This is the sequel to my IZ fic, 'Invader Zim: the Life Debt'. It is a DaTr, ZaGr, GaMr fic with some OCs in the form of their offspring. Don't like the concept? Didn't like its prequel? Don't read then. This sequel deals mostly with what the valiant and heroic characters from the last story have become with power and how their children deal with the situation. Not so much romance anymore as it is now more of an adventure fic. Sorry to disappoint.

It's been ten years since the Battle for Earth. Ten years since the fall of the Irken Empire. Ten years since the death of Vem and Sturm. Ten years since the birth of a little Irken smeet, the offspring of the ruler of Earth, Terra Imperia Dib Membrane and his beautiful alien bride, the Irken Elite Tak 'Zimmerman'-Membrane.

Though a benevolent and fair ruler for the majority of his career, the aging Membrane (now in his early thirties) has brought the planet Earth into the age of the future. Aliens are commonplace, as are advanced technologies man had only dreamed of a few decades ago. Unfortunately, asides from the technology and the number of sentient life forms, not much has changed in the way of society. Gangs, mobs, terrorists, murderers, rapists, criminals of every shape and size run rampant in the streets of Earth, now armed with deadlier weaponry and faster vehicles thanks to the newer technologies.

As mentioned above, Dib Membrane had started off as a benevolent ruler, using the title 'King of Earth' and deciding many things on governance and treaties, appropriate military power, rights of civilians, etc. with the aide of his wife, Tak. Through it all, he also managed to raise young Vem Zimmerman-Membrane, named after a close friend to the two parents and a hero of the Battle for Earth. Slowly, however, Dib's attitude about humanity began to shift. In the beginning, everything had been so black and white: humanity was the bravest, most valourous and promising species ever and Earth needed to be protected from aliens at all costs. Then Tak came along and his perspective of aliens changed from 'threat' to 'moderately acceptable'. Then the two started dating and Dib no longer saw a difference between man and alien, even drawing parallels from his planet's history to aide in the reforms of the former-Irken Empire.

His views shifted from that black-and-white view, however, in more ways than just aliens being alright. With him seeing that aliens can be just as good as the best of humans, he began to accept that many humans could be as bad as the worst aliens. While in power, trying to be a fair and decent ruler, he began to see that any decision he made negatively affected another group and led to protests, hate mail and even bloody conflicts. Soon, Dib's view of humanity began to weather as did a small degree of his sanity. Fortunately, Tak had been with him every step of the way, their love for one another and their son keeping either one of them from purging humanity under the Membrane Global Military Forces, who are operated under strict command of an officer known as Gaz.

Gaz Membrane-'Schultzerfelt', the sister of the ruler of Earth and bride of an alien herself. Ironically, although her brother was in control of the world, he had been fighting to prevent Gaz's husband from taking over the world for the better half of their lives growing up. The Irken Invader Zim, once an egomaniacal space invader hell-bent on conquering Earth for the Irken Empire out of a misplaced sense of loyalty and patriotism. Pride, both in himself and in his planet, kept him at ends with his longtime archenemy, Dib, who also had an immense pride in himself and his planet. Eventually, the two bonded when Zim saved Dib's life. Dib later Saved Tak's life and Tak later saved Gaz's. Gaz saved everybody else's lives, and Dib eventually hacked a computer and saved the world, and then Tak managed to save Vem who ended up saving everyone, so the life debt was dropped out of confusion over who owed who.

Needless to say, the planet Earth had only changed in technology. The secret governments had been abolished as part of a thorough ex-Invader protocol. All remnants of Freemasonry, secret political societies, puppet regimes, etc. was sought out and exterminated either through executions carried out by Gaz's pride of the MGMF, the Hellpigs, or by being sent to political prison camps in the most difficult places in the world for several years. Dib stated that 'After what they did, they kind of deserved what they got'. No one disagreed, half out of agreeing and half out of a kindling fear of their once-benevolent ruler.

Gaz and her husband, Zim, are now in charge of the Membrane Global Military Forces (MGMF), once just a security force under the late Professor Membrane, they'd become an ultra-paramilitary fanatically devoted to the Membrane line. After the Battle for Earth, the MGMF was formed and placed as unofficial military power of the world, serving as both military and police force. Gaz is the fearfully-inspiring leader and Zim is… well, he's inspiring in his own way. Their child, the young girl Dizzy Membrane-Schultzerfelt, a mere year younger than her cousin, has already been put in a sort of military regime by her parents. Gaz teaches her the ways of command, morale and general hand-eye-coordination through video games, which by this time have been amped up (on a side-note, Gaz pretty much owns the video game industry) while Zim puts her through the more physical aspect of training with the help of her aunt and uncle.

Even though the MGMF has an immense human body-count in terms of manpower, the High Four (Dib, Tak, Gaz and Zim) as they've come to be called, have begun supplying each soldier with their very own robotic soldier, called R.o.D. units, short for Robots of Death. The name, not very creative, but the robots: very lethal.

The planet Earth has changed. The Membrane children and their Irken mates have changed. Technology has changed. Society? War? Death? Some things never change.

Chapter 1 Complete, please R&R

Well, it feels good to get back in the DaTr/ZaGr saddle after dabbling in horribly awkward DaGr. Tried to keep that fic clean, but there's something about that couple that just… just can't stay clean. Anyways, this fic is not so much a romance fic (my apologies in advance) and there won't be as much innuendo as my previous fic, but I hope the prologue has peaked some of your interests and will have you keep reading. Please review, and thanks for reading :D