The Narnia's Elf Princess

Chapter one

Waiting outside to greet the new guest that my father Professor Kirk Volunteer to accept children from London to live with us from the air raid. Really hasn't our government notice the signs that this tyrant Hitler doesn't go by his word and look what have appeasement have done. Not that I don't mind at all hell I'm Gwen Kirks the daughter of the Professor best Female Archer (if not the only) or scholar of her age in the country side. Sighing I dusted off my skirt twiddling the fabric.

Until I saw them finally, counting to see four children on Mrs. Macready carriage. Standing straight I greeted our guest once they stood on the porch. Giving a bow "Hello I'm Gwen Kirkes I'll shall be your hostess for the time being of your stay."

The eldest girl bow as well. "Thank you for your hospitality I'm Susan."

Smiling I knelt down in front of the youngest sibling a young maybe ten year old girl who looked scared . "Don't worry dear I or the house won't bite there's a lot of magic you can find here if you keep an open mind."

"Gwendolyn!" Mrs. Macready scold

Giving an inner groan I hate that name, giving a quick glare before opening the door. The all enter but one Kid stood out to me. He was the eldest who seems about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes. Just looking at him I could see he was very brotherly to the youngest holding her hand. That made me smiled.

"Seem someone fancy the boy?' whisper a voice giving off a squeak to see one of the servants Ivy.

"What … ah no I don't know what you're talking about."

The maid just laughed giving off a wink. Groaning I shut the door hoping this summer doesn't bring torture.

Mrs. Macready then gave off her rule speech. "Professor Kirke is not accustom to having children in this house. AS of such there are a few rules we need to follow. There would be no shouting or running. No proper use of the dumb waiter "Ah good memories Guilty as charged.

Then I saw Susan touched the statue father got from the University that Mrs. Macready yelled "No touching of the historical artifacts."

Me another boy with black hair chuckled to Susan face. Once we reached the top of the stairs Macready continued "And above all there should be no disturbance of the professor."

Smiling I stood next to her "So please if you need anything come asked me."

The eldest nodded giving a faint smile that my cheeks felt warm, instantly turning way showing them to their room. I finally gotten all of their names too Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie. Seeing their personality during supper I think I'm going to like the company here.

During the first night at bed I heard whimpering by my door, slowly waking up putting on my rode I found Lucy there holding my old teddy lion Aslan, tightly.

"Lucy what's wrong?" I asked knelling down towards her height. "Does Susan know where you are?"

"I had a bad dream, Susan won't sing to me." She whimpers

Sigh checking the halls I went back in my room grabbing a small music box I had before taking the poor thing to her room. Susan was dead asleep face down hearing a faint noise. Rolling my eyes I tucked Lucy in securing the blankets and Aslan giving a silent roar with him. Making the girl chuckled. Placing the lion by her I turn the key on the golden box.

"This was a gift from the Professor, when I had bad dreams I always play this."

Letting go of the key, soft sweet music played as the lid open to reveal a couple dancing a waltz.

"On the wind cross the sea hear this song and remember, soon you'll be home with me once upon a December." I sang

Singing it once more Lucy eyes drifted to sleep. Kissing her forehead goodnight I close the lid ending the song. Petting the sleeping princess hair, I stood fixing Susan blanket than left with a soft click. Turning around I was face by Peter, who held a caring jesters.

"Thank you, "He whisper offers his arm "may I walk you to your room?"

Biting my lip I tooked his offer wrapping my arm around his. "I hope my family and I aren't a burden?"

Shaking my head no "Of course not, I rather have you guys here than another tutor."

We chuckle then he asked "How old are you?"

"Sixteen and you Peter?"

"Sixteen as well, though I would never have thought the Professor would have a lovely daughter."

Rolling my eyes giving a pitched "don't try and flirt with me mister, I know how to use a sword. Taught by The finest fencer of Britain."

His Blue Eyes widen "You fences?"

"Of course what do you think I do for the spare time being home school brushing my hair?"

We both laughed from comparing me to Susan, don't take me wrong I like Susan it's just she too well manner if not mature for her age. We reached my door and I bid Peter a goodnight giving a peck on the cheek before shutting the door. Sliding on to the floor feeling flushed ever before not understanding what's happening to me. All I know is that Peter Pevensie is going to be the death of me.

Going to bed falling to sleep easily as I dreamt of a lion whose eyes where warm and caring.

"Its Almost time Princess."