Chapter 1:



Kyuubi Thinking, and Talking

I AM BACK AGAIN! As I was going back over this chapter, I saw ALOT of grammar problems and so I fixed them so now the story reads better. I also wanted to let you all know that yes Five years as gone by and I haven't placed chapter 2 yet, I have not forgotten this story or any other story from my profile I am working on them as I write and chapter 2: REUNION PT 2 is coming real soon. I am sorry for those that love this story for making you all wait five years for chapter 2.

Naruto, Sakura, and Yamato had just entered Orochimaru's secret hideout when they found out that Sai was only placed on their team to kill the one that they trying to save, Sasuke Uchiha. "Damn it all to hell, when I get my hands on Sai, he is going to regret ever betraying us," Naruto screamed at the top of her lungs. 'Hold on Sasuke, we are on our way.' "OW, Sakura what the hell was that for," Naruto said as she rubbed the bump that was forming on her head.

"So that you would shut your big mouth up, we can't let them find us and with you screaming like that, it is going to make our jobs harder," Sakura said.

"I don't care Sakura, maybe if I scream loud enough then Sasuke would get ahead start and get away," Naruto said still rubbing her head. "All I want is for Sasuke to be safe, and if that involves allowing him to get away I am all for it."

Sakura rolled her eyes then looked over at Captain Yamato. "What is the plan, we can't just let Sai wander free."

Yamato rubbed his chin with a thought full look across his face. "I got it we split up, each of us that a floor, it'll take less time that way. Now if anyone of you comes across Sasuke or Sai raise your chakra just a little and we will come as fast as we can." Yamato then looked towards both of them. " I don't want you two to put yourselves in any danger. Now in any case, if none of us has found Sasuke or Sai return to this spot." Yamato finished, both Naruto and Sakura nodded, and then the three took off in opposite directions.

'Wait for us Sasuke, we are on our way. Please let us make it in time.' thought Sakura.

'I can't lose him again, not when we are so close.' Naruto was running down hall's after hall's, rooms after room but could not find anything. "How many godforsaken hallways does this god damn place have." Naruto stopped to catch her breath. 'I can imagine how many times Sasuke got lost here, not that he would ever let his pride go to ask for help.' She let out a small laugh. "OK now is not the time to laugh, got to get back to searching. She then went back to her search. However, she did not have to look forever long as took a turn down a hall she came to a stop, as she noticed a small black rat running in and out of rooms. "That is one weird rat, it looks it's made of ink. Sai!' She watched as it runs from room to room when it finally entered a room but never came out. 'What is taking so long, why has it not come out.' She waited but when it never came out that is when it came to that, that room must be Sasuke. "Looks like following that rat was the right choice."

She made her way to the room and cracked open the door just enough to see someone laying on the bed. 'Sasuke' She made her way into the room when she heard a voice.

"Who is there?"

Naruto easily recognized the voice 'I was right, that is Sasuke.' She took a step towards the bed when she was stopped by a sword to her throat.

"I'll ask you again who are you?" Sasuke demanded and pushed the sword more into her neck.

"Wow, Wow, Wait for Sasuke, it's me Naruto." She moved the sword away from her neck. "You can't imagine, how worried I was for you." She said as she placed her face and hands into his chest.

Sasuke looked down at her. "What are you doing here, I thought I told to never come after me." He said to her in a demanding voice. He grabbed her arm''s and slightly pushed her away. Both of them just stared at each other. "I asked why you are here Naruto." His grip on her arm's tightening.

She winced at the pain in her arm's, but she did not answer him, all she wanted to do was look at him because she didn't believe that he was in front of. 'After two years of training and searching for any signs of him, now his in front of me, and shit he is still taller than me.' She thought, then she remembers why she was there in the first place. "Sasuke, we got to leave. A man named Sai is on his way to kill, I don't want to lose you after just finding you." She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him towards the door but Sai was already standing in the way. "Sai." She gave him a nasty look and reached for her kunai, but she never got the chance to grab it as she felt a sharp gap to the back of her neck. 'Sasuke, why?' She thought as she fell to the ground.

Sasuke watched as he let Naruto fall to the ground, then he looked towards Sai. "You must be this Sai guy that she told me about, the one that thinks he can kill me."

Sai just looked at him. "Yes at one time I was coming to kill you, but after meeting Sakura and Naruto that has changed," Sai said as he looked at Naruto. "The way they smiled as they talked about you, and the way they were willing to risk their own lives just to bring you home. That bond, the one that they are working so hard to keep from breaking, I want to save it. You must know what I am talking about."

Sasuke looked towards Naruto then he let out a menacing laugh. "That bond as long since been broken, and there is nothing to save because the only bond that I have now is a bond of hatred from my brother." He felt something crawl up his leg and wrap around him. "If you think that this is going to stop me you are wrong."

Meanwhile, Sakura and Yamato met up at the rendezvous and were waiting for Naruto. "Where is she, she should have been here by now, you don't think she ran into any trouble do you?"

As Sakura was opening her mouth the ground shook than they heard a loud explosion. They both turned their heads to the sound of the explosion when Sakura said. "Isn't that where you sent Naruto?"

Yamato didn't answer Sakura and took off towards the explosion and Sakura was right on his heels. As they took a turn they both stopped, there standing in rumble was Sai. "SAI!", and before Yamato could do anything Sakura took off.

"Wait Sakura."

"No, I have to stop Sai." She rushed up to him and grabbed him by his shirt. "Sai you little traitor, if you did anything to Naruto, I'll..."


A voice rang out and she turned towards it to see Sasuke standing on top of the destroyed room. "Sasuke-Kun." As she got a good look at him, she saw that Naruto was lumped over his shoulder. "Naruto!"

"Since you are here does that mean Kakashi is here as well?" Sasuke asked.

"Sorry to say, but I am not Kakashi," Yamato said as he up to Sakura. "But Team Seven's mission is still the same. To find you and bring you home."

Sasuke let out a small chuckle and looked to Sai. "So another loser joins the rank, he showed up saying that he wanted to save the bond that Naruto and I have."

Sakura looked over at Sai with a confused look. "I thought you were here to kill Sasuke."

He turned to Sakura. "Yes I was placed on your team to kill Sasuke but after meeting you and Naruto and seeing how far you were willing to go to save you, friend, I wanted to protect that bond," Sai said and looked to Sasuke. "You thought you were moving to fast for me to notice but I saw you grab Naruto after you broke free of my ink snakes and moved her to safety before the room was destroyed. So I know you still care about Naruto and you can't deny it."

Sasuke's face had a scrawl. "Your right there still is a bit of that bond left." When Sasuke said that Sakura had a huge smile across her face but it didn't stay there for long. "However I fully intend to break that bond. As I said before the only bond that I have is a bond of hate for my brother." Sasuke let Naruto drop from his shoulder then he appeared before Sai, Sakura, and Yamato. "You should have forgotten me and gone on with your lives." He reached for his sword when a hand reached and stopped him.

"Where you going to hurt them, Sasuke." Said Naruto as she appeared behind me. "Why can't you see that we are trying to save you."

"I don't need you to save me Naruto. I thought you wanted to become the first female Hokage, you would do better if you were off training."

"I don't deserve to become Hokage if I can't save one of my friends," Naruto said, and then she wrapped her arms around his and then Sai did the same on to the other arm. "We will bring you home even if you don't like it."

"That was the correct way to block my attack," Sasuke said and Naruto flipped herself over his arm, while Sai tried to stab him and Yamato sent out his own attack to subdue Sasuke. (I don't know the type of move it was so please bare with this and if you want to see the attack then please go and watch this episode of Naruto Shippuden episode 52) "Chidori Nagashi," said Sasuke, and lightning flew out from both of his arms and it sent both Naruto and Sai flying away from him and destroying Yamato's attack. Naruto slammed hard against the ground and the necklace that Tsunade gave her and help prevent her from losing control of the Nine-Tailed Fox flew off her neck.

Sasuke stood there with his sword drawn and lightning all flowing all around him. 'A full body Chidori.' thought Sakura. She formed a fist and placed chakra into it rushed Sasuke. 'I'll stop Sasuke-Kun myself'

When Sasuke turned to face her and placed some of his chakra around his sword is when Yamato notice the look in his eyes. 'Those eyes...This kid is dangerous. I must stop Sakura.' He pulled out a kunai and jumped in front of Sakura and went to block Sasuke's sword but all it did was go right threw it and end but piercing his shoulder, which caused him to become pinned up against some ruble.

"Captain Yamato," said Sakura.

"That was the wrong..." Sasuke pushed more of his sword into Yamato's shoulder making him lose feeling in his arm and dropping his kunai. "To block my attack. My sword of Kusanagi has a unique blade. Guarding against it is impossible."

'Shit my body is going numb, is he running a Chidori down the length of the blade?. Yamato tried to raise his hand but could not. 'I see! Not only does that increase it's sharpness to the max, but it also numbs the area it cut's.'

Naruto start's to make grunting sounds and it caused Sasuke to look over at her. He noticed the necklace next to her and that her nails grew sharp.

Inside Naruto's Mind

Naruto was standing in front of a gate when a menacing voice came out behind it. "This is our chance, Naruto. Let's show him what we're like when we combine our power." Naruto just stood there looking at the gate as red bubbles pop up from the ground and took the form of Kyuubi. "Why do you hesitate, you need my power don't you?" She just stood there looking at him. "Now...Who do you want to kill?

Naruto finally had enough. "You stay away from me." Kyuubi looked down at her and smiled. "What are you afraid of?" Naruto screamed 'Shut up' to him. "I don't need your power anymore." That caused Kyuubi to let out a very loud menacing laugh. "Who was it who was always saying "Lend me your power" up to now. You know that you can't do anything on your own. All you have to do is remove the seal and I shall give you all my power."

Naruto put up her hand, "And I told you to back off I don't need your power." Kyuubi's eyes widen in shock and confusion. "You're..." Hearing Kyuubi speak caused Naruto to look right of her and standing there with his hand on Kyuubi's nose was Sasuke, she was so shocked to see him there that she backed up a little bit. "Sasuke?, How did you get here?" "I see you're an Uchiha. You've done well to become so powerful."

"I can see it now, So this is the source of your hidden power," Sasuke said as his eyes looked over at her. "I never would've thought you'd have something like this inside of you." "You're able to see me inside of Naruto because of you accursed lineage and that loathsome Sharingan." While Kyuubi talked to Sasuke Naruto moved closer to him. "It seems that this isn't your first time seeing the Sharingan. Then that must mean you're the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox." Naruto was shocked by how fast Sasuke figured it out. "The power of those eyes, and a chakra that is even more sinister than my own...You're just like Uchiha Madara."

"Uchiha?" Naruto said.

Sasuke grabbed the fox's nose and crushed it causing the rest of the fox to be destroyed. As that happened Naruto's face had a huge look of shock on her face. 'He stopped Kyuubi that easily. Just how powerful did he become in just two years.' She was drawn out of her thoughts by Sasuke.

"I have no idea...who you are talking about." "To think that you're able to suppress my power. This may be our last meeting, so let me say one thing. Don't...kill Naruto."

"Kyuubi," Naruto whispered. "You' to regret it," Kyuubi said as he disappeared.

Back with Yamato, Sakura, and Sai.

Everything was like it was frozen in time, no one was moving or making a sound. Sakura just kept looking back and forth between Sasuke and Naruto, just waiting for someone to make a move. And when Naruto started getting up is when everything started to move again. With Sasuke locking eyes with Naruto and not paying attention to Yamato, gave him enough time to do some hand signs and knocking Sasuke away from him. "Mokuton, Mokujou Heki." Sasuke was then surrounded by a wooden cage but he was able to escape.

"Time to go Sasuke, I am assuming you are done playing with them."

While Naruto was trying to stand up, she got a good look at who said that and standing at the stop of the destroyed room was Orochimaru and Kabuto. "Orochimaru." Sasuke suddenly landed next to her. "Sasuke?" she was confused as to why he was standing by her, and before she could blink, she was hanging over his shoulder and she was still too weak to fight him. "Put me down right this instant Sasuke." He jumped up next to them.

"Oh your bring her along, she'll be your responsibility." Said Orochimaru, then he, Kabuto, Sasuke along with Naruto disappeared under flames.

However, before they were gone completely Naruto screamed. "Sakura!"

"Naruto! No, I couldn't do a thing to stop them and now they have Naruto."

"Don't worry Sakura this is Naruto we're talking about she'll escape before you know it, and we're not going to stop until we find her." Said Yamato. "However we are injured we must return to Konoha and let the Hokage know what has happened."

"I'll help as well, this is my fault if I just told you the truth Naruto wouldn't have gone off to find Sasuke by herself." Said Sai. The three took off back to Konoha to come up with a battle plan to rescue Naruto.

Thank you for reading and I hope you like the story, the rest of the chapters are still under rewrite, I thought you might like a preview of the story.