Heyy! This is my first Regular Show/first ever fic! I'm really excited about this. Any suggestions or requests, feel free to speak up. Okay, just so you know, I'm a HUGE MordeSon fan, so if you don't like MordeSon, well boohoo, no ones making you look at this so don't come crying to me

o me about it. Enjoy!

"The good news is, the mother came and picked them up. The bad news is…..we destroyed the fountain. So we are probably going to need a few extra chores."

Mordecai blushed a little, looking downward, trying NOT to make contact with Benson's cold, hard stare. Benson was pissed enough as is. The mess of paper work littering the office like a hurricane had just gone through, and the bunch of baby ducks his two most laziest employees had to take care of had made him this way. They were already behind on work, and they had more to clean up now then what they started with. Benson was furious, beyond what words could describe, so he didn't use any. Benson remained silent, swiveled around, and walked away with fists clenched at his sides.


Benson didn't respond. He was afraid he might snap at them, and not the kind of snap he usually did with words. Mordecai felt embarrassed, as usual, because of Rigby. Yeah, his best friend, who was supposed to keep him out of trouble, was in fact the one getting him into it. His own best friend was getting him in so much trouble with their boss, he was starting to get tired of it. He needed some time away from Rigby, at least every once in a while. He didn't want to make it seem like he didn't want to be his friend anymore, just to rejuvenate. Maybe, make it up to his old best friend. Mordecai blushed at the thought of his old best friend. Mordecai was furious now. Not at Rigby, but himself. How could he be like this around his old best friend, whenever he thought of his old best friend. Then again, the mention of him made tears come to his eyes….Mordecai felt soooo bad about that one Halloween. Mordecai looked in the window to see Benson doing paperwork.

"I'm so sorry Benson….."


Rigby pulled Mordecai out of his thoughts with that one word. Mordecai jumped. He had totally forgotten about being beside Rigby.

"Hello? Earth to Mordecai!"

Mordecai shook his head, clearing up the fog that was lazily resting, clouding up his guilty thoughts.

"Nothing…..just..just nothing."

"C'mon bud! You can tell me anything! I'm your best friend."

"Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Please tell me!"

"I need to talk to someone right now….but the someone is not you."

With that being said, Mordecai walked away and up to the house.

Sorry the chappie is so short, I just wanted to see if it would be any good. Reviews plz!