you also develop your own weapon, form and power but we will be very valuable to your growth as a warrior. You had better not let me down, Otōto." Naruto heard his words and he smiled up at him until War burst into a red light and hit him full force, sending him back bursting through the door. Vulgrim jumped out of the way and watched as Naruto impacted with the wall, leaving spider-web cracks in the wall as he fell to the ground and curled in pain.
He stood back as he watched black, yellow, purple and red mist swirl around his body and he could see alterations beginning to take place. His tan skin began to pale to a ghostly white and his short hair began to lengthen down to his shoulders. When both of the deeds were done, the mists sunk into his body and disappeared. Vulgrim floated over to him and started to chuckle as Naruto's eye fluttered open and looked up to the demonic merchant. They were no longer bright, as the blue had become a pale version of what it once was.
As the blonde child rose to his feet, Vulgrim spoke in a low voice that would've sent chills down Naruto's spine. "You have survived the tests of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...and now you will become stronger. In time you will become a great and powerful fighter...but until then you will remain under our tutelage. Prepare yourself Naruto...for the next few years will be true Hell for you." The young blonde only smirked, showing his canines and chuckling as he flexed his now clawed hands.
"I'll take everything you throw at me..."
I certainly hope that this was an improvement from Horseman's Glory. I have been away for some time and I will get back to work. Don't worry my loyal reader!
Elemental Shadow Out!