Narcissa Malfoy stumbled inelegantly down the stairs, her hair whirling around her as she turned a corner into the dungeons. Memories bombarded her, of screams and blood … She shook her head. She needed to focus. Her baby boy was here, somewhere. She turned another corner, and instantly saw him. Curled in a corner quietly sobbing, her Draco was there. It felt as if a knife had been twisted in her chest. She instantly ran over, let him out and cradled him into her arms.

"He betrayed me mum. I knew I shouldn't have t-trusted him," he sobbed brokenly.

1 Hour Later …

"Where the hell could he be Hermione?" Harry shouted, hands tugging at his hair.

"Harry, you have to remember, he was staying here on no certain terms, he could've left whenever he wanted. You didn't have control of him," She said softly, putting a soothing hand on his arm.

"It's all my fault 'Mione. I should've not pushed him into something like that so fast. God he must've thought I was such a bully," Harry whispered. His best friend pulled him into a hug.

"Harry, anyone would've thought that you would be glad to see the back of him. Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked.

"You already know," Harry said miserably.

"I can only guess, Harry." She replied gently.

"I-I like him Hermione. Like like him," Harry said, blushing and looking anywhere but her. Hermione smiled at the way he admitted his feelings so naively.

Half an hour later they were sitting down in the lounge, drinking hot cups of peppermint tea and talking about Harry's attraction of Malfoy. Harry looked completely uncomfortable. Hermione looked amused, happy and mischevious.

When the Floo roared to like Hermione jumped so hard she spilt tea all over herself. After a few seconds and murmured spells her clothes were dry and they were turning to see the head in the fire place. It was Ron, his face was anxious.

"Harry, mate. You'll never guess what George has done,"

"What?" After a few moments of silence, Hermione prompted.

"Ron? What is it? What has he done?"

"I think I'd better come through mate," Harry nodded and they waited a few seconds for the redhead to tumble from the fireplace into the room.

"So? What's happened?" Harry asked.

Ron looked sick. "George has gone mental mate. He went over to Malfoy Manor and confronted Lucius. Apparently he thought it was him that …. y'know. Fred." Ron said. "So he goes over there and tortures and kills him!"

There was a tense silence for five minutes.

"How do you know this?" Hermione asked.

"Auror's were called by Narcissa Malfoy and apparently she had apparated into the room and bugged it before they got in there. It was the kind you could only listen to after every person had left the room though. George had ran before they got there. Of course, they had to tell Mum, so one of them came to the Burrow and told us. And Harry ..."

The man in question looked up. "Yeah?"

"George had abducted Malfoy last night. Took him to Malfoy Manor dungeons, somehow managed to sneak in there. That's why he wasn't here this morning," Ron said.

"Where is he now?" Harry asked desperately.

"Still there. But, mate. He thinks you were … y'know. In on it." Ron said uncomfortably.

"What?!" Harry cried incredulously. "I've got to go over there!" Harry said, beginning to get up.

"Harry, maybe you should wait. I mean, he's just lost his dad and his house-"

"His house? What do you mean, his house?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Well, in his will Malfoy senior had left everything to Draco, but for some reason; Draco got disowned a few months back, and Lucius hadn't changed his will since. And according to old laws, big families like the Malfoy's can't leave their houses to women of non-Malfoy blood. So, it's all gone to the Ministry. He's … practically homeless." Ron finished.

"So where are they?" Harry asked, referring to Narcissa and Draco.

"Their still at the Manor, being questioned."

"I'm definitely going over there," Harry said desively.

"Good luck mate," Ron said. "I need to get back, I don't think mum should be left alone for too long,"

"I'll come with you," Hermione said, and they both Flooed over.

Harry, after grabbing his shoes and jacket, apparated into Malfoy Manor; since now it was the Ministry's it didn't have any wards.

He landed in the entrance hall. Immediately, he was bombarded with Auror's asking him to leave the premises, as this was a murder scene. Harry, wincing as he did so, pulled the Boy Who Lived card; which of course got him immediately in. He followed the Auror's up to the room where the Malfoy's were being questioned. Just as he arrived, Draco was walking out of the room.

He whole posture and demeanour screamed defeated, but as soon as he spotted Harry, it turned defensive.

"What do you want?" He spat. As Harry neared he could see that Draco had been crying.

"I-I'm so sorry. I had no idea-" Harry began.

"Oh please, don't try it. I know that you were in on it. Let's get Malfoy to come live with me so I can break down all his barriers and then deliver to a crazed madman!" Draco cried hysterically. "Merlin, Potter. I can't believe I actually began to tru-" Draco stopped himself from finished that sentence and glared at his own toes.

"Draco, I had no idea, I swear. Please, please believe me."

"Shut the fuck up Potter." Draco snarled, eyes flashing ice.

"Draco," Narcissa came and stood by her son. She too, had bloodshot eyes that had an air of hollowness of them. "There is no need to talk to Mr Potter like that,"

"Please, Mrs Malfoy, it's Harry."

"Then Harry, call me Narcissa. May I enquire as to why you are here?" She asked softly.

"I just, I heard what happened from Ron, and I wanted to make sure you were all right. Draco's been living with me for the past month or so," Harry explained.

"Then Mr Potter, I must thank you; for giving my boy a place to say. And we'll be fine. We always pull through," She replied politely.

"I heard that you … Well, that you have nowhere to go," Harry admitted sheepishly.

Narcissa nodded elegantly, "But me and Draco will find a place,"

"Well – I was wondering … If you'd uh, like to live with me in Grimmauld Place." Harry blurted. He hadn't been wondering that at all; he'd just had a severe case of word vomit.

Recognition lighted Narcissa's eyes.

"There's plenty of room, as I'm sure you know. And plenty of food, you won't have to pay bills, it's near Diagon Alley, it's free-"

"Harry, if we were to live in your house, there would be no way we wouldn't try to earn our keep," Narcissa interrupted smoothly. Draco turned to her in outrage.

"Wha- Mum! You can't possibly even begin to consider-"

"Draco. You are a Slytherin. Think with your head rather than your pride for a moment please," She murmured quietly. She turned to Harry.

"We'll accept your gracious offer, if that's alright Harry."

Harry smiled brightly, still a bit shell shocked, "That's absolutely fine."

Draco rolled his eyes. Narcissa smiled. Harry grinned. What had he gotten himself into?

A/N ~ So that's it! The end of You're A Fool, Draco Malfoy. Of course there's a sequel coming! And it's going to reveal what happened with Elijah and that whole situation; and it's going to be what you all actually came for: DRAAAARRRRYYYY!

In a weeks time (I think ;D), it's going to be the 1 year anniversary of this fic. And god, I could not have wished for better readers. To EVERYONE, to those who favourited, reviewed AND followed. THANK YOU!

Anyone have any idea's as to what to call sequel?

But I have one last think to ask before we finish this whole thing off. Please review, and make my wish of having two hundred reviews for a fic true!

I love you all and I look forward to seeing you all again in the sequel!

~ Simply . Scarfy