Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, or Amy

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, or Amy.

WTL: I finally finished the other story that I was working on and now I can get to this. I got this idea from my friend although she doesn't know it, Thanx Artemis. I'm dedicating this story to you.

Li: Hope you like this story. Though this is going to have more then 2 parts, again.

Biyo: Well she does have to fit in Romance for all of them people though.

Li: True. To true, at least she's in a better mood!

WTL: Anyway enjoy, the couples are Tkari, Kouyako, Mimato, and Taiora! Also this is a happier fic, at least compared to the other stories.


Home For Christmas

Mimi felt her spirits lift as she glanced at the calendar. It was December 10, and everybody was heading over. They had all decided that the digidestined would all meet every Christmas at Mimi's, and this year was the first year of the tradition! Mimi couldn't wait for everyone to get here! Getting into the spirit she flipped on her c.d. player and started to hum along as the house filled with the cheerful music.

Crossing the ocean with my window view,

Thinking of the time I spent with you,

Matt stared out over the vast ocean as he sat in the airplane, thinking of this upcoming Christmas. He was heading toward Mimi's house and he couldn't wait to get there! He grinned at the thought of her, as he continued to stare out the window, dreaming of the upcoming holiday.

When I close my eyes,

And I see the family,

Making up their wish list,

All dressed up for Christmas.

T.K. sat on a different airplane, with his eyes closed. In his mind he could see pictures of him with his family when they were still a family, laughing and giggling over Christmas presents. Slowly his face split into a huge grin as he remembered all the happy memories, and he couldn't wait to reach Mimi's house.

On my own,

For too many years,

Joe stepped out of his college dorm, with his bags. As he walked towards the airport, he started to think. He had lived for 20 years now, and yet, he had never found anyone to share his life with. There just wasn't anyone who he cared about, but this year it was going to change! He knew that this year would be different from all the rest.

I miss the happiness,

I miss the tears.

Tai was sitting in the train on his way to Mimi's house. In his hand he held a picture of the whole group of digidestined, including the armor digidestined. He smiled as he remembered how they used to laugh, and play around together. Lately they had all been to busy with school to really be as carefree as they used too, but they had decided to spend Christmas together, so Tai knew that they would become even closer.

When I close my eyes,

And I'm all alone,

I think of all the love we shared,

When I need a friend or a helping hand,

I know that you will all be there.

Izzy sat on the bus, heading toward Mimi's estate, and he was yet again typing on his computer. But this time, instead of working on facts, figures, or death threatening prophecies he was working on a simple Christmas card. He wanted it to be special, so he had decided to make it on his own, because she deserved it! Yolei had always been there, ready to lend a helping hand, or just cheer him up! She was one of his closest friends.

I've been gone for so many holidays,

But you can light the fire 'cuz this year,

I'll be home for Christmas Day.

I see the children playing in the snow,

Precious memories that I used to know.

Kari giggled as she walked past a group of kids having a snowball fight. It reminded her of along time ago, when she had been a little girl, and she had gone up to the mountains with her family, where she had first met T.K. and his family. At the time she had been too young to remember, but she had found some old pictures of her and her family, and they had looked so happy! Kari started to think about T.K. as she continued on her way to Mimi's house.

When I see the love,

In a mother's eyes,

Always there to teach us,

The real meaning of Christmas.

As Sora walked the snowy trail in the woods, she passed a young girl run to her mom. She was holding a pine cone, and when she showed it to her mother she smiled lovingly and they walked off hand in hand. Sora remembered a long ago Christmas when she had first learned that Christmas wasn't just about presents! She felt warmth spreading through her body as she remembered that long ago memory.

On my own,

For too many years,

I miss the happiness,

I miss the tears.

Yolei sighed as she picked up her bags, in the train terminal. She was thinking about how lonely she had been lately. There had been no one to talk to lately, true Cody was always there, but it wasn't the same! The only person she had ever been able to really relate to was Izzy. Mimi and Sora were great, but they didn't like electronics, then a thought came to Yolei and she smiled. She'd finally be able to see Izzy!

When I close my eyes,

And I'm all alone,

I think of all the love we shared,

When I need a friend or a helping hand,

I know that you will all be there.

Matt was now in a taxi heading towards Mimi's house, and the closer he got to the house the happier he got. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he were heading home! He felt as if he were heading to his true home, the place where he knew the ones he loved would be, including Mimi.

I've been gone for so many holidays,

But you can light the fire 'cuz this year,

I'll be home for Christmas Day.

Joe quickly stepped out of his friend's car. Adjusting his glasses he picked up his suitcase and started toward Mimi's house. Strangely he felt different, not the way he usually felt at Christmas! Usually he was mildly excited, but this time he felt a strange anxiety or even anticipation. Joe didn't know it, but this Christmas was to be different from all the others.

It doesn't matter,

I know you think you are,

Something happens to ya,

When you see that shining star.

T.K. walked out of the airport terminal with his luggage. As he boarded a bus he started to think about the upcoming reunion of the digidestined. He wondered if anybody had changed, not to mention that Mimi's cousin was visiting. The thing that fascinated T.K. was how he would react when he first saw Kari. He had to admit it, her laugh, her courage, wisdom, and just the way that she was always ready to lend a hand, they all made her dearer to him, and he was determined to tell her this Christmas.

When I close my eyes,

And I'm all alone,

I think of all the love we shared.

Tai hiked towards Mimi's house, all the while thinking about past Christmases. At first they had grown closer, but then as high school dragged on they drifted, and he was surprised to say that he had actually been the first to drift. Shaking his head at the thought he grinned his famous, lopsided grin and forged ahead. This year he was going to change it all!

When I need a friend or a helping hand,

I know that you will all be there.

Izzy continued the walk towards Mimi's house clutching his laptop and luggage. He couldn't wait to reach his destination! He'd finally be able to see Yolei after exchanging e-mails for a year! They had been really close, but ever since Izzy had left for college they hadn't seen much of each other. He couldn't wait to see her again! Izzy blushed at the thought and continued on his way.

I've been gone for so many holidays,

But you can light the fire 'cuz this year,

I'll be home for Christmas Day.

Kari twirled around in the softly falling snow, her hair flying around, arms outstretched. It had been awhile since she had played out in the snow, laughing and giggling she felt the snow softly brushing her cheeks. Her sweater was a azure blue color, and when she looked at it she blushed slightly. Usually she wore yellow, white, and pink, but this sweater was the only one she hadn't packed, besides it reminded her of T.K.'s brilliant blue eyes. She felt a warm tingle in her heart, as she remembered the happy, joyful boy that she'd known all her life. Soon stopped twirling and continued on, she couldn't wait to see T.K. again.

When I close my eyes,

And I'm all alone,

I think of all the love we shared,

When I need a friend or a helping hand,

I know that you will all be there.

Sora pulled her jacket closer around her, as she felt the snow drift gently onto her hair. Keeping the pace she glided down the path. Cupping her hands she caught a snowflake in her hands, and smiled at its pristine beauty. She watched it melt slowly, and then shook her hands. As she continued on her walk she smiled as she realized that she had almost reached Mimi's house, she was almost where she could see Tai again. After he had drifted from the group she hadn't talked to him much, but she would finally be able to again.

I've been gone for so many holidays,

But you can light the fire,

I'm sending out this wire,

I'll be home for Christmas Day.

Yolei had caught a ride on a sled, so she was sitting huddled on their with her bags all around her. They had almost reached their destination, and Yolei was tingling with excitement. In her hand she held a surprise for everyone, and she smiled at the reaction that everyone would have! Tucking it carefully in her pocket, she fingered a bracelet on her hand. It was the bracelet that Izzy had given her for her sixteenth birthday, and she still hadn't taken it off. Sometimes she wondered if it was obvious that she liked him, oh well good thing he was sometimes oblivious.

I'm coming home,

Matt had reached Mimi's house, and as he reached the door he saw 7 other people coming from different directions, and he grinned.

I'm coming home,

T.K. had just reached Mimi's house when he saw Matt, and all the others heading towards the same destination, Mimi's house.

I'm coming home,

Joe grinned as he hurried to meet Matt and T.K. at Mimi's house. In the distance he saw other figures.

I'm coming home,

Tai grinned his goofy grin as he reached the group, out of the corner he saw a familiar figure step out of the woods.

I'm coming home,

Izzy held the laptop tighter as he made his way through the field toward all the others, and nearby he saw Yolei doing the same thing.

I'm coming home,

Kari started to run once she saw her brother and T.K.! They were all here, happy and smiling!

I'm coming home,

Sora had caught up another snowflake when she saw all the others, forgetting everything she happily started to sprint toward the others.

I'm coming home,

Yolei grabbed her luggage and took a diving leap off the sled, unfortunately she started to slide right into Sora, who went crashing right next to her towards the others! The others hurriedly got out of the way as she and Sora finally stopped in a heap in front of the door. Staring down at them everybody started to laugh, as Tai helped Sora up, and Izzy helped Yolei. Finally Matt turned to knock on the door.

I'm coming home.

Right before Matt could do anything the door opened to show a beaming Mimi, and she said, "Welcome home you guys!"

10 min. later…

Everybody was standing laughing and giggling in the hallway, when Mimi said, "Okay guys! I would like you to meet my distant cousin, her name's Amy." Mimi gestured towards the side, but no one was there! Joe stared a little dumbfoundedly at the empty space then said, "Um, where is she?"

"ROW!" Joe jumped three feet up in the air! A girl was standing there grinning innocently, but he knew better.

"What did you do that for!? I could have had a heart attack!?" (Joe)

"Oh buzz off!" (Amy)




"Oh really? I didn't know that-," Amy seductively sidled up to Joe, while Joe started to relax, then, "-YOU WERE A STUPID, UPTIGHT PESSIMIST WHO CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!"

With that she stormed out of the room, stopping briefly in the doorway, "By the way nice to meet all of you!"

Joe stared off after her, then he huffed and said, "I'm going to go upstairs!" With that he too left. Everyone stared after him, and Mimi said, "I think that went well!"

Kari, Yolei, and Sora nodded and said, "I sense a-"

But they were interrupted by Joe who had reappeared at the head of the stairs, "Um… where's my room?"

With that everyone cracked up, as poor Joe stood at the head of the stairs.

"Come on you guys I'll show you your rooms." (Mimi)

And they headed upstairs, ready to start their Christmas!


WTL: That's all for now, R&R.