Disclaimer: Don't own.

A/N: And it's the last day of Zutara week! I'm happy I got these all out as I didn't really plan ahead for this other than thinking of ideas. Except for this one. Caught, for some reason, was a total blank for me.

"What do you two have to say for yourselves?" Master Pakku asked the two cowering figurers in front of him.

They looked at each other knowing that if they said anything it would just make things worse. However both felt like they were little children in trouble. The impulse to get the other in more trouble first won and maturity was left behind.

"She was the one who wanted to spar in the first place!" Zuko shouted first.

"Well his fire melted everything!" Katara screamed louder.

"You're the one who kept pestering me and saying it would be all right!"

"That's because the last time we fought in ice nothing melted!"

"The only other time we fought anywhere near ice was at the Spirit Oasis! On grass!"

"You were still throwing fire at me! The walls didn't even melt!"

"That's because you either blocked my fire before it got to the walls or the walls, being thick ice! Could take care of themselves!"

"So you're blaming me for all this when you actually destroyed everything!"

"Sure, I guess I am!"

"You're still a jerk!" She flung herself at him and tackled him to the ground from their seated position.

Pakku let them wrestle for a little, impressed than his step-granddaughter could hold her own against the Fire Lord. They needed to stop though. He bent waterwhips at the two of them and fastened the water around their waists and pulled the two apart.

"I don't care who's idea it was or who is more responsible for the destruction the point is that you both," he looked directly at Katara knowing she was going to open her mouth to object," are responsible for the clean up and rebuilding of the sparring arena and buildings that are only half still there."

"But I'll be doing all the work! He can't waterbend so I'll be the one rebuilding while he just stands there," complained.

"I'll be supervising. I have some experience in that now," the Fire Lord said smugly.

"Katara is going to make ice bricks and you're going to rebuild the walls like that. Both of you. And don't look at me like that. You both look like surly children. Remember you're the Fire Lord and you're a Master waterbender. Start acting like it," Pakku said as a way of dismissal. "Now I want at least the arena done before sunset."

"That's not that much time-" Zuko began to protest.

"Then you better get started. And remember, Fire Lord, you're here to inspire good relations with the Southern Water Tribe, I expect a glowing report regarding your enthusiasm about fixing this," Pakku said as a way of dismissal.

The two benders made there way over to the destroyed arena to begin their work. As Katara made ice blocks Zuko began to clear away the debris. Their annoyance at each simmered out while they worked together.

"Do you think part of the reason for this is that we walked in on him and your grandmother?" Zuko asked as he shoved slush out of the way to try to make a smooth surface to begin to pile blocks on.

"I think so. I still can't get that image out of my head," Katara shuddered.

Zuko went over to stand behind Katara and wrap his arms around her waist. He pulled her close and asked, "Do you think we'll be like when we're old?"

"Already planning our future? Isn't there something important you're supposed to ask me first?" She chided.

"Consider this my testing to see how that question would be answered," he replied before kissing her neck.

"You'll have to properly ask to find out. Now finish cleaning up the mess so we can start on the wall soon," she said before wriggling out of his embrace.

'Tease," he complained before getting back to work.