the darkest of marks
Dean (Castiel, Anna); Dean/Castiel (Dean/Anna); Scars are reminders of memories long forgotten.

Anna pulls away from him to look at the the hand-print on his shoulder. She moves her hand up his arm and tries to fit it into the mark. For a moment Dean thinks about that mark. He thinks about Castiel, who dragged him out of hell, who isn't a hammer. The angel soldier who has his doubts. He thinks about the fact he almost made him smile once. His train of thought is dropped as soon as Anna moves her attention back to him. Later on during a battle between heaven and hell, Dean will intervene to save that angel. It's almost like his body moves to help the angel long before his mind ever decides to.

"You're only saying that because I won."
The words run through Dean's mind over and over; he thinks of a thousand things of could have said but none of them seem like they would've worked. Dean retraces events in his head in some vain attempt to figure out where it all went wrong, how it all started. Dean is safe for now - Sam and Bobby too - but Dean sometimes lays awake at night trying to think of ways to save Castiel. The angel who had his doubts and no one to confide in. Dean's right hand reaches up to trace over his left shoulder but the mark left behind by his angel is long gone.