Author's Note: Hey guys! Marie here. I've been a big fan of The Chronicles of Narnia for ages now. Edmund has always had a special place in my heart (I know. I know. Shame on me for picking favorites.) But; I've always wondered about what might happen if there was another kid along for the ride. This story is going to end up being four parts, and I am so excited! I hope you are too! Ok. I'm done rambling. Here is Chapter One of Part One!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Chronicles of Narnia. This belongs to the wonderful C.S. Lewis. Lindsey doesn't either (believe me; I would know if she did.)

Üçüncü Kraliçe-The Third Queen

Part 1: Discover

During The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Chapter 1

"Isabelle?" Uncle called from his study. Running down the stairs and down the hall, much to the Macready's disapproval, I popped my head from the door."Yes Uncle Kirke?" I asked. He smiled at the endearment, knowing I really wasn't his niece."There are some children coming to stay with us for a while. Would you mind showing them around with Mrs. Macready?"

"I'd love too, Uncle...but with her?" he chuckled.

"Fine. You may relieve them when she gets tiresome to them," I smiled.

"Works for me!" I piped. "Do you know if they're close to my age?" he paused for a moment, reading a telegram.

"Yes...I think the youngest boy is. There are four of them, two girls and two boys. It's the Pevensie family," I nodded.

"All right, Uncle. I'm going to eat breakfast and await these Pevensies."

"All right, 'Belle." with another smile, I ventured downstairs for breakfast. Afterwards, I began to explore my favorite hiding places, pondering if I should let the new arrivals in on a few of them to escape the iron fist of the Macready. I heard the carriage pulling up, and heard new voices mixed with a familiar one.

They're here, I smiled, then rushed upstairs so they wouldn't see me.

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I could hear their feet stomping up the stairs, their interrogation-disguised-as-a-tour over. One of them leaned against the bookshelf, my temporary hiding place. I fingered my light blonde hair, trying not to laugh as they discussed their harassment from the day.

"I think I may actually hate that lady," the one leaning against the bookshelf muttered. His voice was deeper from the earlier guy voice I'd heard, so I assumed he was older.

"At least you don't have to live with her," I spoke up. That made the guy leaning against the shelf jump.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"Move Les Misérables and you'll see," I replied.

"You speak French?" asked the younger boy, "what does that mean? What do we move?" I rolled my eyes.

"Les Misérables means 'the miserable ones', and it's the book in front of my face!" I heard a collective 'oh', and the book was removed. I was staring at a boy a few years older than me, with dark blonde hair and eyes that kind of reminded me of my own.

"'Ello," I piped.

"Who are you?" he asked. I smiled.

"Isabelle Kirk, the silent sufferer," I teased. The boy smiled.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pevensie. This is my sister Susan, my brother Edmund, and my youngest sister Lucy."

"I'm guessing you're the oldest."

"You guess correctly," he replied. Pretty cool guy.

"Are you related to the Professor?" the oldest sister, Susan, asked. I held up a finger to say 'one moment' then reappeared from behind the bookshelf, straightening my white blouse and my blue skirt before speaking.

" Legally, yes."

"So you're adopted?" Edmund, the younger boy asked. I nodded.

"Well thanks for pointing out the obvious," little Lucy scolded and gave Edmund a 'be nice' look. I gave her a small smile in thanks as he sulked. She just got some points in my book. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy all seemed to look the same: dark hair, dark eyes, and fair skin. This made Peter's appearance a little off to me. Maybe he got more of his father or mother's genes. Shaking out that thought, I smiled at my new friends.

"Well, let's see if we can get you to your rooms, shall we? Susan, Lucy, my room has an extra bed in it, if you'd like to stay there."

"Thank you, Miss Isabelle," Lucy smiled, holding a small Teddy bear.

"Oh, just Isabelle is fine. Or Belle, if you'd prefer," I turned to the guys, "do you need some help finding your way?"

"Oh, don't worry. Mrs. Macready made it very clear," Peter picked up his trunk, "come on, Ed," Edmund reluctantly followed his brother's lead.

Hmm...pretty good kids. Well, Lucy and Peter anyway. That Edmund kid is gonna need some work, though. Perhaps more Macready time? I had to stifle a laugh as I helped Lucy get her things up the stairs. "We can do a lot more exploring tomorrow," I encouraged them. They smiled in approval.

"It's going to be wonderful weather tomorrow, I hear," Peter called back. I nodded, and then turned to help Lucy and Susan get settled in.

A/N: So there it is! Hope you enjoyed! Reviews are MOST welcome (no flames, please), and I hope to return soon with Chapter Two! R&R! J