Title: Natural Painkiller

Spoiler: none. Quinn is still a cheerleader, no Beth is mentioned.

Rating: M to be safe

Summary: Rachel is in pain, she gets unexpected help.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Note: Special thanks to my two friends, who read the first attempt and encouraged me. Be aware that this is not my first language, but i tried my best :) I also can't guarantee that everything is 100% correct in the medical aspect.

Natural painkiller

This day couldn't get any more terrible. Rachel's insides felt like she was going to rip apart. She walked down the hallway of McKinley High bend over, clutched her stomach and tried to reach her locker to get the books for her next period. She didn't look forward, just down the floor, so it was no wonder that she ran into a few of the other students. But one of them wasn't thrilled with it. Karofsky shoved her out of the way and into a locker. She landed on the floor after a loud bang. Seconds later, Puck came through the careless crowd and threw an ice-cold Blueberry-slushie on top of her.

While sitting there, in pain, she forced herself not to cry. 'You can cry later, at home, alone. Nobody would see how you feel. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.', Rachel thought to herself. She took a deep breath, which sent another sharp pain through her lower body and stood up. The cold syrup was stinging in her eyes, but she didn't care at all. She also didn't mind, that her break was almost over. She felt like crap. When she arrived at her locker, she grabbed her Slushie-Kit and made her way to the restroom. Every step hurt. The pain was almost excruciating, like her body was on fire. 'Time for another painkiller, hoping that it helps this time', with this thought, she arrived finally in the restroom.

Rachel thought nobody would care for her, but someone cared. It was maybe the last person, she thought it would be. While all this happened in the hallway, Quinn was standing at her locker. She didn't let Rachel out of her eyes. She watched her and she maybe even would have gone to her and helped her, if more severe things had happened. The HBIC observed the singer, as she made her way slightly hunched to the restroom. 'Should I…no…but maybe she needs help' Quinn had an inner fight with herself.

Quinn couldn't show emotions, she just didn't and mostly not to her worst enemy. Everyone in school was thinking that. So Quinn showed, who was the stronger one of them and picked on Rachel in every possible moment. But inside Quinn, it hurt her. She didn't want to do it, it was just expected of her. If Quinn would be true to herself, she would admit, that she admired the brunette for her talent and the strength to withstand the harassment of the other students. She might even have a little crush on Rachel. She enjoyed her singing and her behind in these short skirts. Quinn liked to ignore the ugly and unique sweaters, but couldn't get enough of the shorter girls legs. It's like they were endless. The blonde was finding herself more and more staring and thinking about Rachel and started to punish herself by kissing boys and being with a boyfriend almost all the time. No independent Quinn. There was no possibility that Quinn was gay and foremost not gay for Rachel Berry.

Quinn was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize, that the hallway was empty by now. The bell had already rung and she would be late for class. But the thought of a hurt Rachel clouded her mind and she walked slowly to the restroom down the hall, where Rachel was disappeared. She took a deep breath and opened slowly the door. Quinn heard the water running and sobbing. Rachel didn't hear anything over the water, while washing the sticky liquid out of her hair. Tears were running down her face. She shot up with a jolt, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes went wide as she realized that her worst enemy was standing behind her. Then her face showed pain. Going from bend over to straight in a second, it hurt. It hurt very bad. Her hands shot to her abdomen and she hunched again over.

"Are you ok? Should I call a nurse?", Quinn said these first words with concern. "Do you want to sit down? Rachel, what is wrong?"

Rachel shook her head, and held her eyes down. "It's ok", she whispered. "You can go, Quinn. It will get better in a few minutes, I just took a pill."

The worried look on the blondes face didn't vanish. Rachel turned again to the sink, the water was still running. She tried to wash out the blue sugar syrup with her hands, but was not very successful. "Let me help you", said Quinn when she saw that Rachel was pretty helpless. The hair was already wet, but Rachel's hands couldn't reach everything properly. The cheerleader put some of the fruity shampoo on her hands and reached for the wet locks. The stickiness was terrible. While Quinn slowly massaged the shampoo in hair, Rachel relaxed. "Thank you Quinn", said the short singer, when the blonde put a towel over her head. Rachel straightened her back and her face showed pain again. She got pale. "Is everything alright?", ask Quinn again concerned and gripped Rachel's shoulder. "Yeah it's ok", she said and took deep breaths.

"Rachel, look at me"

The brunette didn't lift her head up. "Rachel, what is wrong? Can I help you?" Silence. "Rachel, it would be the best if you change your clothes and then I bring you to the nurse. You look terrible. Maybe it would help, if you tell me what is causing you pain." Quinn let Rachel go and took the Slushie-Kit. Rachel just needed another sweater. "Here" the blonde handed it over and walked her to one of the stalls. "Change and I will be back in a few minutes."

Rachel moved really slowly, was almost white in her face and sweat was on her forehead. Quinn ran to the nurse without much thinking and talked to her. "She doesn't feel well and I think it would help, if I bring her home and into a bed. She will feel better tomorrow. Can you excuse us for the rest of the day? Her dads are not home and I don't want to leave her alone." The nurse just nodded and wondered why Quinn, the head cheerleader and tormentor of Rachel Berry, helped her enemy. She saw nothing but worry and concern in the girls eyes, so she let it be and wrote a note for the teachers.

The blonde walked quickly back to the restroom. "Rachel?" said Quinn as she entered and didn't see Rachel right away. The brunette sat on one of the toilets and held her stomach. With a few steps Quinn was kneeling beside her. "Rachel, I'm here." she whispered. "I bring you home. I talked to the nurse. We're excused for the day"

Rachel didn't react at first, but then she made eye contact with Quinn. It was like a big question mark in her face. She was asking with her eyes: Why are you doing this? Quinn said nothing. She stood up and gave her a hand to help her up. Rachel took it and stood up really slowly. Quinn put her arm around Rachel's waist and supported her. "Wait", whispered Quinn and left her side to pack up the slushie-kit. In mere seconds she was again by her side. They made their way to the parking lot. Rachel was still very pale, and Quinn saw she was in pain. The blonde didn't know what to say to her friend. No she couldn't say friend. But she couldn't say enemy either. She simply didn't know. When they were both seated, she started the car and drove quickly to Rachel's home. The only question that was asked, was: "Are your dads at home?" and Rachel only shook her head. Quinn was somewhat relieved, she wouldn't have known how to deal with them. So she could care for Rachel all alone.

They arrived within 10 minutes and the blonde parked in front of the house. She looked to the girl next to her. Rachel didn't even notice it. She was clutching her stomach, face in pain again and cold sweat on her forehead. In a soft voice Quinn said: "We're here, Rach. I help you". In an instant she was by the other side of the car, supporting Rachel and going to the house. The brunette opened the front door and was straight going up the stairs to her room. The cheerleader was behind her. The worried look hasn't left her face all the time. And she still didn't know what was wrong with her. As Rachel entered her room, which had a big golden star on its door, she went directly to the bed. She curled herself together, the knees up to her chin, her back bend.

Quinn didn't know what to do and stood there in the doorframe. "Rach, please let me help you, what is wrong?"


"Please what can I do? I hate seeing you like this." She went in slow steps to the other side of the bed and sit down. Her hand touched Rachel's shoulder and stroked her. Quinn didn't realize that her feelings were on complete display and Rachel was confused what it all meant. The brunette took a big breath and whispered: "It's embarrassing." The cheerleader almost didn't hear it. "Tell me. I want to make you feel better. I want to help you" Quinn's hand went over her back and back up to her shoulder. She didn't notice the goose bumps on the singers arms. Rachel's face was buried in her pillow, but Quinn understood. "I have my… period" Rachel let her breath out. "And I have really bad cramps and the painkillers don't help. Also my shoulder hurts really bad from the collision with the locker, thanks to Karofsky." Her head came out of the pillow during the speech and her cheeks had again a little color. Quinn smiled. She hadn't stopped petting the other girls back. She had an idea. "I have an idea", she said. "Get in comfy clothes and lie down, I will be right back. I know how to help you" Quinn left.

The head cheerio came back a few minutes later with a steaming cup of tea and her iPod from the car. Rachel was lying again on her side, knees up to her chin under the blanket. She wore a tank top and Quinn could see a little bruise forming on the other girls shoulder. 'Must be from the crash against the locker. Karofsky will pay for that tomorrow' Quinn scowled, but as Rachel noticed her, she smiled again. The brunette sat up and the blanket fell down in her lap. She wore sweatpants. Then Quinn realized she still was wearing her uniform, but it didn't matter. She made her way across the room with the cup of tea, sat it down and looked around for the dock-station. "Quinn, it's here", said Rachel and pointed to the other nightstand. She was sipping on the tea and the nice warmth was already helping, as was the care of Quinn. But she was still thinking: 'Why is she doing this?'

Quinn put her iPod in the dock-station, choose a fitting playlist and started it. Calm music was coming out from the speakers. The blonde sat on the bed behind the other girl. "Sooo…" Quinn blushed. In her head she had a scenario and she knew it would help Rachel with her stomach pain. Rachel was looking at her. 'She is pretty cute, when she blushes…' It was nothing new to Rachel, that she thought about the blonde in that way. That was the reason she tried to be friends with her. Her sixth sense was telling her that they had a connection, a really deep connection, but Quinn had so far rejected her, so all this was weird.

"Sooo…" Rachel looked over and their eyes met.

Quinn cleared her throat "Do you trust me with this?" she whispered. She didn't want to do anything, what the brunette didn't want. Rachel nodded. "Lie down on your side." and Rachel did. Quinn took a deep breath to calm her beating heart and crawled under the blanket too. She slid behind the other girl. Their bodies touched and Quinn noticed instantly how her body reacted. She got goose bumps and her nipples got stiff as they came in touch with Rachel's barely covered back. "You ok?" she asked quietly. "Yes", came a hushed answer. "I will put my arm around you ok?" Her arm slid around Rachel's warm torso and her hand stayed right above the waistband of her sweatpants. Rachel had closed her eyes, tried to forget the pain and concentrated on the feeling of Quinn Fabray laying so close behind her, touching her belly. She registered the warmth of her face. She was blushing. It felt so good, she didn't care. Quinn began slowly massaging over the top, rubbed softly to create a little warmth and relax Rachel's stomach. "How is the pain?" she asked. She already noticed the closed eyes of the brunette and her even breath. "Better", whispered the other girl. The music created a nice atmosphere. After a few minutes, Rachel spoke again. "Can you do that under the top, please?" It was a bit desperate and Quinn smiled. "Sure", she said right against the brunettes ear and a shiver ran down her spine.

Quinn's hand crawled under the top and a little under the waistband of the pants for a better angle. The warmth got even more intense with skin against skin. Quinn was already in another world, with her head against Rachel's hair, she was in a cloud of Rachel. Her scent was everywhere and subconsciously she nuzzled her neck.

The brunette hummed against her pillow and gave Quinn even more space to bury her face into her side. Then she couldn't help it, like in trance, she kissed the singers skin. 'What am I doing?' she opened her eyes and saw down to the face of her newfound friend. She was content, almost sleeping. "Don't stop", the girl under her muttered. So Quinn closed her eyes again and kissed little butterfly-kisses all over Rachel's neck and then her bare shoulders. Her hand didn't stop to touch the other girls stomach and Rachel actually really felt better. Quinn slid into sleep, like Rachel, to the sounds of Adele's 'Make you feel my love'.

Quinn stirred as she heard sobbing. She was still lying behind the brunette, but her hand was under her own chin. They had no real contact. Quinn opened her eyes, touched Rachel's shoulder and turned her around. The sobbing got even worse. "Rach, what's wrong? Are you in pain? Tell me, Rach, please." The brunette could only nod. "Rach I could make you relax again, ok? But you have to trust me. Please look at me." Rachel locked eyes with her. "I trust you, please make it stop." Quinn couldn't stand seeing Rachel like this. "Ok, Rach. I read somewhere that…that when you have sex" Rachel's eyes went wide and Quinn blushed a crimson shade "that the endorphins are like a natural painkiller and you relax. And please don't look like this, I don't want to have sex with you right now, but I have something in mind to make you feel better, and it will give you many endorphins" Quinn winked and brushed the tears from Rachel's cheek with her thumb. Rachel breathed heavy, Quinn was almost on top of her, their hearts were beating fast. "Do you want to, or should I spoon you again and massage your stomach?" Quinn was unsure, if she had crossed a line with Rachel. Rachel was confused, what this all meant. "Why are you doing this?" Rachel's face was honest, the pain seem forgotten for a moment as long as she stared in Quinn's hazel eyes. Quinn looked away 'Should I tell her the truth?' Rachel's fingertips brought her face back and they looked at each other. The cheerleader blushed again, but held the gaze. "I like you" she whispered barely audible.

"But…" Rachel was slightly shocked. So many times that Quinn had tormented her, the mean nicknames, the slushie-facials…everything. "I like you more than I like a friend. But I was never strong enough to stand against the pressure of the others. I'm sorry Rachel." Quinn closed her eyes and a tear fell. "Quinn, look at me."

Rachel's voice was more strong now, no more whispering. "I…forgive you, but we will talk about that later. Now please help me. I trust you and I wanted to be more than a friend for you a long time. Just so you know that. Please touch me"

The blonde was relieved and at the same time got nervous. She had never done that before. "I just want to make you feel good" She whispered again, leaned forward and their lips touched for the first time. Quinn's hands wandered around Rachel's neck, in her hair. The brunettes hands were around Quinn's lower back. They started slowly and soft, got a little more fierce and when Quinn's hands landed on the skin of Rachel's neck, she moaned. Tongue met tongue. There was no fight over dominance, they just felt the other. The blondes hands went over Rachel's back to the hem of the tank top. A short break of kissing confirmed that it was ok to take it off. The kissing continued after getting rid of it. Rachel was not wearing a bra. Her dark nipples already stood pointy to attention.

Quinn's mouth moved lower to the neck. 'I want to make her mine' she thought as she began to lick and suck and then she bit a littler rougher. Rachel was enjoying it, moaning and groaning, every other time it was: "Oh my god Quinn! Please don't stop"

Quinn wanted to leave a mark. She wanted to show that Rachel was hers and hers alone. "You taste so good. I can't get enough of you" she said against Rachel's skin as she went even lower. The brunette began to arch her back against her. Little bites and kisses were left on her way, one hand was already on one of Rachel's breasts teasing the nipple. The mouth finally reached its destination. A little lick sent Quinn almost off the bed. "Oh my god Quinn!" but the head cheerio was persistent. Rachel was a puddle of incoherent words already, with Quinn licking and sucking on one bud with her mouth and pinching and teasing on the other one with her fingers.

But Quinn wanted more, she wanted to make her come. She remembered about an article in Cosmo about the most sensitive places of a woman's body. The blonde girl went lower with her mouth, but her other hand was almost instantly on the now lonely nipple. She kissed over Rachel's ribs and then landed on her final destination. The navel. She smiled. Rachel was already on the edge, her legs were shaking, the blanket was already on the floor and her hands were gripping the sheets. With a look to Rachel's face, Quinn knew what to do to sent her over. The hands still pinching the stiff nipples, she dipped the tip of her tongue in the belly button and swirled in it. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" Rachel's back was aching against her in a impossible angle. And then she blew a little air against it. And this was it. Rachel made a long moan of "Oh Quinn!" and relaxed against the sheets again. The blondes hands let go of the firm mounds and she crawled back up to Rachel, which had a big grin on her face and still closed eyes.

"How are you feeling?" whispered Quinn, as she grabbed the blanket from the floor and lay it on top of them. They were spooning again. Quinn made little butterfly-kisses on Rachel's shoulder. The brunette could only mutter: "So good. Now sleep." Quinn grabbed her even tighter, buried her face in Rachel's hair and closed her eyes. She didn't want to think of tomorrow.