This is my very first piece of fan-fiction. I have never published anything before so I apologise in advance. I tried to keep Harry and Snape in character. Please let me know what you think!

The idea of this story was born from a discussion with a fellow Snape fan.

Harry could barely breathe as he felt red hot anger surge through him. His surroundings began to swim before his eyes. The medieval tapestries seemed to sway on the walls, the firm stone flooring to slant at an odd angle and the candles in the brackets to flash sharply. Shaking violently, Harry leant against the wall and closed his eyes. He willed himself to make sense of what Trelawney had just told him.

Snape. Severus teacher he'd despised the most at Hogwarts ever since his first lesson 6 years ago. This man was responsible for tearing his family apart. This man was the one who had relayed the information about his parents to Voldemort. He was the one who had allowed Voldemort to break into his home and kill his mother and father. All this time Harry had been living in the same castle as him. For all these years he had stared into those loathing coal-black eyes, with mutual dislike towards the man. But what he thought to be hatred at the time was nothing compared to what he was feeling right now.

Perhaps it was a mixture of shock and exhaustion but Harry was suddenly filled with a sudden urge to cry. He slipped down onto the hard floor, his head still spinning violently and his body still shaking. He wept loudly, the tears free falling down his cheeks. He had never cried like this before. Not even when Sirius died. He barely noticed Trelawney's figure retreating up the corridor, apparently unable to understand the incredible reaction to her storytelling. Harry didn't care. Everything else seemed unimportant, even laughable, next to this. He thought of the Mirror of Erised he had encounted in his first year. He remembered the welcoming faces of his parents, the green eyes so similar to his own and his father's warm smile. He thought of the hope and surge of love and affection he had felt for them …

But then Harry felt the familiar prickle on his forehead. It was like an alarm ringing out in his head, pulling him back to his senses, back to reality. Severus Snape was in this very castle. He had to get to him. Now.

Adrenaline pumped through his body as one single thing went through his mind: find Snape. Like the urge to cry, Harry felt the sudden irrepressible desire to scream. He yelled his lungs out, oblivious to the fearful looks on the faces of the inhabitants in the tapestries. Still shaking; Harry turned on his heels and began running towards the dungeon.

He was hurtling along corridor after corridor, staircase after staircase, numb to the angry voices of the students he pushed out of his way and the looks on their faces. It felt like he was in a parallel universe. Hogwarts, his friends, Ginny, nothing else mattered to him right now apart from Snape. Trelawney's words were still ringing in his ears as he crossed the Great Hall and teared open the door leading to the dungeons. He was running full-pelt down the familiar gloomy passageways.

Before he knew it, he was kicking down Snape's office door and screaming: