Love Me Dead~ (Wedding Story)

"His words: like swords,

They pierce my skin.

And carve my flesh,

To be like his.

Forgive him not,

For he knows the price.

As he pushes me further under,

My life I will sacrifice.

And sacrifice I will,

Baring one name.

His for the taking,

If only I were brave."

Terri finished off the poem with the snap of the hard leather book. She looked around at us expectantly, hoping to get some sort of emotion out of us.

I blinked.

"Well," Knox pushed herself up higher in the cramped airplane chair, "I don't like it." Terri furrowed her brows in a huff and turned to the rest of us, waving away Knox's opinion. But Knox was stubborn, and defiant as always, so she continued, "I don't get it. It's stupid. Why kill yourself because of what some guy says to you?" She crunched loudly on a couple peanuts.

"No, no." Terri scolded, "You've got it all wrong. It's not a bout a girl killing herself because of a man, it's about-"

"Then what is it then?" Knox cut her off, her menacing stare turning towards the rest of us, hoping we'd side with her. She always did like to argue, even if she was wrong and everyone knew it.

"I think," Harper spoke up, still flipping through the sports magazine on her lap, "That the man stands for society and what it does to people." She sniffed lightly, holding an overly used tissue to her nose that she pulled -wrinkled- from her coat pocket. "She killed herself because she couldn't take society and what it does to you."

There was no need for her to explain what society did to a person. We all understood that very well ourselves. It was just odd hearing Harper say it. After all, she was the idea of perfection. Her body was perfect and healthy, she prided herself in school work, and out of the rest of us, she was probably the only one who pushed herself to exercise.

"And what do YOU know of the troubles of society?" Knox scoffed, looking out the window with newfound interest in the hills below. Harper shifted awkwardly in her seat as Terri searched through her book of poems for another one to read.

I sighed.

Those two were going to be giving us more and more trouble for the next month, I could feel it. Hopefully they didn't do anything stupid that ruined the wedding. Though, I can't say it'd be such a bad thing. My first words when Nora asked me to be her maid of honor were, "You're pregnant." But that just wasn't the case. She was in 'love.' Or what Nora thought was love anyway. None of us really know yet, we haven't met the guy. Apparently tall, dark, and handsome, with friends. That's all I really needed to know.

But he lived on an Indian reservation near Seattle, so of course Nora wandered over there one day for the beaches and the sun (Which was rare apparently) and just…ran into him. So here we were, flying thirty light-years all because she asked us -the dysfunctional group of college friends that we were- to come down and be her brides maids. And me to be her maid of honor, though there was nothing honorable (Or maiden) about me.

"I really hate rain." Knox scowled at the droplets that blocked her view from the window before turning back to us with an exasperated look of boredom.

"We must be getting close." Terri stopped mid sentence as she rattled off the words to another poem and checked her watch.

"Thank God, I can't wait to stretch." Harper rubbed the back of her sore knees and groaned. "Wanna go for a run with me when we get there, Remmy?"

I raised my brows at the girl, repressing a snort, and giggling. "Yeah, I think I'll pass."

"Remmy? Run? It's a death wish. The girl can barely walk." Knox giggled, smirking and chewing like a camel.

"I can run just as good as the next guy!" I defended playfully. She was right. Me and running just weren't a good idea.

"Well." Terri stated, shooting me a pointed look, "You can run just as WELL as the next guy."

We all rolled our eyes as Terri huffed about us not even TRYING to patch up our grammar. For her sake, I'd have to brush up on it. Maybe put the 'Grammar for Dummies' book she got me for Christmas to good use.

"Do you think they'll have food?" Harper questioned, leaning towards us as if we might whisper the answer, "I really want some apples or something. I should have offered to make the salad or something. With the way Nora eats, all they'll have at the wedding is Pop tarts and granola bars."

I giggled as Knox fumed about the nutritional value of granola bars.

"I heard she's got some woman down there helping her with food and stuff." I shrugged, picking at my nails- painted a deep blue upon Nora's request.

"Yeah, but she's gonna need your opinion before she does anything drastic. Like flowers, and table settings and stuff." Terri stated matter-of-factly, flipping the pages of her poem book and barely paying any attention.

"What'dya mean?"

She raised a neat black brow at my grammar but I simply rolled my eyes and waited for her to continue. "I mean, that you're her maid of honour, Remmy. You've gotta help pick out all the stuff and all."

"And not screw anything up." Knox cut in, swallowing loudly before offering me some peanuts out of her sweaty palm. I shook my head no quickly, sending blond curls out of the clip holding them away from my face.

"Don't worry, we'll help too, of course. The weddings not for another month." Harper cracked her neck and started rolling her shoulders back- smiling, "And just think, if things get too stressful, we could always go for a run."