Brennan was in her office typing away on her computer when Booth walked in; he had a smile from ear to ear. It was two weeks after the incident with Parker and two weeks after they had told the FBI that they were now a couple and expecting a baby. Cullen had been happy for them but could not guarantee that they could continue to work together but he would do everything he could to keep them as partners. Brennan looked up when Booth placed his knuckles on her desk and brought his face down close to hers. She looked confused at him not knowing why he was smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked confused.

"They're not breaking us up; we can still work together as partners" Brennan's smile lit up the room as she nearly jumped of her chair and jumped into Booth arms; kissing him passionately.

"Really?" she asked not completely believing it yet. Booth nodded his head and smiled when Brennan crashed her lips on his again; her fingers grasping his hair, holding him to her. "I'm so happy" she whispered against his lips and giggled when Booth let them fall back on the couch.

"What made them change their minds?" Brennan sat sideways on his lap and wound her arms around his neck.

"Cullen and Sweets told them that no matter what happened nothing would change the way we work. I jumped in front of a bullet for you before we got together. They told them that nothing's changed from when we first started working together to now. Because even though we weren't involved when we first started working together I would have still jumped in front of a bullet for you then; even then I felt very protective over you. Nothing's changed the way I felt about you then than I do for you now."

"Except sex" Booth smiled and nodded his head.

"Except sex and having this little one" he placed his hand on her stomach. "I love you so much"

"I love you too Booth" they kissed softly for minutes; their lips dancing across each other. Booth pulled back and laughed when Brennan moaned in protest.

"I want to talk to you about something but please think about it first before you say anything alright? " Brennan looked concerned at him but nodded her head none the less. "I don't want you to take any risks when you're out into the field with me. I couldn't help blaming myself if something would happen to you or our baby. I'm not saying I want you to stop right now with doing field work because I know how important it is to you but could you please consider cutting down the time you do spend in the field?"

"Booth you know I don't like it when other people touch my crime scene or contaminate the evidence."

"I know Bones and I'm not saying you can't still come out and get your evidence; I'm just asking you to cut down the time you come with me to question the suspects."

"I don't trust anyone else to have your back then me Booth" she told him and he could see the tears gathering in her eyes. "I couldn't' bear it if something would happen to you and I'm not there to help or protect YOU. I understand where you're coming from I do but I hope you can see my side of it as well." Booth nodded his head and pulled her into his arms; hugging her tightly.

"I do Bones; how about we both cut down our time in the field?"

"You love field work Booth; I don't want you to stop doing something that you love because of me"

"It's not just that Bones; I love field work but only when you're there" Brennan smiled and kissed him softly.

"Just don't do anything you will regret or resent me for later, please"

"I could never resent you Bones" he pushed her back so he could see her face. "Never okay" she smiled and nodded her head before laying her head back down on his shoulder. "I'll have a talk to Cullen; maybe we can train a new FBI guy to go into the field with Clark and your other interns."

"That would be acceptable but what would you do?"

"I can always do paperwork Bones; you know how much I love paperwork" Brennan scoffed thinking back to all the times they were meant to do paperwork and she always ended up doing all of it. "We will work it out" Brennan nodded her head and sighed.

"I know I have to get back to work but I really can't find the enthusiasm to do anything right now but sit here with you" Booth smiled and kissed her head before sinking back into the couch.

"We can sit like this for a little while longer; Cam and the squints have gone to lunch so" she snuggled deeper into his chest and closed her eyes.

"I love you" she whispered; Booth kissed her head again and held her that little bit tighter.

"I love you too"