Title: Jane Rizzoli is Oblivious

Genre: Romance, Slightly Angsty

Rating: Light PG-13

Pairings: Jane/Maura

Summary: Maura doesn't understand why Jane isn't aware of how she feels about her.

Disclaimer: If I owned it, would I be writing fic for it? Probably, but I don't own it.

Author's Notes: This is short and I don't love it. But I needed to fic that scene.


"You don't want to sleep with me."

Maura tilted her head to the side, lips pursing lightly at Jane's words. That wasn't necessarily true. She actually really wanted to sleep with Jane. She had for several months now. Jane was gorgeous (even though her taste in clothing was absolutely horrible on most occasions) and she was Maura's best friend (really the only one she had ever had). Maura wasn't going to deny, at least in her own head, that she wanted Jane.

Her heart leaped up to punch her in the roof of the mouth (figuratively, because that wasn't actually possible―if the organ could somehow get up that far, it would be caught in her esophagus) as Jane asked, "Do you?" Maura realized then that her lust must have shown on her face, even if jut slightly.

"No! No!" Maura said quickly. Probably too quickly. She was still terrible at lying―looking to the left, speaking too quickly and too forcibly. Somehow, though, Jane believed her despite all of the obvious signs that she wasn't telling the truth.

Maura worked hard not to frown. She was pretty obvious about her feelings most of the time, and sometimes it seemed like Jane returned them. But she never did anything about it, and she always acted oblivious about it. She wasn't sure how to be more obvious besides making a large sign, telling how she felt in bright colors, and walking around with it hanging around her neck. But Maura had no idea what would happen if she told Jane how she felt, or if she grabbed her and kissed her―even just once.

Sometimes, Maura wished she was brave enough to try.

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