Title: Alphabetic Shawn & Gus
Disclaimer: I do not own Psych. I make no profit from this story.
A/N: I apologize for all mistakes. English is not my first language.
Visual: "I think this is great fun, Gus!" Shawn said just as Gus was getting ready to putt. "We should do this kind of thing more often."
"Shawn!" Gus snapped, straightening up, "How many times I have said don't talk when I am putting?"
"I wasn't saying anything distracting!" Shawn protested.
"You shouldn't say anything at all. First you had to tell me how you thought it would be great to get a full body tan in a golf course, and then …"
"That was a dope idea, why don't you take off your…" Catching Gus' glare Shawn stopped and grinned. "Okay, I'll hold my peace from now on."
"Hah, you? The only way to keep you from interrupting me mid-putt again is keep you at least thirty feet away from me."
"Now, Gus, don't be a bowl of overcooked pasta…"
"Thirty feet, Shawn."
Shawn huffed and walked some distance away behind Gus. When sure that Shawn was far enough away, Gus bent down slightly to prepare for his stroke again. Shawn squinted interestedly as he checked out Gus' butt. He might not get to have any conversation from here, but the visual was damn good.
Wanted: "Hey, Gus, remember this?" Shawn waved a hideous yellow sombrero at his partner. "Remember that trip?"
"Yes, Shawn, I do remember, however much I try to forget!" Gus said rolling his eyes.
"Aw, don't be a grumpy pants, Gus, it was a fun trip." Shawn said, setting the sombrero on his hair at a jaunty angle. "The tacos they sold in that roadside shop, man, I'll never forget the taste!"
"I hope so, because you are never getting to taste them again." Gus said wryly. "We are no longer welcome in that town."
"Hah, the police of San Jóse del Cabo have no sense of humor. That was no real reason to declare us Wanted!"
"You pushed the officer in a drum of glue! And when he scrambled out you emptied a bag of bird food over him!"
"Oh yeah, that was freakin' epic, right, amigo? Anyway he shouldn't have tried to arrest me for having a little fun in the streets…"
"Drunken brawl," Gus corrected, "And then you told them we had diplomatic immunity, because I was the Crown Prince of Papua New Guinea and you were my translator!"
Xerox: Gus stood primly in his black tuxedo, a pink rose in his buttonhole. Shawn's tuxedo was white, and in the buttonhole, despite Gus' protests that it was too much, he had put a huge pink gerbera daisy. Shawn reasoned that his free and creative spirit had been oppressed by people for years ("Hah!" said Gus), and he was going to live his wedding day to the fullest.
Shawn looked around to see all the familiar faces. The sitting arrangement had been planned by Juliet and Mrs. Guster, with frequent interpolations and suggestions from Shawn. Henry Spencer sat beside Chief Karen Vick, Shawn's mother Madeleine with the Gusters. Detective Carlton Lassiter, who claimed that he was only attending because the Chief had ordered him to, sat between Buzz and Juliet.
"Shawn, stop squirming," hissed Gus, "He is about to begin!"
The minister, who had a very pronounced Adam's apple and a thin mustache, cleared his throat loudly and said, "Friends, family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of souls of this man, and this man…."
This is it, thought Gus, I am voluntarily embracing a life of chaos and slowly being driven to insanity! I hope I survive it.
This minister's voice sounds like he has asthma, Shawn thought, we totally should have gotten that big black guy with the baritone voice, even though he had once killed a guy with a church chair! I just hope the jerk chicken does not get cold by the time he finishes.
"Shawn and Gus have written their own vows," rasped the minister, "Shawn?"
Shawn pulled out a piece of paper from inside of his coat with a flourish and began to read. "Sh…um, I mean, Gus, my caramel sweetness, in the last twenty-five years, you have been the most constant presence in my life. We have shared every little thing, some exciting, some mundane, but all through this…" Gus's eyes widened with every word, his hand quickly slipping inside his own coat; the paper with his vows was still there. What the hell…? he thought.
"Shawn!" he said in an outraged whisper, "Those are my vows! How the hell did you…?"
Yield: When Shawn had made him sneak out of his house to go see a midnight fireworks display when they were eleven, Gus had not been able to resist. When Shawn practically forced him to become a partner in a fake psychic detective agency, Gus gave in to him again. That was why he grew more and more worried as he noted his best friend's subtle attempts at seducing him everyday. Gus could envision his fate already. He knew he would yield to Shawn. He always did.
Zealous: "Okay, is it a … set of light sabers?" Shawn asked as he put another shiny little decorative star on the Christmas tree. The tree was luscious and green, hand-picked by Gus.
Gus raised one eyebrow at Shawn as he tried to put a golden miniature angel on the top of the tree.
"Shawn, you know I am not telling you what I got you," he said after successfully placing the angel. "Did you get your dad's present wrapped?"
"Yeah," Shawn gestured at the large box near the door, and smirked. "I got bright pink and orange wrapping paper, just to see his face when he gets it!"
Gus laughed and smacked him on the arm.
"He already knows to expect the worst from you. Anyway, I think he will like the fishing equipments."
Shawn put the last ornament on and stepped back. "Ta-da! We're done. Let's have some of that cheesecake now."
"No, Shawn, that's for dessert tomorrow."
"Aw, man!" Shawn whined, "I can't see my present, I can't have cheesecake… are all the fun stuff reserved for tomorrow?"
"Well," replied Gus with a smile, "we can go do some fun stuff in bed right now…"
"That's the best idea you've had all day, my cream-filled chocolate brownie!" Shawn jumped excitedly, "Let's go put it in action immediately."
Shawn started running towards their bedroom door at top speed, but in his haste stumbled over the big pink and orange box and went sprawling to the floor. Gus sighed; Shawn was just too zealous for his own good.
A/N: Thanks to everyone who has read/reviewed this story J. Sorry I am so late in updating. I have no excuse. I am just plain lazy!