Alrighty then, here's the final chapter to conclude As Untame As The Sea! I want to thank all everyone who hung in with the sporadic updates and to those who left reviews. Even to those who didn't, just as long as you guys enjoyed it, then I'd say it was a mission accomplished.

The night before the banquet arrived, and to Groves's surprise, Emma was earnest in reviewing everything she had learned during her time in Port Royal. He kept his patience as she stressed herself over minor mistakes and mishaps, though once-or twice-corrected, she fixed them.

Once they reviewed the dining etiquette, a confused look on Emma's face prompted Groves.

"Is there something else?"

Her mouth closed and opened again. "How is a girl escorted to a banquet? I don't remember."

His heart skipped a beat. He hadn't yet asked her, fear and hesitation holding him back. He wondered if she would want him to.

He stood and approached her seat. "I don't believe I have shown you yet, however, girls do not attend banquets because they are not allowed." Before she could protest in anger, his face softened. "But ladies do."

She pursed her lips together, and he wanted to laugh at her reaction to his poor attempt at humor, but he held back. He was glad, however, that he had amused her, and that she seemed to accept his compliment.

He held out his hand. "First, let me help you from your chair."

She did, noticing he had to step back to allow enough room. She felt disappointed though, when he released her hand.

"Emma," he said softly, never tiring of saying her name, though keeping his mind from fogging was another challenge, "would you do me the honor of allowing me to escort you to the banquet for Officer Gale tomorrow night?"

Her eyes narrowed a bit, her face and voice innocent. "I thought you would be already."

He lowered his head humbly, hoping she wouldn't notice the chuckle he was holding back. His heart lifted, though, at her assumption, though under different circumstances his reaction would have been different for her boldness.

"A gentleman must ask a lady's permission."

"Oh," she peeped. She found herself smiling warmly at him, despite hoping she hadn't embarrassed him. She held out her hand as though to shake his. "Yes, Commodore Groves, you may."

He didn't try to hide his smile this time, though he held back another chuckle at seeing her hand's position. He gently turned it upright with his hand before lifting it to his lips and softly kissing it.

"Now I may show you," he said. He went to her side, and slowly, offered her his arm, and carefully slipped her hand into the proper place in the crook of his elbow.

"Whenever I walk with you somewhere, this is how I shall lead you," he said.

Her breath shortened, feeling his warmth through his coatsleeve. She nodded, and he led them to the parlor.

When they reached it, he showed her how to properly greet those she would be introduced to, his curtsying prompting giggles from her. He also went on to explain about the environment, the appropriate conversation topics, and the music that would be playing.

"Does that mean there will be dancing? Like the one you showed me in Tortuga?" she asked once he mentioned the music.

He nodded. "Yes."

Her face seemed to light up, though it was marked with some hesitation again. "Could you show me? I don't think I remember it."

He approached her, lifting her hand to be held palm down in his. "Keep your hand here, and hold it like this." Swallowing, he took her other hand and placed it high up on his arm. "Your other hand rests here-on the shoulder if possible-or there if he is much taller than you." He then gulped as he slid his arm around her waist, needing to draw her a bit closer in order to reach her. "And…like this."

They both froze, staring at each other, their hearts racing at how close they stood to each other. They both remembered that night they hid from Woodrow in the woods of Tortuga, and Groves had first shown her the waltz. Groves was in no hurry to release her. Emma liked the way his hand felt, where it reached the small of her back. She somehow felt protected.

Groves was fiercely tempted to finally lean in and kiss her, but didn't wish to compromise her new life here in Tortuga. Only if she consented someday to him properly courting her, would he allow himself that privilege. Though the look in her eyes now somehow reassured him that day would come. Although he wanted to be patient, he wondered how soon that day could be.

Swallowing away his temptation, he breathed deeply. "And…step back with your left foot…"

She did, only to have his own left foot come forward and nearly mash her right one. He realized his mistake as soon as she gasped and he nearly stumbled.

He gasped in horror at himself. He had better not dance like this at the banquet! "Oh, Emma! I'm sorry!"

She tried to steady her breath, not angry at him, but surprised at the maneuver. "Was that wrong?"

"No," he insisted. "It's my fault, I gave you incorrect instructions." He reminded himself to breathe before he continued, though his embarrassment still hadn't dissipated. "I'm the one who goes forward with the left foot first, and you go back with your right."

Emma looked down at the floor. "All right."

He gently squeezed her waist, making her look up at him to see the concern and embarrassment in his eyes. "Are you sure you're all right? I didn't hurt you?"

She sighed, sympathizing for him. "I am not made of glass, Theo. Can't the Commodore make an occasional mistake?"

He meekly studied her face, grateful and guilty for her calm reaction. If she was in any pain, she certainly masked it well.

"May we start again?" she asked softly. "Please?"

Groves slowly nodded, and carefully showed her again.

They danced for a long while, Groves showing her the different dances that may occur tomorrow night, careful not to make the same mistake again. More than once, they laughed, his heart warming at the sound of hers. He hoped that tomorrow night would be wonderful, for he hoped to make it so for her. He knew he would find it difficult to enjoy himself if she didn't for any reason.


The banquet for Officer-soon to be Captain-Gale was a success. Fans fluttered, glasses clinked, and laughter and conversation abounded. Unfortunately, there were those select few who tried to spread gossip around, but their efforts were discouraged by others throughout the night, or those ears it was spread to flew out the other.

Emma was flustered with nerves, hoping to make a good impression while making Groves look good, too. She felt a surge of accomplishment when she was introduced to others and felt accepted or regarded. She did wonder what their reactions would be when they heard her whole story (regardless of who it came from, though she knew gossip would somehow travel eventually), but she hoped her actions now would speak louder, and not reflect badly on Groves.

When dancing, a few requested Emma's permission, and she accepted after seeing Groves nod in approval. The men weren't rude to her, though she felt relieved when she was released back to Groves, feeling most at ease with him. When she did dance with those other men, Groves kept a careful eye out for her, elated that all seemed well. More than once, he caught himself wondering how she would feel at Gale's induction ceremony, which was a few days away.

The banquet carried on long into the night, and like all good times, came to an end.

Norrington and Annabelle requested an additional carriage for Groves and Emma, inviting them over for a late tea. They accepted, the ladies riding one carriage together since Groves and Emma were not married or betrothed.

When they were escorted inside, Annabelle politely excused herself from Emma, explaining she would freshen up, offering for Emma to do the same. Emma politely declined, and was shown to the parlor, where Groves stood upon her entering. Norrington was nowhere to be seen.

Groves thanked the butler, who left to attend to other duties.

"Might I ask you to join me in the garden while we wait?" he asked Emma. "There is a matter I would like to discuss with you."

Not having a clue, but excited to be alone with Groves, Emma nodded and slipped her hand into his arm like she had done all evening.

The moon shone brightly, and thanks to lit lanterns, the garden was well lit and quite lovely in the evening light.

They began their stroll with talk about the banquet, though after a short while, Groves stopped and turned to her. She could see he had grown serious and tried not to be alarmed. Her heart refused to try, however.

Had he calmed his nerves better, he would have helped her sit down on a bench, but it escaped his mind. His eyes were lowered, and he slowly paced back and forth a few steps, trying to muster up his courage.

Emma waited patiently, noticing his nerves. She couldn't fathom what for, but she found it endearing. She told herself one day she would ask him what made him so nervous sometimes.

After a few moments, he stopped, his back to her. Every memory he ever had with her flooded his mind all at once, and he had to close his eyes and take a few, quiet, deep breaths to calm himself.

Their first meeting when she addressed him at the bar in the tavern at Tortuga; when she took him upstairs when he paid for her to get her away from an undesired customer; the night she revealed to him her name; accidentally finding her bathing in a lake. The times she saved him from Woodrow; the first time he danced with her; when she finally discovered his full name; her bravery throughout the journey to Port Royal and Atlantis; the storm and the first night they spent in Atlantis; how she tended to his rope wounds; when she watched the horses on Atlantis run free; her bravery during her trial and wait until she was finally released; her transformation in these last months…

And then there was her: her soft, blonde hair, her alienesque blue eyes, her bold and fearless attitude, her intelligence, the subtle way she teased him, the way she made his heartbeat quicken and every word he wanted to say to her suddenly escape his mind…the way he felt complete with her, and how inadequate he felt without her…

Slowly, he turned back to her, his breath catching at the sight of her.

"I don't believer I ever properly thanked you for helping me all this time: from when I arrived in Tortuga, up until now," he began.

She humbly hung her head, then lifted it again. "Did I ever thank you for all the help you have given me?"

His face softened, content to merely gaze at her. "I was determined to show you what I think you deserve."

Her heart squeezed at his soft voice, recalling when he said that to her the night they hid from Woodrow in the woods.

"And so you have," she said above a whisper. His comment never failed to threaten tears in her throat.

A smile of relief tugged at his lips, his shoulders drooping as he sighed. *Yes…* he thought to himself, *now may be the time…*

He released his hands from behind him and slowly stepped towards her, his boots barely scraping the ground. "And you saved my life more than once."

Gently, Emma reached for his hand and held it in both of hers, her eyes glancing at it. It was the same hand which had hung onto the rope during the storm before they reached Atlantis, when she had been washed overboard, and he risked his own life to get her back. The rope had nastily scraped and wounded his hand, and while the injuries had long since healed, she still remembered where the injuries had been. She also remembered they had spent that night in a cave, and she had only water from his canteen to try and ease the pain. She knew that night that she was for certain in love with him. And tonight, she wondered not for the first time if he was in love with her.

"So did you," she replied, her fingers running over his strong ones and areas where the rope injuries had been. His other hand lightly covered hers, and she slowly looked up.

He sighed when she did, his hand brushing hair away from her cheek, then stroked it. She gulped when he did.

He moved his hands to gently grasp her shoulders, her hands resting on his chest. She could feel his rapid heartbeat beneath her palm, but she said nothing, for hers was beating the same.

"I have grown to care for you very much, Emma," he gazed at her, wanting to judge her reactions before he went ahead. She was surprised, but…she didn't appear repulsed or saddened. "It would be my honor if, with your permission, I could court you. Pursue you properly."

She blinked, her face lighting up a bit, though there was a bit of hesitation behind her eyes. "Doesn't courting lead to marriage?" she asked hesitantly.

Still calm, and not removing his hands from her shoulders, he forced himself to keep eye contact. He swallowed and replied, "Yes. That's always a possibility."

Had he not been gripping her shoulders, Emma may have fainted for the first time in her life. He must have sensed her weakening, for she felt his grip tighten a bit, but not painfully.

She was at a loss. Surprise fluttered across her face. She was elated he said he was fond of her, but did he really know what he was doing by-

"Why do you want to court a girl like me?" she asked quietly.

Groves was silent, staring at her seriously. He figured just as much that she may ask this. If she truly wanted to know…

"Because I love you, Emma."

She stared at him, wide-eyed at first, then with surprise, then with relief, then with happiness when she realized she was not completely certain he had felt that way. Now here he was, standing before her, expressing his most vulnerable emotion. And he possibly intended to marry her someday?!

Tears stung the back of her eyes, but made no appearance. "Even someone like me?" her voice gasped.

His grip on her shoulders tightened, and he gazed more intently at her. "Yes, Emma, especially someone like you. I do."

The tears threatened to make their appearance, and she quickly gave up the fight after steadying her breath. "I love you, Theodore."

It was a few moments before he seemed to fully absorb those words after the shock. He exhaled, his smile warm.

Earlier he had wondered if they would be interrupted by Norrington and Annabelle, but he wasn't aware that they saw enough from their window to know they would not be needed for a long while.

Merriment filled Emma upon seeing his surprised face, and she slid her arms around his shoulders in response, her head on his chest. She gripped him tighter when his arms firmly and protectively encircled her, feeling his heat as she pressed against him. She could have laughed at the irony that she hadn't actually said the word yes, but that he had instead interpreted her answer just the same.

His hand held the back of her head, his other arm around her waist. He turned his face so that it rested against her pinned up hair, breathing her in before he kissed it.

She pulled away, still smiling as he brushed stray strands from her face. He slowly moved his arms about her and drew her in, leaning in as his lips met hers. He drew her tightly to him, feeling a rush when she didn't resist and kissed him back, her hands on his shoulders. The kiss was genuine and heartfelt, gentle yet filled with the passion that had grown between them.

After they pulled away, they leaned until their foreheads touched, enjoying the moment for all it was worth.

Emma never thought she would live a life outside of Tortuga, let alone fall in love. This life would still bring more adjustment, but now that she had the man she loved at her side, she knew she could pull through. And the best part was, it was someone who loved her, too.

Groves never imagined it would happen like this, and while their journey had been outside the realms of his wildest imagination, he was more than willing to show her for the rest of his life how much he loved her, and was glad to have found her.