Oh my god, don't hate me. I know I haven't updated in forever and there's really no excuse. So I'm really sorry. I'm already writing the next chapter. Trying to keep with the plot of the show but I also want my own story plot too, so I guess bear with me especially if some of the scenes are like out of order.

"McCall, I know your secret." The words keep ringing in Scott's head, taunting him. Jackson had no idea what he was asking for. This so called "gift" made his life complicated, made everything so much harder. Scott had a crazy murderous lycanthrope after him, who wanted him to kill and be a part of his pack. He had to lie left and right, and hope that he won't get caught in his web of lies. Not to mention the bizarre thing that started between Derek and him, which was something Scott was sure he wanted. And Allison, he still desired her somewhat. How could he not, she was the reason he could keep his anger in check.

He wanted Allison and kind of didn't at the same time which was strange but not difficult to apprehend. He didn't need Derek to explain that one, he wanted Allison and Derek and his wolf well his wolf just wanted Derek, it was as simple as that.

A halfhearted chuckle left Scott's lips, that's how simple his life can get now. Grades and lacrosse practice were the least of his worries, Scott thought as he sat down in the cafeteria. His talk with Allison had gone downhill, and he needed the necklace. Derek asked him, more like ordered him to get it and Scott finds himself wanting to please the older wolf.

Scott glances at Stiles as he sits down but his gaze is on Jackson. His body stiffens as he hears Jackson's voice, continuing to taunt him and his angers' barely reigned in as the tray makes a loud noise colliding with the table, he snapped but just for a second. He sort of wishes that Derek was here to calm him, he wishes that Derek and him could kiss again.

"What's up with that goofy look on your face?" Stiles says with a mouthful of food.

"Huh? Nothing, just thinking of someone." Scott replies, hiding his grin in the palm of his hand.

Stiles narrow his eyes, "Who? I'd think it was Allison but something tells me it's not her. Wait, you've got your eyes on someone else already, wolfman?" He doesn't give Scott time to answer. "Well, good. I'm tired of watching you pine for Allison."

"Stiles, shut up."


Watching Jackson and Allison become closer was like a trigger for instant jealousy and rage which was a given since he did still like her. But that didn't matter right now, he wanted to go see Derek and right after he would go to Allison's to search her room for the necklace. As he reached Derek's home, he let his bike fall and was just about to knock on the door but Derek pulls it open.

"You got the necklace?" Derek said, closing the door behind him.

Scott shook his head sheepishly, and rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, no but I'll get it. Are you going somewhere?"

"Going to Stiles house. Why don't you have the necklace?" Derek questioned, giving Scott a look, probably because he knows he ordered Scott to get it.

"I'm going to search her room right after this, I wanted to talk about yesterday."

"What about yesterday?"

Scott's confused, "I uh." Scott's at a complete lost for words, is Derek going to pretend what happened yesterday didn't happen? And slowly but surely, he can feel his confusion turning into anger. "I got hard from being under you, are you going to pretend like it didn't happen?" Shit, did he just say that? But he fights the blush because his anger beats the embarrassment. First time, I don't blush around him and it's because we're fighting, figures, Scott thinks sourly.

"You want to know what I remember from yesterday, I remember you not controlling yourself. I remember having to cut the lesson short because you couldn't control yourself. That's what I remember!"

Scott's a little taken back but his anger rises and so does his voice, "What do you want from me! I'm trying, alright. And you know what, don't act like you weren't affected!" He wouldn't be surprised if his eyes weren't brown anymore and he's definitely not surprised that he's staring into angry blue eyes.

"I was affected because you couldn't control yourself. Now calm down." All of that is growled into Scott's face, challenging him to make a move.

Scott's angry and he doesn't want to back down, not if Derek's going to be ass like this. But he can feel Derek's presence, it's giving off a vibe that screams relax, one that he desperately wants to follow.

"Think before you act, Scott."

Scott forces his eyes down and takes a step back as a sign of submission. His eyes come back up quick as he feels a hand at the back of his neck. Derek yanks him close quickly and speaks coolly, breath gusting over his ear, sending a shudder down Scott's spine.

"This can't happen, we have bigger issues at hand. I know I said when you figure out what you want, we'll continue but-" Then he pulls back and stares directly in Scott's eyes and continues. "You don't know what you want, you're just a pup. Young, confused and full of hormones. We don't have time for this. Besides, don't you want to find the cure and lead a normal life like you wanted?"

Scott hates the feeling he feels, rejection. "I-I don't know. I wanted you and I thought you wanted me." Scott scoffs, "I didn't know that changed." Scott pulls his head away from Derek, glaring. "So what you don't want me anymore, that's shitty even for you.

Derek's hand grabs Scott and pulls him back to him, Derek's claws slowly pierce Scott's shirt, the light feeling of the claws grazing over his skin make him shiver. "Everything I'm doing is beneficial for you as well as me."

Scott sighs, it's quiet when he speaks, "I know." Because he does know, he trusts Derek. Derek's hand is still bunch up in his shirt and Scott is leaning towards him before it's a conscious thought. There is something seriously wrong with them though, one minute they're fighting and the next they're huddled together like lovers. Derek's not exactly hugging him but he's not pushing him away so he takes it as a win.

Derek's hand cards through his hair, nails scraping lightly against his scalp, then Derek says "Scott, we have to-"

"Yea, yea. I know, just enjoying this before something screws it up." He pulls away, observing a squirrel scramble up a tree, in an attempt to conceal his blush.

Derek has an eyebrow raised and a knowing look on his face, "I don't know why you think hiding it will keep me from knowing, I can smell you."

Scott face darkens, "I got to ask you a question."

"Did you forget you still have to get the necklace?"

"No, I know. It'll be quick. Yesterday, you did feel something, I mean it wasn't only me, right?"

Derek tugs him forward, and kisses him, tongue quickly fighting for dominance but Scott's not giving in that easily. He's not submitting so quickly, even though he knows who's going to win. Derek growls and has him pinned to the door, pulling away with a nip at his lip. Derek's eyes are so blue but he only gets to see them for a second because Derek buries his face in Scott's neck and licks. Canine like fangs grazing over his skin before sucking, leaving a dark red spot on Scott's neck.

"So I'm going to take that as a yes." Scott gasps out.

"You're making my control crumble." Derek says pulling away from Scott's neck, he looks Scott in the eyes, eyes still blue. "I need you to calm down."

"I am."

"Then stop rocking against my leg", his eyes shining with amusement.

Scott looks down, his hips are rubbing against Derek's leg like a overexcited dog. He stops quickly but he doesn't bother to hide the heat he feels creeping up his neck into his cheeks, he just lets out a weak, "Sorry." Scott wishes he had Derek's control and then his eyes go to Derek's crotch, only to see a bulge. The grin forming on his face is bright, "Hah, no one not even you has that much control."

"Shut up", Derek's steering him towards his bike and states, "Go."

The grin is still on Scott's face when he climbs his bike, because this time he's leaving happy, although it's hard trying to ride a bike with a stiffy.


He doesn't want to but he goes through Allison's room, Derek's order to obtain the necklace is still engraved in his mind. His revelation of finding Allison's book that depicts werewolves has him a little scared, he knew eventually her family would tell her. They couldn't keep her in the dark forever but it just seems surreal, for him to see evidence. And as he jumps down from her window, his heart thumps loudly in fear when he sees her dad. Funny, he's the werewolf and he's afraid.

Allison's father asked about Derek and Scott's first instinct was to make sure to protect Derek, so he said he didn't know Derek, he said he didn't even consider them friends, which honestly was kind of true. Trying to put a label on what he and Derek are is difficult to say the least. Allison's dad didn't buy that for a second but after what happened that night at the school, the way he threw Derek under the bus like that, it wasn't going to happen again. So he rather tell another lie, he'd rather defend Derek.

"I can't tell you anything about Derek because I don't know anything about him, we're not friends. And everything in that school I did, I was trying to keep everyone safe especially Allison but that's not what you want to hear and I have a game to get to, so bye." Scott turned his back and left.

They just won the game and he's been searching for Stiles because he talked to Stiles earlier, apparently Derek and Stiles are working together, the thought makes him laugh but Stiles was suppose to be here. He remembers that Jackson just gave him 72 hours to give him what he wanted. He's seriously thinking of scaring Jackson so bad that he won't ever blackmail him again. Sighing he closes his locker, he's the only one here right now. He frowns when he hears a sound, looking for it, he sees Derek.

"Where have you been? Things have just been falling apart." Scott walks toward Derek but Derek isn't looking at him. Scott turns, "You."

Please review. Next chapter coming soon.