After receiving such a response from Fragments, I decided to write the companion to it in Jules point of view. In the future, there may be one from Greg's view as well, but that it is still shaky. I don't want to overuse the topic. Anyway, please let me know what you think, as your reviews are what spur me to write. And as always, to all flashpoint addicts, please stop by and check out the Nook. We have discussions, challenges and prompts for everyone. (A note for the song; I believe this would be what Sam would say to Jules during the event.)

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Flashpoint.

Song: I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan.

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

The shot was still ringing in her ears. Even as she instinctively tensed and closed her eyes, the sound bounced around in her head. It stayed there, taunting, while she felt herself brace and wait for the pain of the shot. But it never came. Sucking in a breath, there was the smallest second of utter relief when she was simply grateful that she hadn't been hit. Then she felt something fall to the ground and her eyes shot open.

Everything froze. For that one instant, when she stared down at him, at the bright red that stained his shirt, all motion ceased, sounds dulled and her mind went blank. Nearby, the man had begun shouting at the other hostages to stay back and he waved the gun around wildly, but she couldn't focus on what was happening.

In her haze, it didn't register that her legs had buckled beneath her until she landed next to him. His eyes were open, but they were far away in some other place. Her own prickled with a hot liquid as she stared unwillingly at the blood that seeped onto the floor. One managed to trickle free before she noticed.

Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad
How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

Suddenly, his head turned to the side and he looked up at her, his burning gaze shooting straight through her soul. A rush of emotions swamped her, making her hands tremble as she looked down at him. There was a movement in the corner of her vision as she turned her head just enough to watch his hand slowly lift and make its way upwards. When it was halfway to her cheek, she realized what he was doing and caught it gently in her own.

When she saw the argument light in his dazed eyes, she whispered, "shhh Sam. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay. You need to save your strength. Just stay with me." Reaching out with a shaking hand, she pressed her free hand against the wound and instantly felt the blood ooze between her fingers.

He made a soft choking noise before he managed to murmured, "Jules… I- I love you." The horrible red was streaming from the corners of his mouth as he spoke. A strangled soft ripped from her throat and she had to avert her gaze.

I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside, but we can't be hear

Looking down at one hand coated in his blood and the other clutching his limp one, she wondered what it had felt like for him when they had been up on that roof. Did he have this overwhelming sense of panic that seemed to eat away her insides? Up until now, she was thankful she had been absent during the ordeal the rest of the team had been through while she had been undergoing surgery.

A soft rattling sound met her ears and she realized that it was coming from him. Every single breath he took was rewarded with that haunting sound, so terrible that she flinched every single time.

She felt a soft pressure in her hand and realized that he was squeezing it with all his strength. She tried to meet his eyes, but noticed that they had closed and she let out a soft sob. Clenching her fingers tightly, she squeezed back and she was rewarded by seeing a slight smile dance around his lips.

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

As she crouched there, she was transported back to her home town. Every moment of that night was still vivid in her mind. Her brother Collin screaming at her to brace, the white blur of lights and the horrible crunching sound as the truck was slammed by a transport. The world had quite literally spun then, fracturing her life in a matter of seconds. She could still remember the feel of her brother's blood staining her hands. It had taken years for her to put the pieces of herself back together. At this moment in time, that breaking was paled in comparison to now.

Hot liquid surged of her hands as his heart began to pick up the pace and she looked down in time to see that it had turned black; his lifeblood coating her hands. She could feel his life leaching away just beyond her fingertips and it pulled at her soul, draining it along with that horrible red river that had spread across the floor. Fighting back the tears was useless now; they burned trails down her cheeks as she sobbed.

A tiny shudder ran through him and his eyes opened to slits, the beautiful blue orbs staring up at her. He seemed to search her face; his expression saying a million words at once. She instantly sensed what he was asking and leaned down, her forehead pressing to his.

"I love you too." She whispered and pressed her lips to his in time to feel his heart stop.

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

All the strength left her body when the breath left his, leaving her curled over him and shaking beyond her control. Numbly, she reached out and gently closed his eyes, before collapsing entirely onto him. In the back of her mind, her ears registered the sound of the shot, but her brain was too stunned to process it.

Suddenly, she felt a cool pressure on her shoulder and she jerked. Looking around wildly, she could see nothing near her that could've caused her to feel the light touch, but then she heard him whisper. "Be strong. Don't forget me." A broken shiver raced through her and her eyes fixed onto a place right next to her. She could've sworn she saw the ghostly outline of his broad shoulders beside her. Opening her mouth, she was about to say something, but a crackle of glass and shouts distracted her.

Feeling the cool touch pull away, she was struck once again with a bone deep wrench of loss. In her lost state, she didn't even realize that the rest of Team One where there until Greg had pulled her up and away from Sam. She found herself pressed tightly to her chest, Spike and Wordy beside them, trying to offer comfort. Her mind was blank as she stood there, surrounded by her team; her family, as she was lost in some far region of her mind.

No words were passed between them as they formed a silent circle around her, their quiet strength keeping her from falling to pieces. She didn't know how much time passed, just that there was a hollow space where her heart had once been. But she remembered his words. She remembered the last request he had asked of her and vowed to honour it. She could never forget him. Neither would the team. In their thoughts, he would continue to live. And for the moment, that was good enough for her.

Weep not for the memories