(A/N): Hey everyone! I decided to write out this story that's been around my mind for a while since I'm stuck inside because of a heat wave (plus I've had writer's block on my other one for a while). Hope you like it! I do not own Big Time Rush and I never will. Although, the storyline is going to follow the series. I'll make a note at the beginning of each chapter if it includes an episode.
A Rush Of Dog Days
Chapter 1: All Tied Up
Kendall, James, Carlos and Logan walked out of the Palm Woods to wait for the limo that would take them to Rocque Records. Two of the boys, specifically James and Carlos, were arguing over Carlos's use of hair care products. Actually, his lack of using hair care products.
"I'm just saying," James pitched, "If you styled your hair, then girls would be less likely to crinkle their nose in disgust when you ask them out. I mean, look at me!" With this statement, he pulled out his lucky comb and a mirror out of nowhere, using them to work on his own hair.
"But I have a helmet," Carlos pointed out, "That's all the style I need."
"But it's not stylish!" The mirror and comb disappeared back to where they came from.
"Don't you want a hot girlfriend?"
"James," Kendall interrupted the argument, "When was the last time that you had a steady girlfriend?"
James opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it as he looked up into the sky, his hand on his chin as though thinking through his past girlfriends.
"At least that shut him up," Logan muttered. He didn't even look up from the book that he had in his hands. Kendall nodded in agreement, pulling his phone out of his pocket to start texting. Carlos mimicked Kendall by getting his phone out too, but he used it to play games as the four boys waited for their ride to show up.
A peaceful moment actually passed between these four boys before trouble struck in the form of a spotted Great Dane puppy heading straight for them. They were able to glance up quickly at someone yelling, "Look out!" before the dog began running around the band, tying them up in his retractable leash. After the dog had circled a couple of times, he pulled causing the boys to flop down in a mess on the ground. The dog, seeming to be satisfied with his work, sat down by the group, panting.
The boys looked at each other before they looked over at the happy dog staring back at them. They looked back at each other when they heard running footsteps getting closer to them. Turning their heads to look at the sky above them, a girl around their age leaned over them, coming into their view. Her blue eyes were wide and her jaw was dropped in shock. Her long, dark chocolate brown hair with blonde streaks fell from her shoulders, side bangs almost covering her right eye. In her right hand was the other side of the retractable leash.
"I am SO SORRY!" she told them before kneeling down, trying to untangle the mess of leash around the boys' legs. They watched her, sitting up and lifting their legs a bit to make it easier for her.
"Isn't there supposed to be a button that stops the leash from leaving the casing allowing the walker to have the dog at a safe distance away and to stop things like this from happening?" Logan asked. She seemed to be avoiding their eyes as she worked as fast as she could to get the leash off the boys' legs, but a little pink did appear on her cheeks after Logan's question.
The girl stayed quiet for a second, but then mumbled, "It broke." She pulled the last part of the leash off of them and all five teenagers stood up. James immediately pulled out his mirror and comb again to fix the little damage that had happened to his hair.
"Then buy a new one," Kendall suggested. He, Carlos and Logan were watching the girl work on untangling the leash so it could go back into its casing. Now that she was standing, they noticed that she was just a couple inches shorter than Carlos and she was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was pink with an outline of a dog on the front, encircled by the words, 'Penny's Pet Care'.
She muttered something so quietly that none of the guys could hear what she said. She finished untangling the leash and pulled out her cell phone, looking at the time.
"Anyways," Kendall broke the awkwardness, trying to catch the girl's eyes, but she seemed to look everywhere but at the boys in front of her. "I'm Kendall, this is Logan, Carlos-"
"And I'm James," James was finally paying attention to the girl in front of them. He jumped in front of his friends, blocking their view of her. He flipped his hair and gave her a smile as she finally looked straight at him.
"O-oh," the girl stammered, immediately looking back at her phone. "L-look at the time! I've g-got to go. Come along, Butch." With that she stuffed her phone back in her pocket and ran off with the dog at her heels. The boys watched the retreating figures, each of them with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"Good job, James," Carlos began sarcastically. "You scared her away! I wanted to play with her dog!"
"There must be something wrong with her," James insisted, "She didn't fall for this." With that, he pointed at his face. He crossed his arms, pouting.
"I don't think that's her dog anyways," Logan ignored James' comment. "Her shirt indicated that she works for a place that offers pet care. That was probably a client's dog, not hers. Since she seemed in a hurry, I wouldn't be surprised if she had to get that dog back to its owner or something." He grabbed his book off the ground as Carlos and Kendall picked their phones up.
"Okay, I guess I get that," Kendall agreed, stuffing his phone in his pocket, "But she could've at least stayed long enough to tell us her name."
"Didn't you notice how she kept looking away from us?" Logan commented, "She's probably shy and didn't know how to respond to us."
"I can cure her of her shyness," James smirked causing his best friends to roll their eyes in exasperation. But, before any of them could respond, a limo drove up to them and Kelly leaned out.
"Get in the limo," she told the band, "Gustavo has another song for you." The boys pile in, completely forgetting their encounter with the girl.
(A/N): Well, what did you guys think? There's something odd about how quiet she is, isn't there? Can the boys break that quietness? And where will they see her next? Reviews are awesome! Anyways, I have to go edit, but I'm going to work on the next chapter after that. Happy Reading!