Summary: Duo would do anything for his friends. Even if it meant living a lie and losing all the ties that he held on dearly to during the war. What happens when five years later the Preventers show up at his job requiring help? Can he keep the jester's mask up when he starts to feel hate for those he love? Eventual 1x2, background 3x4, 5xS, RxOC, HxOC

Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing or Evanescence.

Chapter 5: Erase This

Sally finished packing her bag, a frown on her face. Wufei hadn't taken the fact that she was going to L2 very well. In fact, the rant was still ringing in her ears. That man only upset her, he couldn't accept the fact that she was helping the new mysterious L2 Head.

That she'd be gone for a year.

He was such an ass.

"You do know, you're not scheduled to leave for another week." Commander Une's voice reminded her over the phone.

Sighing deeply, the blond Asian woman closed her eyes. "If I hear another rant about L2, my trustworthiness or fighting skills, I will be heading to the Moon base prison. That man, he's so frustrating."

"...This isn't because you know about it?"

Sally sat on the bed she normally shared with a certain Chinese man. Honestly, when she heard what Oz had done. What the Alliance had sanctioned. She had been angry, horrified, and worried about Duo's mental state. Not only had a kid around 8 or 9, been subjected to having everyone he cared about killed. His caretaker, possible mother-figure, died in front of him. Then he's taken prisoner by the Alliance because he stole a mobile suit. While held in the base, he heard constantly that he'd made a deal with the God of Death. Chances that he considered himself a danger to anyone he cared about? Pretty goddamn high.

Noin admitted to speaking to Zechs and Trieze about what happened. The blue haired woman even admitted to staying behind at the base, observing how the other soldiers treated the kid. She wasn't pleased with the soldiers, but amazed at the kid that eventually broke out of the cell. Duo had been silent the first few days there. Then he started speaking out, eventually telling the guards to go off themselves.

Sally closed her eyes, her grip on the phone tightening. Maxwell had reached out and now he had pulled back. "I'm certain its not because of that, not entirely. So how soon can I leave?"

"I'll see how soon a shuttle is departing for L2." Commander Une replied. "Would you like to see Maria before you leave?" A smile appeared on the woman's face. Maria was such a sweet child.

~We can't wash these sins away. ~


Heero eyed the vidphone across from as if it were mocking him. When did he become such a coward? His dark blue eyes slid to the paperwork that was almost done. It was much easier to do things without being sanctioned by the government. There wasn't a need for paperwork, just move along and eliminate weapon factories. Working with Duo had been...pleasant. Knowing the American had his back was reassuring, even if he never told his former partner. He'll call Duo when he was done with his paperwork. Why should Duo have to call us all the time? Quatre had reminded him...them. The blond would later admit to the other pilots that he was hesitant to call Duo on his own.

If the pilot of Deathscythe hated them...the blond didn't want to think about it.

Trowa sat on the other side of the room watching his partner discretely. He wasn't stupid enough to think Heero hadn't noticed by now. His partner obviously was debating calling their missing team member. Though, Duo couldn't be considered 'missing'. More...out of touch. Which was their fault. Duo hadn't stuck around when he realized he was unwanted, not that it was true. It was just...they had been too busy to pay him any attention. Heero and Quatre probably missed the loud American the most.

Duo was going to help Quatre worry himself gray. Something that Trowa didn't appreciate. Between executive meetings, mountains of paperwork and avoiding the nomination to become a Senator for the L4 colony...the blond was stretched thin. The only time his blond lover felt at ease (while working) was when he was helping Rashid and the others with construction.

He'd observe Heero for another hour before dialing Duo's number himself. Then he'd force the unnerved (amazingly enough) pilot into talking to his crush. Normally he wouldn't interfere, but this would benefit Quatre as well...

~Is it so hard for you?

'Cause it's so hard for me~


"Well Solo...I'm workin' on dat bein' orphanage built. It's gonna be really cool. You'd laugh at all da paperwork involved in it tho'." A deep sigh escaped a violet eyed male. The male sat in front of the old makeshift grave. "Yea', I know I'm bein' all responsible again. Cam's in school, she's smart as hell. Quite the strategist, she's still quiet tho. Her stepfather was abusive. Dat pisses me off. Child services shoulda known..."

Not far away a couple stood, half hidden in the shadows watching Duo. "He's doin' so much..."

"The weight of the world on the shoulder's of a nineteen year old." A male replied to his female companion.

"Funny enough, he was listening to a song called 'Weight of the World' a few hours ago." The female sighed before looking around at the abandoned buildings. "Everything is so rundown."

The man snorted, "Yeah well we didn't mind when we were younger."

"We still don't." She said, "Whadda ya think of the orphanage project?"

Silence before the man placed a hand on the shorter girl's shoulder. "Ambitious. If anyone can accomplish it, it's him. Anyone can change this damn colony's government around- it's him. I'd hate for home to end up like MO-5." A sigh was heard. "They're practically ignored and when I visited it a while back, they appeared out dated as well, Cam."

"Considering its location I'm not surprised Theo." Cammie agreed.

Theo nodded before reaching into his pocket and pulling out photos. "While I was there I found something." Cammie take the photos and leaned against the car, flipping through the pics.

"Hell, dis looks like..."

"Something big is going on at that base." Theo confirmed with a nod, he squeezed Cammie's shoulder. "D's gotta know."

The shocked girl made a fist. "Damn it."

"Your slang is becoming prominent...again."

"Bite me."

"Just tell me where."


Theo winced when he was hit on the back of his head. "Done D?"

Violet eyes stared at them, a lazy grin adoring his face. "Yeah, Solo was listenin'. Now what were you sayin to our sis?" The other male passed the photos to the Preventer Agent. Duo raised an eyebrow as he looked at what could only be blueprints of a gundam. Not one that the guys had used though. "Well ain't this fan-fucking-tastic."

"Are ya gonna do somethin'?" Cammie asked looking worried.

Duo sighed and put the photos back into the folder. "T think ya can get more info on dis?" Theo nodded.

"I'll get started then." Theodore slid his motorcycle helmet off the car, "You both sound better when you don't use slang. I'll check in with the usual channels, D. Later Cam." He sent the girl a wink and cocky smirk that was ignored.

"Its a pain enunciating words all day at work." Duo replied rolling his eyes. "It's not like it matters, sayin half da word, the whole word either way some one's gonna be an ass and twist what's said." Cammie nodded before pulling the folder out of Duo's hands.

"No solo missions."

"Une would kill me babe. Let's go pick up Sal, then I'll put this in the data later..."

Cammie nodded sliding into the drivers seat. "Bro, what's Sal's status with us?"

"I trust her with my life, but I stay away when injured. Needles, doctors..." Duo shuddered at the thought. Cammie gave her own shiver, a lot of street kids hated needles. Well the ones with common sense and that wanted to survive. Needles, normally meant drugs, and druggies had the lowest life expectancy in the streets. Kids hated the idea of being one, well they do until they feel the high.

~Not gonna let this day go by.
I'm gonna save this wasted life
And nothing can stand in my way.~


Hilde hummed in a happy mood. Business was moving at a study pace, the books were balanced. Some of the corrupt politicians of L2 were pissed with Duo. The old corrupt Head had been caught unaware in the middle of picking up a prostitute.

Ah, and the best part?

Sally Po was coming to L2 to help with the Preventer reconstruction Duo was doing. Most people didn't realize that in order to help this colony you had to start with the young and work upward. Hilde couldn't wait to have the outsider over. News on the outside world that wasn't from a television station or Duo's contacts.

And someone to make sure Duo didn't stay at work all day.

~To believe in what we dreamed


Silver: So...someone doesn't really see the point or like the fact I put song lyrics in my chapters (near the scene breaks too). Honestly I respect the reviewer's POV. My point of the lyrics? None...just the song that comes to mind or I'm listening to while I'm writing the chapter. That and I have Duo playing so much Evanescence during his scenes in this story. XD He'll play another song from another group later...(you guys can pick the group/song too)

Also for the people that don't know...Origin is the name of Evanescence's first album before they joined Wind-Up records. (another excuse for me to use Ev's songs...XD)