Author's Note: This is a quick little tag to a scene from the Crystal Cave Episode in Season 3 so small spoilers if you haven't seen it.
I was re-watching the Crystal Cave episode the other day and in the scene where they're walking home it looks like Arthur thinks about what Merlin says, realises it doesn't make sense but is then just like 'whatever'. So this is my take on what he was thinking.
The dialogue in the story is straight out of the episode and so I suppose it belongs to the BBC as do the characters. I've just borrowed them for a bit.
"You still haven't answered my question."
"The arrow didn't pierce your armour and when you fell you knocked yourself out."
Arthur furrowed his brow as he considered Merlin's explanation. Theoretically it was possible that was exactly what had happened. However, he remembered the searing hot pain all too well – that arrow had definitely pierced his armour. On top of that he distinctly remembered talking to Merlin as he collapsed slowly to the ground. Clearly he hadn't fallen hard enough to knock himself out, so he must have passed out from blood loss.
Translation – Merlin had done something magical, again, and wasn't about to tell him.
Arthur shook his head and sighed. He was getting tired of this. He couldn't openly admit he knew about Merlin's sorcery without committing treason, but honestly, did the idiot really have to keep lying? After all the mumbled spells just over his shoulder (which he could easily overhear), amazing falling branches and fires and oh yes – a rather loud conversation with a dragon who was obviously not fatally wounded, it wasn't like he didn't know! It was laughable really. However, Arthur was nothing if not stubborn and if Merlin wasn't going to tell him he had magic then the prince wasn't going to admit he knew, but it was getting frustrating.
"Alright." Arthur said even as he thought to himself 'Fine be that way.'
"I don't normally say things like this," Arthur paused, unable to believe he was about to give in and say this- "but - you did a good job back there."
Arthur held his breath and waited for a response to his ground breaking revelation. He had actually approved of Merlin using magic, not just to himself, but out loud. Sort of. He waited for some kind of reaction from his manservant who was most uncharacteristically walking up ahead at a fast pace rather than dragging along behind. There was no reply, not even an acknowledgement that he'd heard the prince's potentially world altering admission.
"Did you hear what I just said?" Still no answer. Seriously - was the idiot not listening? He'd just told the idiot that he was alright with him using magic. Sort of. But did he really have to spell it out? Surely Merlin knew bloody well he couldn't just admit he knew Merlin had magic and was thereby committing treason by hiding it from the king. It would be almost as bad as admitting they were friends.
"Alright, maybe I should you give you some kind of reward" the prince offered, thinking sarcastically 'Sure I'll just name him court sorcerer as thanks. That will go over extremely well at court. I mean honestly what does he expect me to do?'
"What do you want?" demanded the prince. Honestly what did he want Arthur to do?
"Some peace and quiet."
Translation: 'I'm not going to discuss my magic with you so stop trying to get me to talk about it.'
Arthur looked up in surprise at the stubbornly silent sorcerer pacing almost angrily ahead of him and sighed. If he didn't want to talk about it then fine, two could play at that game… As long as Merlin was continuing to not say anything, then neither would he.