(Summary - Alex and her step father arrive in Domino City to start a new life but fate has other plans. Who is the dark voice that speaks in her mind and why is she having these weird dreams. When Alex starts at Domino High, Yami can't stop staring at her, he seems to know her but can't think of where. Could it be just a feeling or is fate going to turn everything on their heads.)

So here's a new fanfic for you all. It just popped into my head one day when I was on holiday and I didn't have my laptop so I had to use the wonderful note pad on my phone, so I wrote the whole thing on my phone (so how boring my holiday was) anyway, I'm throwing all the people OOC because its so much more fun ~ evil smirk ~

Yami - don't you think you should just let them read it

Me - ~ sends best death glare ~ ok ok pushy, get on and do the disclaimer then

Yami - ~rolls eyes ~ miss sunshine does not own YU-GI-OH but if she did we would all be running around in tutu's

Me - ~sadistic smirk ~ don't give me ideas. You would look great in a tutu. Ok that's it, read review and have a cookie on me.



Believe in it or not but we all have a destiny, a path to walk along towards the greater plan of our lives, the chooses we make determine our path but sometimes fate has a funny little way of throwing a spanner into our plans, turning them on their heads. You could spend your whole life planning, trying to live out our hopes and dreams, only to have them come crashing down around you.

My name is Alex Brooks and for the best part of my life I was just like everyone else, just a normal person, family, friends, school, keeping my head down to follow my dreams. My mother had remarried a wonderful man who I came to call dad and life was nothing more then wonderful, until that night.

My father, my biological father was a cruel man to begin with, an aggressive drunk who delighted in causing as much pain as possible to others including me and my mother before he finally snapped, murdering a helpless old man in cold blood for the paper in his wallet.

At his trail, he claimed that a voice in side his head told him to do it, earning him one way ticket to a padded cell and finally we were free of him but we couldn't have been more wrong.

One night, after going for pizza with my pregnant mother, my biological father escaped from the padded cell, following us as we walked home, then everything went black.

After waking up from the knock behind my ear, I found myself lying upon the cold wet ground, my arms stretched out to the sides, while train track pins through both my wrists kept me in place. The sounds of my mothers screams and pleas for her life echoed all around me as my father repeatedly beat her, taking her life and the life of my unborn brother. All I could do was watch, every blow seemed to run in slow motion, chipping away at my very soul before he turned to me.

I lay there, unable to move, the smell of alcohol and blood upon him as I waited for my end, closing my eyes as I waited for what was to come, frozen to the ground, wanting nothing more then to die but my end never came. I survived, a police officer shot him dead, but a part of me died that night, along with my mother, lost forever, leaving nothing but a hollow empty space that will never be filled again.

Now here I sit in the passenger seat of my step fathers navy blue car, leaving behind the busy streets of New York to start a new life, but what I didn't understand then was that I had only just put a foot on the path of my destiny, back then, I believed that we controlled our lives by the chooses we made, I never knew how wrong I could be.