That simple Moment Chapter 3

A/N: It's been awhile, I can finally now release this chapter. It's been in there but now it finally came out. I hope you all enjoy it... It's what you asked for, and maybe a little more ;)

NC-17 below kiddies.

This was it, practically the culmination of her life's efforts and once youthful and hopeful dreams. It was a bittersweet feeling that she knew wasn't right, but it was still hard to not feel cheated about it. She was a proud mother of two boys, one nearly a complete genius no small part in due to her own efforts and her son's natural abilities and raw talent. Her second was still growing but ever the bundle of joy that she had dreamed of, he was so much like his sweet father. Happy to eat everything, do everything and rise to any challenge presented before him although a bit more mischievous thanks to his best friend Trunks. Smiling at the notion of her boys, her amazing boys that would be something far more than she could have ever dreamed before marrying Goku.

Yet… She sighed as she leaned against the railing of the penthouse suite so gratefully gifted to her by Bulma for the evening free of charge. The perfectly maintained grass beneath her feet as she gazed out over the stretch of central city, the skyscrapers and high rise flats were dotting the land all over the place. The night life of the inner city still so vibrant and colorful as the flashes of car lights and signs spun all around her view. Tipping her nails up she leaned over the railing a bit her eyes spying the people still walking around even now as it had already passed ten. What it would feel like to be young again and carefree. She sighed again as she saw the figures even ten stories up walking all around below her, this was her usual bed time after a long hard working day at home with her sons. It was a life she had never been able to experience often, walking up and down the sidewalk with a man on her arm in the glow of bright street lights and neon signs.

Dressed only in her very lacy nightgown a far downplay from the evening's dress, it ended just over her bottom in a light purple shade with her white satin bra and panties. They were shaped just perfectly for her, as she had unwound her hair letting it just flow as the wind flowed over the building carrying it to her side gently. It was cooling enough as the night heat had grown rapidly, she could feel sweat beginning to form over her body when she had come up here in her dress before disrobing nearly completely. Goku was busy using the bathroom, liberally at the moment having eaten his fill at dinner she could assume that he would need a few minutes making her gift a healthy chuckle as her husband's body was so predictable after marriage. But the moment was short as her thoughts slowly began to drift down to the people below her.

To be able to not worry about cooking dinner, whether her children were doing their chores or schoolwork. If her dress was ruined by the yardwork she did almost daily. How much she would have enjoyed being such a girl for a few more times in her life, where the world and its consequences could be forgotten for the night letting the place around her become her playground. Nope, she gave that up for a different life but she wished to have just been able taste pure freedom more as a growing woman.

She didn't enjoy the life she had, no that wasn't it she was happy but she just wished to have experienced more. Was that wrong? She ran her hand alongside her cheek as her toes dipped and pushed into the green grass leaning over more she just wanted a taste just a bite of that world. Raised without a mother and a father who dotted on her like she was an angel denying her nothing in her entire life, from her desire to run off and find the Bansho fan as a girl to put out the flames around her castle. To fighting red ribbon army soldiers with Goku, then with their spirited adventure to save her father again. She remembered those days of pure freedom so much it made her heart beat faster. How much she could turn back the clock just a bit and spend more time being something more than just a housewife. Perhaps she might have had a different life if her mom hadn't of died when she was so young.

Her mother, known only through pictures and stories by her father. The legendary Ox Queen a small woman of stature by comparison to her father but of immense presence and beauty. How dad had told her that she was just like her mother, in the way she talked, acted, and fought. She was sweet and compassionate but a proud and fierce fighter. She was one of the best in the world for martial arts bested by only her dad and Goku's grandpa. Oh what she would give to have been able to grow up with her! Often she thought about asking Goku when they were married if they gathered the dragonballs that she could wish to have her mom brought back to life! It was such a dream but never could it have happened.

The distaste grew in her mouth as she was denied that dream for the dragonballs were used to bring everyone else back to life many times over, including her husband and many of her friends. She never even met her mother in the afterlife, where would she even look to pop up and say hello dead mother I'm your dead daughter! Her eyes rolled, that will never happen.

Silently emerging from behind came a refreshed Goku he had finally finished up in the bathroom cleaning himself of many of the city odors he couldn't stand. It was his sensitive sayjin smell but there were just some things that made him want to pinch his nose in horrid taste but he wouldn't do that. That would be incredibly rude and unnecessary, somethings were pleasing to others not everyone enjoyed the same tastes as him. He loved the smell of nature so much more! It was so open, and full of life and soothing to him, the city just didn't hold that same feeling.

Though there was one smell that he loved above all others, was his wife's natural aroma and he could smell it wafting in and around the suite they were in. It was one of a real woman. His wife and the only person whom he would give anything for, it was just made his blood heat up when he smelled her. It was amazing to smell her because he could not only did she possess an aura but it also told him her emotions when her scent changed like her ki.

He was intimately familiar with both aspects, when she was happy, sad, angry, or aroused it was incredible. Her smell drove him wild when he was younger when his self-control was not quite as it was now, their first nights married he buried his nose into Chi-Chi so many times smelling her like a one would a delicious meal or expensive cologne or perfume just to get his fill. It was so thick and spicy he tasted it and he lost himself when they made love for months until Gohan was born.

Unfortunately, he could smell something much less happy within his sweet wife, the woman who had more patience than gods at times for him was clearly upset. Not sad or angry but a mixture of the two, like she was disappointed? But he couldn't understand why she would be like that? She was happy when they got here and she still was when he went inside the bathroom.

He felt his lips turn into a frown, this was supposed to be him and his wife having a special night together. Loving each other, being in each other's company that they hadn't had since he had been revived after Buu's death. He never like seeing his wife upset, or hurt he had witnessed it from otherworld when he looked down at her and it brought tears to his eyes and made him almost rage in frustration but he had lied to himself that this was for the best! That him being dead was better off for all of them. He could just imagine it, See clown? The only thing you managed was to upset your woman! What were you afraid of coming back after Cell died! Hah, you are clearly third class garbage.

Yeah the inner voice of Vegeta sure was cruel even if it was in his head. His wife all alone, no one to hold her, care for her, and love her the way he had. He felt his jaw tighten and his arms clench tightly down to his fists. He loved his wife dearly but he still had a lot to make up to her, she put up with far too much with him to be unhappy than any normal wife ever could.

His feet padded slowly up behind her, the soft touch of grass that crunched as he walked silently noting that his wife did not even react to his appearance behind her. He could tell she knew he was there he watched the hairs on her neck rise up along with a line of goosebumps along her wrists. Same old Chi-Chi. He smiled as his hands slid up alongside her legs each tip of his finger slowly moving up to her hips as watching her shiver but her gaze not leave the city below. Holding back his frown he trailed his fingers up more against her stomach his sayjin heat noted easily as he could feel the cool skin of his wife to contrast to his normally high body temperature. Her back arched back slightly as she welcomed his heat the small of her back pressing against his stomach, his head nuzzled the side of her neck as his lips moved to kiss and lick her quickly heating flesh.

"Evening beautiful." His heavy throaty voice reserved only for her, she had wanted him to talk more sensually early in their marriage and had picked up on it more when coming back from Namek after reading maybe a dozen or so books Chi-Chi had prepared for Gohan's studies while traveling to Namek.

"Mmhhh, how are you honey?" She moaned on impulse as a warm body pressed against her. He was being over sweet and sensitive to her tonight, not that he wasn't always doing his best to make her feel loved and cared for whenever he could but they were all alone on this balcony just the two of them. Her head rolled back from the city streets as Goku's hands caressed her skin, gently pressure over her stomach and his hot lips and tongue over her neck. The man was such a caring lover it was almost criminal. She held back her laugh at that thought.

"You seemed a bit sad, I thought I'd come out here and keep you company or…" His breath dancing over her ears as he talked to his wife watching as her eyes slowly rolled back into her head. "Would you like to join me inside for a private lesson." His tongue drew up alongside her ear as his teeth gently tugged at the lobe of her ear. The scent of his wife's arousal slammed into his nose begging him to just throw her down now and take her here on the grass like they had done on their wedding night under the full moon. The smell of her sweat, and hot body made his briefs become incredibly uncomfortable as he slowly pushed his swelling erection against his wife's bottom.

"A tempting offer, what kind of lesson?" She groaned as her back hand moved to grab the back of his neck alongside her head as a balance as she might just say 'fuck it' and pounce on her husband not that he wouldn't mind it anyway. The man was such a proper man thanks to her proper guidance he was her only fantasy. There was no chubby romance, or cliché notions about him, he was a male that would do anything to please his her and gods if that didn't make her just want him all the more. She was his everything when they were alone.

He slid one hand up along the nightgown slowly grasping her breast in his palm as his fingers slowly caressed her aching peaks underneath her bra. "Training, the hard kind where we are all sweaty and panting until we can't go anymore." He whispered before pecking her cheek with a feather kiss as his other hand made its way down to her panties just barely covered by her nightgown. His fingers sliding down against the soft fabric as her hips shook with anticipation against his touch.

"I Don't know." She murmured, as she licked her lips with all sorts of dirty thoughts running through her head. "I don't think you're strong enough to be training someone like me." Her husband gave a soft growl against her skin, the rumble of his voice going up and down her spine. He was being playful but that noise was so damn sexy.

He loved his wife when she challenged him, asserting herself was something he enjoyed. Many memories of passion filled nights as young lovers came back as he and Chi-Chi were still relatively in each other's strength. How they could wrestle each other all over the bed and the house fighting for control and dominance when in passion nothing made him more eager to make love to her until the next day. Every now and then she did it with him but as she had gotten older that had given way too much slower passionate love making, not that he was complaining.

He got to enjoying every single expression of pleasure form Chi-Chi, watching as the sweat ran down her body and the all small noises and movements she made while crying out his name were more than enough but Kami be dammed if he didn't love his wife being aggressive with him like a fight.

"Is that a challenge?" He whispered as he pulled her tightly against him.

"Do your worst." She said her head turning to meet his as she kissed his lips, her body wrapped around his own as she grabbed his head for all its worth kissing him with hot lust and desire. She wanted to feel alive tonight! She wanted to be a woman to be claimed by a strong man, the most powerful being in the universe. Her Goku.

Goku gripped her tightly as she kissed him, her lips pressuring hard against his own as their tongues swirled together inside each other's mouth tasting, craving, and devouring the other as much as they could. It was their 19th anniversary, having been corrected, thoroughly by his wife and the drive her as she had him bent on exploding in his pants before reaching her but only his sheer willpower held himself back having calmed down in the shower he had taken. He chuckled against her lips as she laughed enjoying their little playful kissing match. "Tonight you won't ever forget."

"Don't disappoint me, or else I won't treat you to a surprise in bed." She warned him playfully nipping his lip with a grin sliding over her lips.

"Oh I've been saving what I learned, don't worry Chi-Chi." His face quickly grit tightly as his jaw completely locked shut. His legs spread as his lungs sucked in air and his eyes flashed into a golden blue with dark black pupils. His hair had become a deep golden hue, his once unruly black spikes now became a torrent that ran down his back. His aura flashing to a brilliant yellow that just radiated power as he his hands still firmly grasped his wife against him, his blue sparks of ki rippled all around his body but each one carefully danced just around the delicate woman in his hands.

She didn't flinch, her trust in her man was complete. She wouldn't flinch or back away from him, she had accepted everything he was. Every single delicious and sexy thing that he was. Her heart was beating faster as her chest pressed against his own feeling the mutual beating of his own heart. It was such an arousing sight to have someone who could move mountains hold her with the utmost care.

As his ki wrapped around her it heated her, warming her as if she was tanning on beach merely by being in his divine glow. Like a cloud it held her even if his hands were touching her, waves of energy rippled over her skin electrifying it as she looked into his smiling face. "That's all, Bulma always told me Vegeta could-"

That did it.

She blinked as she was soon in the sky, the city several miles beneath her as the full moon illuminated all over them, "I know what Vegeta has done. Me and him shared one body, one mind for a time. I know everything he's done to Bulma and he knows the same things I've done to you." He breathed out as a wicked smirk came over his face, something that only the prince was known for. "Did you know that I can share my ki with you in just the right way?" His lips grinning as his hands slipped from her body.

She didn't react of course she knew she was completely safe with him, she was being held by his energy and if she did fall he would catch her. She felt his palm smooth down her belly, even though her night gown his touch was even more exciting. She had only ever had sex with her husband once as a super-sayjin three. To say the night was beyond heaven would be an understatement. His abilities were fifty times greater with each level, having the experience of a super sayjin in her bed before the androids she couldn't have imagined it getting any better. How she had loved to be wrong about that.

Her lips moaned his name as her head fell backwards from his ki racing over her, the digits of his fingers each causing jolts of pleasure as his hands smoothed down the side of her hips gently teasing the cloth fabric of her panties just around as it snapped against her skin teasing her. Rolling over her thighs his hands continued around legs as she felt his lips kiss the soft flesh of her feet his tongue licking and tickling her toes.

She was amazing… truly. He kissed her heel as his energy flared and he spiked his energy from the base of her foot all the way up her spine making her scream in pleasure. He hadn't ever done this with Chi-Chi or anyone else in that matter he had learned it completely from Vegeta. How to share and use ki in the bedroom as right now his wife felt his strength flood through her. Her scream just made him smile as her hair electrified in the air becoming a brilliant gold like his own. She might not be a sayjin like him but she could still enjoy the effects of his transformation as he infused her with his own power.

Her body thrashed and she screamed, her hands flailed aimlessly unable to grasp anything solid and her legs were held firm by Goku as she floated in the air, her orgasm so intense and powerful she saw nothing but white leaving her mind to savor only the feeling over her body. Impossibly for five long minutes she screamed and gasped unable to do anything but feel as Goku's tongue lathed energy through her, the tips of his fingers each sparking along her ankles as more energy passed through her until finally it ended and she rag dolled in the air.

Her labored panting of air as her body was covered in sweat, the energy and heat it created escaping through her skin as she shined in the moonlight as she felt her panties slowly drag down from her legs. They slid down slowly until dropping from her feet as she could only breathe before her husband's face flashed beside her own. She saw him smile but even still she couldn't stop the smirk coming up from her lips, "That… cheap… trick won't… impress me." She said between breathes as noting as Goku pouted slightly but the playfully glint in his eyes was still there.

"There are more places that I can share my energy with you, how did it feel? To have my energy mix with yours." He said leaning forward kissing Chi-Chi's nose softly then dropping lower to lick the top of her lip teasingly. Waiting for her own mouth to open up to his invitation. Both soon kissed each other as Goku's energy twisted and spun his wife against him, her hands finding the golden locks of his hair and grasped them tightly in both her hands as she felt his lips press tightly against her own in a dominating style making her body press tighter against him as she bent backwards.

Her supple body pressed against him raged against his throbbing erection, he was struggling to hold himself back as he wanted to just take her in the clouds under the full moon but he had to give his wife everything before that. He had willpower but gods the sounds of her voice, the smell of her body and then pressure of their embrace was screaming at him to just ravage her.

Their tongues danced together as his one hand held her back and the other smoothed down her bottom and went lower smoothing over her soft skin and up into her soaked thighs resting just at the skin of her womanly folds. He felt her shudder as his three fingers slipped inside her body as he slowly ignited them with ki at the tips letting each sending another pleasure filled spark of his power inside of her. He swallowed her scream unwilling part from her lips as her voice rumbled through him, her hands locking up tightly that even made his golden spikes flair apart.

Euphoria couldn't begin to describe what she felt as she was all her nerves were going completely mad with pleasure. Her only outlet was screaming but that was sealed away by her husband, his fingers pushed deeper grinding against her walls each bringing so much pleasure she could only hold on for the ride as her she climaxed over and over again.

The two lovers remained airborne for another five long minutes as Goku finally stopped breaking his lips from hers as she heaved in a breath her knuckles going completely white from how tight she had held his hair. Her thighs having soaked completely as Goku pulled away his fingers from her.

"Did you like that Chi-Chi?" He purred as he leaned down to nip at her covered breasts, the nightgown and bra remained as he had been too preoccupied with his wife's enjoyment to notice. With a tug of his teeth the small thin cloth covering her breasts popped free beneath her nightgown.

He leaned his lips to lick at her ripe nipples which were red with ach having been denied his caress and touch, slowly taking it in his mouth savoring her sweet taste of sweat and arousal before moving to the valley between them and slowly working his way over the second.

The pause was just what he needed, his wife was still recovering from such an experience and he needed to reign in his own straining arousal inside his training shorts. The elastic material not at all hiding what the massive bulge that pushed against the fabric to its limits. He kissed and licked at her chest as his hands began slowly rubbing up and down her back letting the tight muscles slowly relax. He didn't want her to be locked up when making love to her, he wanted to be ready for him and aware. Too see her soft brown eyes looking into his own, watching all the love and desire they shared between them.

Slowly the world gained color, her fingers feeling the tight hair finally slip through her fingers as her death grip released. Blinking as she breathed slowly and heavily she looked upon the full moon, basking in its light as she felt the gentle caress of her lover's tongue across her skin. She had never felt anything like this before in her life as she could only picture the long golden haired man laving over her body, god's what she had ever thought before about pushing Goku's buttons just a bit had worked better than any of her fantasy ever could.

Her arms fell limp as she looked to see a long spike of golden hair coming around her face, one that was not Goku's as it was clearly coming from her own hair. "What… happened to my hair?" She asked still breathing as she felt his hands now rubbing her shoulders his lips kissing the digits of her fingers.

"I shared my ki with you, while touching me you are sharing my own power. I just allowed it flow through your hair making your hair like a super sayjin." He chuckled as he looked at his wife's matching golden hair. While not spiked like his or his son it flowed together at bits rising up but some still hung around her back. His wife was thrumming with his power and his power reacted over her nerves with his ki and transferred to her hair giving it that golden hue. He wasn't really expecting that to happen but then again Vegeta had never tried it. He smirked to himself.

Goku one, Vegeta zero.

Oh how he would wait to hear Vegeta berate him when Chi-Chi gushed to his wife about what he did to her. About giving his no good baka woman the power of a super syajin. Not that it mattered to him he and his wife shared everything, if she wanted to have his power then she had but to ask. His wife, love, angel, his everything deserved the world and he would make her know it.

"Does it always feel like this? I mean it's nice but my hair feels so rough and coarse." She touched the long golden hair from her body it was almost alive but it didn't feel like the beautiful black hair that her she and her husband loved. "If you ruin my hair Goku you are going to pay…" She warned eyeing the sayjin who only smiled as he placed both heads on the side of her cheeks.

"If I get to spend time brushing it with you." He said kissing her lips softly like a feather. "Then I'll pay as much as you want." He breathed against her as he covered her lips again.

She melted from his words and touch as she hooked her legs up and around his waist. Her arms pulled tore free the top of her nightgown letting it fly free from the air slipping down from the clouds, it was old anyway. She placed her hands on the tops of his shoulders as she looked into her golden haired husband matching his appearance though she could not see it. As she was still feeling his ki flowing through her though not the intense pleasure from earlier. She was being fed her sayjin's strength by mere contact a little trick he had picked up letting his wife be his equal when making love.

Meaning no matter how strong he became she would be his equal, he would not dominate her. He would share his love with her and she was more than willing to return his affection.

Breaking his lips away he smiled as he moved to cup his wife's face the moonlight flashing over her face making her even more beautiful than she would ever imagine in his eyes. "Chi-Chi is there anything you want? Ask me and I'll give it to you." His gaze stared hard into her eyes with such intensity that she knew this was not an idle comment, no he meant every single word.

"Goku…" She smiled as she felt that penetrating gaze but she was not repulsed by it, no it moved her.

What woman wouldn't want a husband wanting to promise her the world if she had but to ask, of course she wouldn't ever be so selfish. She had so much even if she had wanted to try something else. Not being a mom out in the country wasn't always the best but as she reflected on what Bulma went through. Dealing with her publicity, the paparatazzi, and hectic workload of being the CEO of capsule corp. Of course she lived in luxury with a Prince, but she had to give up something to have it.

Chi-Chi never wanted to have her business brought to the forefront, how embarrassed she could imagine being with Goku living in a city. The man would walk around nude when they were first married, feeling free and not needing to wear clothing and encouraging her to do the same. Which she partook in for a while until she got pregnant. She valued her privacy, but it also allowed her to be herself, not some prima donna.

Then her boys, she couldn't have raised them in the city and have they become who they were, she loved her boys even if Goten was being a little more mischievous than his older brother when he was his age. Gohan might have become as smart or as strong as he was if she had been elsewhere, she could doubt it but anything was possible. Sayjins and their boys were the definition of doing the impossible.

No, she could always dream of having her mother back of a life that she wanted to try out and experience but as she floated in the clouds with the man she loved there was only one thing that floated through her mind. "Give me your love." She smiled as she felt her eyes brimming with tears of happiness as Goku's jaw slackened into a stunned request but quickly moved back to smile back into her own as he felt the emotion run through him.

He could feel his own eyes brimming with tears of joy at her declaration to hear her ask for the one thing she knew she would always have. "I love you, only you Chi-Chi. He smiled as he watched her tears flow from her eyes, "I'll give you all the love I have until the day I die."

"That's happened twice honey. Better make up for it tonight." She laughed and cried as they drew close to kiss each other longingly, slowly she felt herself being filled as her body welcomed his mass inside of her. Filling her like no other could, as they entwined their hands around each other's necks. Their tongues and mouths still kissing slow and passionately to feel the other as they had when they married.

They groaned together as Goku filled her up to her womb and Chi-Chi's body squeezing him like a satin glove the streaks of pleasure racing up her body.

"Love me… Love me!" She begged between kisses as her husband purred before blasting off through the nights sky, leaving a trail of golden energy as they held each other, Chi-Chi never feeling the wind or pressure of the air as she was wrapped again by her husband's energy. She felt only him, the warmth that he brought to her as they flashed across the night sky.

Goku thrust into her as he flew, the rapture of cradling his wife as they blew through the nighttime air was electrifying as they were all alone, it was just them. A meteor of passion as the super sayjin flashed over the sky rolling as he made love to his wife. His ki sparking all over his body and into her making her scream and cry out his name letting him witness the most beautiful woman he had ever known call his name over and over. The straining of her neck, as her head arched backwards eyes shut tight. She was so beautiful…

It's too much! I'm going to die! She thought madly as she dug her nails into the back of her husband's neck drawing blood as she felt her body squeezing down tightly as his ki rolled through her. What she had felt before was mind blowing but this was beyond words, as she could only clutch tightly to her husband her legs locked tightly together to hold him tight but failing as each thrust came slowly making her go insane. This was just pure love making he wasn't going to let it end with frantic thrusting, she could feel every single thing as his chest rolled against her own. The shine of sweat mixing together as she could feel his hard pectorals rolling against her breasts, the warm skin making her aching peaks press strain to be touched.

"I only love you. Always." He told her as he flipped upright as Chi-Chi now fell against his weight atop him. His own hair falling behind his back as Chi-Chi's golden locks now fell around his face as her eyes opened through parted slits looked into his blue ones. "Only you…" He almost whispered kissing her again as they streaked over the city again.

She surrendered to his mouth, whimpering against him. She wanted more! His ki hit her again but it wasn't pleasure. Her hand gripped tighter and her muscles flex harder.

"You are in control. I'm sharing myself with you, go until you can't go anymore." He told her as he wrapped his arms around her.

Chi-Chi rocked her hips as Goku stopped his hips. She was now in control, he was still flying around but she was the one in charge, she would feel as much as she wanted and could give as much as she wanted. She smiled as she looked at her husband eyes that only shined her face in their reflection. "I love you." Three simple words, nineteen years together and they were still just as true on the day they married. Bracing against his stomach her nails feeling the defined ridges of his abs she bounced her hips up and down with strength and speed she hadn't ever imagined. Chi-Chi could only scream as she felt her husband strain unable to hold back his own pleasure. He came inside of her, the warm heat of his seed splashing into her womb made her body quiver but she still kept going, it wasn't enough for just one time… No she wanted him to remember this incredible moment, together forever.


The moon had moved across the sky as Goku landed down atop their Villa, holding his wife his hair long lost its length and color as he looked into a pair of brown eyes. They were heavy with exhaustion but their gaze could bring him to his knees in joy. He smiled as he walked back across the grass the soft crunch of the grass the only thing in the air the night life of the city fading to the rumble of cars and the late night buildings still lit up. Not that they were of any concern to the couple that flown through waves of bliss in each other's arms literally.

They had been through a lot in their short lives, as one exhausted male pulled open the door to the room cradling his wife still as he was still breathing slowly but heavily. Super Sayjin three for more than three hours… I think that's a record! He chuckled as he approached the sprawling blue king sized bed littered with pillows. A small gas fire lit up in the room as they approached automatically as the cold air swept inside.

Goku leaned down letting Chi-Chi's hands slip from his neck and she laid down, letting out a sigh of relief. "That was wonderful Goku." She exhaled as her head hit the pillow, the black hair splaying down across the sides and off the sides of the bed. She felt a little sore now, knowing that by morning she wouldn't be walking for a few hours but all good things came at a price didn't they? She laughed at the thought watching as her sayjin walked over towards the small snack bar they had. Uh oh… She thought watching Goku open up one of the fridges inside, the fluorescent bright light shining in the room.

"Hey what is all of this?"

Busted. Should've guessed he'd raid the fridge before morning.

"What is what honey?" She said innocently playing with her hair looking over to the nightstand with a small 'goodie bag' left by Bulma. Reaching over she opened up the small blue bag by pulling a single string knot loose and out fell a pair of metal cuffs and a few small beans. Chi-Chi recognized both instantly, Bulma I can't do that to him… She thought looking at the cuffs knowing exactly what they were, no matter what her friend told her she just couldn't-

"Why do we have chocolate, and ice cream loaded up in the fridge? Goku asked mindfully as he brought out a thick chocolate ice cream carton for himself to eat, calories no concern to this warrior who could burn twenty thousand on a good day. Of course he had brought two spoons with him, he was a gentlemen afterall.

"I have no idea." She played it off as she looked at Goku's striking physique and a thin dribble of chocolate syrup and ice-cream dribbling down his lips. Oh I do…

"Maybe Bulma has a big thing for ice-cream. I doubt Vegeta eats this stuff." He said offering his wife a spoon as he plopped down on the bed beside her which she took from his hand smiling with a thank you, though he noted a little glint in his wife's eyes. She's up to something. He looked to the small bag with cuffs and. "Hey senzu beans, awesome! We should take one to recover." He said reaching for one but Chi-Chi grabbed his wrist earning a quizzical glance from him.

"We'll save them for morning, you are a little gassy when you eat them. Besides you've got ice-cream to share with me, forget about the beans." Please do. *giggle*

"Sorry Chi, I forget." He offered her the carton as her spoon pulled free a thick globe of chocolate ice-cream, and ate it. The moan she gave off as it touched her mouth was almost sexual as she brought her other hand to her lips.

"oh man that is good. Almost better than sex." She said reaching for another spoon as Goku did as well.

"Oh come on Chi, you can't compare this to what we just did!" He laughed as his wife grinned.

"I said almost Goku, and yes I'll admit being infused with your ki was exhilarating but this is delicious. Bulma didn't skimp on the good stuff for us!" She chomped on another bite moaning again at the thick flavor of chocolate as Goku got another spoonful or chocolate syrup covered ice cream and munched on it. Her eyes flashing up quickly widening as a grin spread over her lips. "oh Goku don't make a mess in the bed! You are going to run the sheets with those dribbles!" She scolded setting her spoon on the table and sliding the cuffs behind her back. "Come here let me clean you up."

Not noticing what his wife had done he set the ice-cream down but stopped as Chi-Chi's tongue ran over his jaw lapping up all the loose ice-cream. Her mouth sucking on his bottom lip as she took away the delicious remnants of his midnight treat. "Oh? That type of clean hm?" He grinned as his wife batted her eyes at him.

"You know I'm a clean freak. Oh no Goku look you have ice-cream on your chest!" She was almost blushing with herself but played her game wagging her finger at Goku who looked down at himself not spying the offending bit. "No its right here!" She pointed with one finger smearing a streak of chocolate across him.

"Oh really?" Goku said laughing as his wife grinned her hand pushing him down atop the bed which he did not fight back. As she straddled his waist, "I guess I got it all over me eh Chi?" He said unable to stop himself from blushing as he could whenever his wife did things like this to him.

Chi-Chi smeared another finger across his chest as she leaned forward letting her tongue lap up the syrupy goodness with her tongue slowly. "You did… I guess I'll have to clean you up. Put your hands over your head so I can make sure you didn't get any underneath your arms." Her body heating up as she watched him do it. So close… She whispered in her head as she drew her mouth up to kiss his lips playfully.

Goku enjoyed his wife's teasing, she was being extra playful not that he minded it was their anniversary she could do whatever she wanted tonight. He wouldn't object as her hand smoothed up his forearm pulling his wrists together. He let his eyes close as Chi-Chi brought a tongue covered in chocolate down into his he didn't hear the jingle of metal or the click of cuffs over his wrists until it was… too late. His eyes opened up as he felt drained completely. I can't… I can't use my ki!? His eyes snapped up to his wrists that were bound together and being held down easily by his wife's hand. He snapped back to her as she was grinning wickedly at him. "Chi? What are you doing?" He probably shouldn't ask but he felt a worrying bead of sweat forming at his temple.

"Me? Nothing, these ki draining handcuffs are making you helpless right now Goku." She laughed in a sexy tone as her front canines bit down on her bottom lip. "You almost ruined my desert!"

He looked to fridge and back to her, "Hey there's still plenty left I only took one!" He really didn't like having his ki completely drained he was almost helpless even for his strength he had used up so much already he was practically helpless. It was the warrior inside of him that liked feeling his energy but clearly that wasn't on his wife's agenda for tonight. It was like taking something that was a part of him, and it just felt wrong to not have it.

Chi-Chi couldn't help but giggle. "I know there's more! But you almost ruined my surprise." She said leaning back to grab the carton of ice-cream and chocolate syrup. In each hand she looked down as her thighs were braced on either side of Goku's abs. "I said this was almost as good as sex." She said pulling free a slightly moist bit of ice-cream as she did she smoothed it over Goku's chest the cold making his muscles tense. Then dribbling a layer of syrup over the next part she smiled. "I wonder if we brought them together?" She leaned down to try her desert as her captive sayjin shivered and gasped as his wife ate her desert from his chest.

Pulling back Chi-Chi couldn't help but smile as she looked at the man gazing back at her with such desire. It was heartwarming but it wouldn't postpone her activities. Setting down her treats she reached over and grabbed a senzu bean, the small thing dancing between her fingers. "Goku, I love you dearly but there are somethings that I want you to experience things that I do sometimes. We have great chemistry together…" She said seductively as her bottom ground against a newly formed erection. "But sometimes you forget about how that I'm just human somedays and hop out of bed and leave me there." She tapped the side of her cheek. "Now I know you might not realize it or maybe you are going to do something but I get extremely… Extremely sore sometimes, to where it's hard to walk around the house and explaining to Goten why his mom can't hold herself upright is not enjoyable."

She crunched down on the Senzu bean swallowing it and felt the rejuvenating powers hit her as her body was completely back to one hundred percent. "So, now I'm going to make you feel just how I get sometimes. So that the next time you wake up in the morning you will make sure to check in on your wife or maybe bring her something to help her alleviate the pain. Okay honey?" She said as she grabbed her desert treats again.

"Eh!? I'm sorry I just-" His mouth was silenced with a spoonful of ice-cream. The visage of his wife's grinning face slowly shaking above his own.

"Apologies are too late Goku. Don't worry you'll enjoy it and maybe you might just learn something." She said silencing him with another finger as she pulled the spoon free and moved to kiss his lips and taste her sweet chocolate husband. "You are delicious!" She purred as she wondered just what else she could do…


Goku couldn't move as his lower half absolutely ached, his wife laid atop him sleeping peacefully a satisfied smile on her lips as they were covered in sticky sweat and their desert from last night. The drips and stains covered the bed as Goku could only whine half-heartedly as he was just unbearably sore. It was like he jumped into a gravity chamber from the waist down at 2000 times earth gravity. He got his wife's message loud and clear, he wouldn't ask for a repeat lesson anytime soon… well so long as the didn't have the ki cuffs which had lost some of their sway as his regular muscles responded but he didn't want to move around too much.

No matter what happened last night the happy smile on his wife's lips was more than him having to deal with a little soreness. She was worth every second of it as he watched her breath slowly, the side of her face resting against his chest with small chocolate stains on the side of her face and below her lips. The slow rhythmical beating of her heart was music to him as he let his own eyes close again. He wouldn't trade this simple moment for anything.

A/N: Too sweet, not sweet enough? Tell me what you think.