The idea for this story was adopted from Jayde Alyxandre story called Dragon Kind . The Dracken concept is hers, not mine.


Hermione was resting peacefully when the clock struck midnight. It was offically her seventeenth birthday. She woke up in the early hours of the morning to find some very surprising and unexpected changes.

The very first thing she noticed was that she could see and hear everything better as she looked around her room. Everything was so much clearer. Colors, she noticed, were brighter and there was so much more to everything, every colour, every shape, every pattern. She never knew there were so many shades of black before. She could hear the sounds of the animals from across the streets, and the rodents in the ground waking up.

She looked around her room for thirty mintues before she decided to check and see if anything else had improved beside's her hearing and eyesight. Hermione went to her mirror in the bathroom to take a look at herself and gasped when she saw the many changes. Her once bushy hair was like pure silk hanging in ringlets. It had grown several inches; to the point where it was almost past her butt. Her cheek bones became more angular, and her body became curvier. Her once small breasts had filled out to the point of bursting out of her bra. Easily growing a cup or two up. Her height had changed as well. She was at least 5 foot 7 inches.

The most obivous and slightly scary change however was her face. She had bright white scales on her face. As she felt her body she could feel more, so she took her clothes off to get a better view of them. There was scales over the majority of her body in some sort of elaborate design. They started at the top of her forehead and went down past her shoulders and back. They continued on down her butt and her legs. They reflected off the bathroom light causing them to have a glittered effect.

" What am I?" She asked herself. "A dragon or a lizard maybe"

As she studied her face and body she felt a pain she had never experienced before on her back. As she looked behind her she could see wings starting to appear. When they were finished growing she saw two perfect black wings that were almost as tall as she was. They were covered in the same white scales as the rest of her body.

"I wonder if I can make them go away"

She flexed her back trying to get her wings to recede into her back. It finally worked as the wings started to slowy slide back into her back.

"I need to research" the bookworm said.

Back in her room Hermione got out all of her books on magical creatures she flipped through them all until she finally found a short excerpt that could possibly explain her creature like aperrance to her.

Drackens. (Or Dragon Kind.)

Drackens are a rare breed of magical creature. They are believed to be nearly extinct with the number of the creatures' population dropping significantly as more Drackens choose to breed with humans to avoid detection, causing the bloodline to dilute and eventually die out.

The drop in Dracken populace can also be accounted to wizards, who hunt Drackens for their blood and scales which are useful for certain potions, rituals and spells.

Drackens have been classed as dark creatures since the eighteen-forties by the British, American, Asian and European Ministries of Magic and have consequently been deemed as dangerous to society.

There are rumoured to be less than a hundred living Drackens worldwide, though it is unclear if this number is accurate as Drackens have become adept at hiding their defining characteristics making it easier for them to blend in with human beings.

"I wonder if they are any drackens at Hogwarts."

'There are two kinds of Drackens. The dominant Dracken and the submissive Dracken.

Dominant Drackens are ninety-eight percent of the time males. There have been only two reported and proven cases of a dominant female Dracken. Dominants are always much larger and more vicious than their submissive counterparts. This is to protect their submissive and any offspring they might have.

Dominant Drackens are very possessive of what they deem is theirs and are very territorial, most likely due to the dragon blood in their veins. A dominant Dracken will be at his most vicious and dangerous when his submissive is in heat, is pregnant or is nesting. Any threat to his submissive or his young will be removed as quickly as he is able to do so.

Dominant Drackens appear to be outwardly cold and cruel. It is only with his submissive and his young that he will show any tenderness. But even then the dark side of the Dracken will show through as a dominant Dracken will still be rough, unknowing of his own strength.

A dominant Dracken will punish his submissive if he feels the submissive has done wrong, though he will never cause his submissive any permanent harm as a Dracken, like their dragon counterparts, is a very vain and prideful creature and having a beautiful, flawless submissive will be a source of great pride for a dominant.

The dominant counterpart is the submissive Dracken, who are typically female, though there have been several reported submissive male Drackens.

Though submissive Drackens are smaller than their dominant counterparts, they can be just as dangerous if provoked, nearly ninety percent of documented submissive Dracken killings were over the Dracken's offspring being threatened or harmed. A submissive will rarely kill for their dominant as, exactly like their dragon ancestors, the dominant male is expected to take care of himself and his family, it is a submissives job to protect the young and not her dominant.

A submissive may, in some cases, have more than one dominant mate. A powerful submissive Dracken requires more than one dominant to impregnate her for the conception to take up; it is unclear as to why, as the Drackens are so few in number that nearly all of them hide themselves away as a safety precaution.

Both dominant and submissive Drackens are extremely durable, adaptable and notoriously hard to kill. Because of their tough skin most spells will not affect a Dracken and their scales are highly reflective, meaning spells will just bounce right off them. The only exception is the killing curse, Avada Kedavra.

Drackens are also reported and verified to be allergic to salt water, which with prolonged exposure can cause the skin of a Dracken to become irritated and inflamed. Though the allergy is not deadly, it can cause serious harm including; itching, burning, boils and if in contact with the eyes of a Dracken for any extended period of time can cause blindness.

The characteristics and features of a Dracken include:


Dominant Drackens have scales covering approximately fifty to sixty percent of their body, excluding their wings which are covered entirely. The dominant will have darker scales ranging from black to dark reds, blues, greens and purples etcetera.

Submissive Drackens have scales covering approximately seventy-five to eighty percent of their body. A submissive Dracken's wings are also entirely covered with scales but the submissive Dracken differs from the dominant because a submissive Dracken's scales will start out solidly white and will, with time, change to reflect the colour(s) of their dominant(s).


A dominant Dracken's wings are large and powerful, much like the dominant Dracken is himself, spanning up to twenty-five feet in length depending on how old, how tall, how heavy (and/or) powerful the Dracken is. Dominants will display their wings for a potential mate. The larger the wings, the more impressive they'll be to a submissive.

A submissive Dracken's wings are not as large as their dominant counterpart, spanning out at approximately thirteen or fourteen feet at most. This is most probably because the submissive Dracken is smaller and lighter than a dominant and also because the submissive does not need her wings to entice a dominant mate to her.

Both dominant and submissive Drackens can use their wings for flight and can travel for long distances and at great heights without the need to stop for rest or without the worry of altitude sickness.


Both dominant and submissive Drackens have fangs and claws, though these will be considerably bigger on the dominant Dracken. The fangs and claws are usually kept sheathed until needed for killing, hunting or protecting. Both are large and deadly, but a submissive Dracken's claws are very acidic. This acid is secreted in the nail beds and can coat the claws in seconds; the acid is so corrosive just a few swipes can burn a medium sized hole through a human body.

Breeding Cycles:

Submissive Drackens go into heat several times a year, but despite this it is believed that there are only two periods of time in a single year in which a Dracken can be impregnated.

Breeding cycles vary with each submissive, but the most common time for a Dracken to become pregnant is in the winter. The average range of days for a submissive Dracken to be in heat is ten days in which a dominant Dracken will breed his submissive almost continually to ensure the biggest possible number of offspring. Neither the dominant nor submissive will feed during this time of continuous mating.


The gestation period of a submissive Dracken is approximately seven months, during this time the dominant Dracken will be so severely protective of his submissive that he will rarely let her out of his sight and he will not let anyone near her, not even family members, the only exception to this is if the submissive Dracken has more than one dominant mate, in which case, only the other Dracken will be allowed near her.

It is believed that in order to keep the offspring healthy and growing strongly the dominant Dracken will need to share his liquids with his submissive. He will do this by kissing his mate to share his saliva, touching to share his sweat, ejaculating into his mate to give his semen and feeding his blood to his mate and child.

Symptoms of Dracken pregnancy include; Nausea, irritability, dizziness, sensitivity to cold, craving raw meat and accidental magical outbursts. When close to birthing the submissive Dracken will feel a need for high, dark places. Once the submissive finds/makes a suitable 'nest' they will stay there until after the birth.


A submissive Dracken will give birth alone. The dominant(s) will not be permitted entry to the nest until after the birthing is over. A submissive will give birth to between one and five young or 'chicks' as they have been labelled by the Ministry. Once the birth is over and the new mother has nursed the chicks the Father(s) will be allowed to enter the nest. The chicks will nurse for twelve weeks before becoming mature enough to be weaned

She closed the book, having read the section through several times. She swallowed heavily and placed the book down. "So I'm a submissive Dracken.'' She thought. "I'm going to have a dominant Dracken as a mate; I'll be expected to give birth to Dracken chicks.'' It's okay. I can handle this. It's not completely horrible. "