Thank you very much to therealchamps, charmedbyortonbarrett, xj0j0x and nic-002001 for reviewing this story the whole way through. I hope you've enjoyed each chapter and every word. If it weren't for you guys and your wonderful reviews, who knows where this story would have gone. Unfortunately this is the last chapter for this story and I hope you all enjoy it as much as you did the rest of the chapters. Once again, that you all for the reviews, the favourites and alerts as well.

Epilogue: Ever, Ever After

One Year Later…

Flipping the light switch off in her bedroom, Riley wandered down the hall. She grabbed the bottom hem of her t-shirt and tied it into a knot, letting the shit rest on her hips instead of hanging down to her knees. She ran her palms over the front of the shirt and smirked at the words written across her chest: "Barrett Barrage".

It had been just over three weeks since she had seen him last, he had left her alone in their house just a few days after they had arrived back in their home in England from her week long stay in the hospital. She had spent most of the following days sleeping in the large, four poster bed, as he tended to the newest addition to their family. It wasn't that Riley wasn't ready to become a mother, she was absolutely ecstatic, but Wade knew that he wasn't going to be around much in the next few months and he had taken over as much of the parenting duties as he possibly could, letting Riley relax as much as she could before he left her to return to the ring.

Now, the sun just beginning to set, Riley moved down the hall after changing into one of his over sized t-shirts and a pair of flannel, plaid shorts. She hadn't heard crying since she had put the tiny baby into her crib just over an hour ago but that didn't stop her from making her way into her new daughter's room. Riley hesitated in the hallway and pulled her cell phone out of her shorts pockets, quickly changing the volume to silent, fearful that if Wade decided to call while she was sitting next to her daughter, the loud ringing wouldn't wake up the tiny baby.

"Hi baby." Riley whispered as quietly as she possibly could as she stepped into the nursery.

The bright white letters on the wall spelled out Peyton, her daughter's first name. The lavender walls always seemed to comfort Riley. Peyton wasn't going to grow up as one of the tiny princesses who loved the colour pink, not if Riley could help it. As soon as she found out that she was going to have a baby girl, Riley set to work on painting what used to be the spare bedroom purple, without Wade knowing.

He had been touring in the United States while she was dealing with setting up a nursery. She had started purchasing baby furniture as soon as she found out she was pregnant, two months into it, but she had to wait a little longer to find out if it was going to be a girl or a boy. During her fourth month, still barely showing, she had set to work painting the walls purple and decorating the room, first hanging the bright white letters on the wall above the elegant wooden crib, another thing she had put together without Wade.

Peeking into the crib, Riley smiled widely at her sleeping baby girl. The quilt hanging over the back side of the crib had a scene from Winnie the Pooh on it, all the characters present. Her mother had made it for her, gushing about how happy she was to finally have a granddaughter. Riley had even told her mother first, not wanting to tell Wade on the phone, instead waiting just over a week for him to arrive home for a few days off.

She had gone through most of her pregnancy alone, Wade telling her that he could take a few months off, or even retire along with her, but she had insisted that if he still loved his job, she wasn't going to be the reason to hold him back, thus giving her time alone to deal with morning sickness, crazy cravings and the decorating of the baby's room.

"You're perfect baby Peyton." Riley continued to whisper, her hands gently wrapping around the top rail of the crib as Riley looked down at her gorgeous baby girl soundly sleeping in her crib.

Stepping over to the small table that was situated next to a rocking chair, Riley lifted the baby monitor up and twisted a knob, making sure it was turned on before grabbing the other half of the monitoring system and wandering out of the room. She paused at the door and glanced back, smiling at the soft snores of her baby girl.

Minutes later, Riley found herself just down the stairs in the living room of her house, the baby monitor hugged tightly against her chest as she ran her free hand along the back of the black leather couch. Her eyes focused on the mahogany desk in the back corner and she picked up the pace, slipping her hand back into her pocket and holding onto her phone. She set the monitor and her phone on the desk as she sat in the large leather executive chair and crossed her legs on the seat, reaching out and flipping the power on to her laptop.

She watched as the screen started up on her laptop, her eyes traveling from the laptop to the monitor as she listened carefully to what was going on in Peyton's room, not wanting to leave the poor girl alone, ready to head up there at the first sign of distress.

Her fingers wrapped around her cell phone and she looked at the screen, smiling at the message she had just received. John Cena had continued to keep in touch with her, even going so far as to send her a bunch of clothes, toys and supplies as soon as he heard she was going to be a mom. He was planning on visiting her in England as soon as he could find a few days where he wasn't booked for other events.

She replied to his message, stating that she was good, tired but good, and Peyton was behaving rather well considering she was a daddy's girl through and through. The baby hardly made a noise the entire time she was with Wade, causing Riley to realize that as soon as the tiny girl could walk and talk, she'd be all over her father for sure, ignoring her mother if she could.

The next text message she received, just a few seconds after replying to John, was from none other than Randy Orton, another ongoing friend who had sent her the rocking chair as well as some baby clothes once he heard she would be a mother to a lovely baby girl. He was interested in finding out when she would be venturing back to the WWE, even just for a visit. Responding with a vague answer of 'hopefully in the next month or so', she set the phone down and took control of the wireless mouse connected to her laptop.

She started up her webcam and waited as it loaded, looking for her available contacts on the side of the screen. She was mildly saddened when Wade's name didn't appear but nonetheless, she spotted Cody Rhodes, debating whether or not to start a conversation with him. Setting her status to busy, she stood up from the desk and, baby monitor in one hand, cell phone in the other, made her way back out of the living room into the kitchen where she would grab herself a snack before going back to see if Wade had come online.

"Hello?" She said as she answered the cell phone in her hand once noticing she had an incoming call.

"Riley love!"

She could hear the happiness in his voice and smiled immediately, hoping that he had good news for her.

"What are you doing Wade, you're supposed to be talking to me online so I can see your adorably crocked nose."

"Yes, about that, I won't be making it online tonight, something came up and-"

Riley's head jerked backwards as she heard the doorbell, Wade's voice cutting off too as he heard it on the other end of the line. He remained silent, waiting for her to say whether or not she was going to get the door.

"Sorry, hang on Wade, let me just see who's at the door." She sighed, slightly irritated at the person who had the nerve to interrupt her only time to talk to Wade.

She didn't say a thing on the phone, instead she held the speaker against her chest as she wandered towards the front door, neglecting the monitor in the kitchen. She shook her head but didn't bother to peek through the window, instead she reached her hand out and flipped the lock across, getting ready to pull the door open.

She slowly pulled the door open and raised the phone back up to her ear as she did so. Turning slightly to get out of the way of the door, she let out another sigh. As soon as Wade stepped inside the house, she nearly dropped her cell phone onto the hardwood floor, leaping at him, wrapping her arms around his middle as he let out a laugh.

"You weren't supposed to be home for another week." She whispered, tucking her phone back into her pocket as she let up on her hug.

"They switched my schedule around, I believe they wanted to give Rhodes a slight push so he got my match on Smackdown this week and I got to come home." He explained, slipping his own phone into his jean pocket now too.

"I missed you." She murmured against his chest.

Wade gently let go of her and pushed the side of the door, sending it back and listening to it shut. Riley let go of him in return but took hold of his hand. He gingerly ran his large hand down the side of her face, cupping her chin. She tilted her head back and looked up at him, a smile forming on her face.

"You look amazing." He whispered to her. He hadn't seen her in person since he left days after the birth of his daughter and, at the time, Riley had looked tired, worn out even, but now, she looked just as good as she had before meeting Peyton for the first time.

"Wade." She breathed, not feeling quite amazing just yet. She was standing in front of him in his t-shirt and an old pair of flannel shorts, nothing about her attire said amazing.

"Come on love." He tugged gently on her arm and she fell in stride next to him.

She relaxed a little bit as he wandered up the stairs, still holding onto her hand. She ran her free hand through her hair and flipped it backwards, out of her face. He glanced back at her and smiled, just content to be in the presence of the woman he loved.

"She's sleeping." Riley stated quietly, knowing that Wade was heading right for baby Peyton's room.

"Alright love, so we detour." He grinned back at her, changing his direction and heading for their bedroom.

He ushered her inside and let her wander in and sit on the bed as he made his way towards the closet, pulling the doors open and grabbing a pair of black workout shorts. She fell back on the bed and shut her eyes, just listening to him move around the bedroom, the sound of the dresser drawer opening and closing as he rooted for a clean t-shirt. She ran her hands over her stomach and tensed as his hands were suddenly on top of hers, resting just above her belly button.

"Riley, look at me." He demanded softly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, he was kneeling on the bed beside her in the shorts and t-shirt he had picked out. The smile on his face was contagious as he looked down at her. She smiled right back at him, moved her hands away from his and stretched them over her head. He took his opportunity and shoved his own hands between her back and the bed, lifting her up into his lap as he settled down onto the bed.

"Sorry." She now shied away from his gaze but set her palms against his chest.

"For what love, I'm the one that should be sorry."

"Why should you be sorry?" She asked right back, slightly confused at his words.

"I left my wife at home alone to tend for my daughter, whom I should be spending as much time as I possibly can with before she grows up." He smirked, Riley relaxing into his embrace, resting her forehead on his shoulder.

"Wade…" She sighed, slowly shutting her eyes as the feeling of total exhaustion now took over every muscle in her body.

"When I go back to America, I'm going to talk to Vince and see what he can do about me taking some time off."

Riley sighed again and slowly made her way to her feet. She wasn't opposed to him joining her in England with her daughter; she was just too tired to argue, knowing that he was giving up his dream job when she didn't necessarily want him too.

Wade followed her lead, hot on her heels now as she wandered down the hall to Peyton's room. Riley flopped into the rocking chair and watched as Wade bent down, scooping his daughter out of the crib. Her eyes were open and she was making cooing noises at Wade, Riley watching in admiration, her heart welling up with pride.

"I would love it if you came home." Riley said quietly, looking up at him with a smile.

"I am home love and I don't plan on leaving my two lovely ladies alone as long as I can help it." He beamed back at her.

Riley took his words to heart and shut her eyes, planning on opening them in a few seconds. Wade watched as Riley slowly drifted off to sleep, his eyes then moving down to the tiny little girl that held his whole heart. She took was sleeping. Bending back down and gently setting her in the crib, he lifted the blanket up over her before stepping closer to Riley's sleeping form.

Taking her in his arms, he carefully carried her in his arms back to their room, placing her on the bed as well. Jogging down to the kitchen, he grabbed the baby monitor and took the stairs two at a time back up to his bedroom. He set the monitor on the dresser in their room before climbing into the bed next to Riley, the tired girl sleepily opening her eyes to take in his presence once last time.

"I love you so much Wade." She said with a yawn, slipping under the covers next to him and curling up against his side.

"I love you with everything I have Riley." He whispered back, watching her intensely as she slipped back into dreamland.

Wade just laid next to her, his arm around her as his palm rested on her hip, not moving a muscle or saying a word. The silence in the room was quickly filled with Riley's gentle breathing as well as baby Peyton's soft snores coming through the baby monitor. There wasn't a thing that he would change about his life at all, for the time being, Wade Barrett was exactly where he wanted to be.


Coming Soon: Into the Darkness

Summary: I used to wonder how people got to the point of wanting to die but now, it's all starting to make sense. To feel like you want to die doesn't necessarily happen right away, at least not with me anyways. I never asked for much, all I wanted was someone to say they cared. My name is Quinn O'Reilly and this is my story.