Rescue Special Ops
Disclaimer: I do not own rescue special ops, thought I'd put this up while I'm waiting for my beta reader to check the other one.
A/N: Yeah italics are there thoughts as usual. Also this chapter isn't very good, don't really know if I want to continue on with this, give me ideas if you want me too. So yeah review:)
"But that doesn't mean you need to knock someone out every time you need to defend yourself" Lachie said
"I don't know what to do anymore; I've stuffed my whole life up" Chase said sadly
Lachie sighed "Chase. You just need to focus and not let anything else get in your way, what are your grades like at school?" he asked as they took a seat on the side of the road
"Shit. D's – E's. What do you expect, I'm never at school" Chase said
"Why don't you see if Dean can get you some experience at rescue?" Lachie asked
"Because I'm not smart enough to work there" Chase said
"You can do whatever you want with your life Chase. Trust me; he can get you in there" Lachie said trying to comfort his brother
"Yeah and what if he can't?" Chase asked
"Just give it a try Chase" Lachie said eagerly at Chase
"Okay, Okay" Chase said. They both walked down the street and back into the house. Chase went and sat on the couch
"Dean" Lachie shouted
"Yeah?" Dean asked coming out from his bedroom
"Ah, Chase is going to start fresh. Do you reckon you would be able to get him some experience at Rescue?" Lachie asked
"Yeah, I should be able to. I can get you a job too if you want?" Dean asked Lachie
"That'd be great mate" Lachie said happily. They both walked back out to where Chase was sitting on the couch "You hungry Chase?" Lachie asked
"Yeah" Chase said getting up. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk and then went and got a box of cereal out of the cupboard and began to pour it into the bowl. "Can I go out with a mate tonight?" Chase asked
"Uhh.." Lachie said looking over at Dean who shook his head "No mate. Another night maybe"
Chase rolled his eyes and sat on the couch grumpy. Dean's phone buzzed and it was Vince
"Hello?" Dean asked
"Yeah, Deano. We've got a call out. I'll swing by and pick you up" Vince said
"Alright, see you soon" Dean said hanging up his phone. "Got called in, see you guys tonight" He said before he disappeared into his room to get changed. He came out shortly after in his uniform and went out the door into the patrol that was waiting for him
Lachie turned to Chase "Oi Chase" he said grabbing his brothers attention
"Yeah, Lach" Chase said turning around
"I'm going to go to your school, talk some sense into that principal" Lachie said
"Lachie, don't you'll make matters worse" Chase said
"Nah, I'll make things better" Lachie said before walking off to the shower. He had a shower and got changed and met with Chase back in the lounge room
"You better" Chase snarled before he switched the station over to watch something else
Lachie jumped into his ute and headed for Chase's school. He arrived fifteen minutes later and locked his car. The school hadn't changed one bit since Lachie had last been there, he felt that he would still know where all the blocks were. He walked up and headed into the office waiting at the front desk for someone to come and see him
"Hello, can I help you?" One of the ladies asked as she approached Lachie
"Yeah..I need an interview with the principal, immediently" Lachie said looking around
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked
"No" Lachie replied "It's about my brother, he goes here"
"Oh..Okay. What's your brothers name?" The lady asked
"Chase Gallagher" Lachie said
The lady sighed "Oh…Yes…And who are you?" she asked
"His brother..Lachie Gallagher" Lachie said annoyed at her tone of voice
"You can go straight through" She said pointing where to go
"Thanks" Lachie said rolling his eyes and followed the direction of where she was pointing
He was greeted by the principal who shook his hand "I'm Kevin" he said as he took a seat behind the desk
"Lachie…Chase's older brother" Lachie said taking a seat
"So there's three of you?" he asked
"Yes" Lachie said
"So, what did you come to talk about?" he asked
"I want Chase's suspension to be lowered. He needs to be at school, he is going to get straight and focus more on school work" Lachie explained
"I've heard that plenty of times" Kevin sighed
"If you can't be bothered to try and help him then I'll pull him out of the School!" Chase shouted angered
"Good luck trying to find somewhere else to take him in" Kevin said
"Just please, he wants to be better and get better grades. I might have worked out a plan with Dean that Chase can get experience in the Rescue field" Lachie explained
"What's the plan?" he asked
"Chase spends two days at Rescue and three at school. He will not get into any fights" Lachie said
"I will work out something; he can come to school not tomorrow the day after" Kevin said handing a form over to Lachie. Lachie began to sign the sheets and then handed them back "Thankyou" Kevin said
"Okay, thank you for letting Chase back" Lachie said before he got out of the chair and walked back of to his car. He got in and began to drive home, he opened the door to see Chase still watching tv.
"Good news" Lachie said smiling
"What?" Chase asked nervously
"Your principal has decided you can come back earlier and were going to get you to work twice a week at Rescue" Lachie explained smiling.