Hello, everyone!

So, this was supposed to be the sequel to my other story "Enthusiasm". However, I decided not to carry on writing "Enthusiasm" and write "Like Mother, Like Daughter" instead. I really do hope you'll enjoy reading it. :)

And a great thank-you to Abby, my betareader and a very good friend. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Gossip Girl or any of the characters. :)

Chapter 1

"Oh my God, , what the fuck is all of that stuff?" asked CJ in a disbelieving tone while looking at the hall's floor that was covered with bags stuffed with lingerie. "Are you opening a sex shop or something? I've always thought that Bass Industries gives you enough money, but judging by your sexual activeness, my dear parents..."

"Mind your words, Charles Jr.," warned his mother who has just entered the house right after her husband.

"Don't even try, mom. He's never going to understand what it means to have good manners. Charlie, my dear brother, why don't you go up to your bedroom and masturbate before leaving? Maybe you'll be less offensive to an exclusive line of lingerie of our grandma's design. Or, maybe take a piece. I suspect you never get to take off something like this. A little better quality than what the sluts you fuck wear, isn't it, Charlie?" she said in a venomous, Waldorf-Bass tone.

"Anna Holly Bass, I warn you. I warn you both. Just one more word about anybody's sex life, and I'll send awful notes about you to Gossip Girl. Trust me, you don't want this," said Chuck in cold yet playful tone. His oldest children were exactly like their parents.

"Sorry, Dad," said the twins in unison.

"Can we go now, Daddy?" asked Anna. "I'm meeting with Malcolm in an hour and I want to grab the limo before Charlie helps himself to it and uses it to..." she was reminded by her father's finger not to make any remarks about what CJ does in their limo. "Anyway, can I go and take it?" she said using her puppy-dog eyes that always made her father melt like an ice cube. Charles knew that his chance to take the limo that night was gone - Chuck Bass senior was totally into his daughter.

"Yes, you can, Annie-Bunny, but don't come home too late. School starts tomorrow, and you don't want to look wasted, do you?" said Chuck as he kissed the seventeen-year-old on the forehead. She kissed him back and turned on her heel. "You see, Charlie. You're totally out of luck today." She hissed into her brother's ear.

"Yeah, I see, Annie-Bunny," he whispered back.

"Don't call me Annie-Bunny."

"Don't call me Charlie."

"Over my dead body, bro."

"Over my dead body, sis." he retorted with a playful grin.

"I hate you, you know?" Anna answered, hugging her brother tightly. "You can take the limo after I get to Humphrey's, but, CJ, please, don't get any dirty Brooklyn girl pregnant."

"Of course not, AH," he kissed her cheek and let go of her, but grabbed her elbow. "Anne? Don't get yourself pregnant with a Humphrey baby."

"Of course not," she replied and left the hall with her brother following her.


"So where are our other children? The ones that consider things other than having sex and, well, having sex, fun?" asked Blair while looking through the lingerie in the first box.

"Probably in their bedrooms, but you never know. I'll call them," said Chuck. "Timothy! Christinne! Come and say hello to your parents before we leave!"

"Ah! What is that?" gasped Blair in disbelievement. "Does she think I am, like, eighty? I am not old enough to wear grandma's lingerie!" She was holding a pair of gigantic pants. "I hate my mother. I always did, and I alway will."

"Oh, don't be so harsh on her," said Chuck, rubbing his wife's arm. "She probably thinks that you are a little bigger than you used to be, after giving birth to four children. She doesn't see you very often, let it be forgiven."

"I'm giving it all to Serena. Call my mother and tell her to fuck herself," she said angrily. Chuck just smiled.

"Hi, Mommy. Hi, Daddy," said Christinne, their ten-year-old daughter, who is a living copy of Blair. She was wearing a lab uniform along with Converse All Stars. It was her absolutely favorite outfit that always made her mother freak out. "Where are you going tonight? I want to make this quick, I'm sorry. I'm trying to make hydrogen out of potassium and an acid. Don't worry," she added when she saw horror on her parents faces. "I'm using very little of the substances, nothing can happen," she said lightly while kissing both Chuck and Blair on the cheek and wishing them good night. As she walked back into her room, she met her older brother. They played the who-goes-which-way game, laughing loudly, when Timothy finally came to see his parents.

He was a very tall fifteen-year-old boy. He had Chuck's strong jaw and face shape, but he definitely inherited Blair's lips, eyes, nose and the whole delicacy of her figure. He was, however, a very promising young designer and was always wearing clothes made by himself. Blair quietly approved of this fact. She had enough of the overbearing testosterone of both Chucks to fully appreciate the fact that her younger son was more of a girl than a hormone-driven youngster. And even though she knew he was gay, and she knew that he knew that she knew, she had never shown a hint of disapproval. She just accepted him the way that he was while waiting for him to mature enough to tell her the truth. Blair had never thought she would have to accept the fact that her son was a homosexual, it was in absolute conflict with her permanent need to be absolutely free of scandals and everything that could destroy her crystal clear image, but when the superstition became a fact, she just accepted it. After all, Timothy was her son. And the way Blair considered motherhood didn't include hurting her child.

It was quite different with Chuck, actually. Of course, he loved his son very much, just like the other three children, but it wasn't easy for him to accept that his son was so... different. He didn't suspect him of being gay, of course, that was Blair's thing. After all, Tim didn't have all the "gayish" characteristics like a thin voice, clapping hands all the time, or that sort of thing, but he was designing clothes. Clothes, for christ's sake. Yes, of course, Chuck Bass himself was fonder of fashion than a typical man, but let it be his little weirdness. Despite that, Chuck had difficulties with accepting the fact that his beloved son wants to be a designer, when both twins and Christianne have shown more practical and cool-headed characters, just like his or Blair's. Timothy was the opposite of it. And Chuck didn't know how to talk with him, how to start the conversation, and he felt that his son was a little bit afraid of him. It was the thing that scared him even more - he can be a very strict boss, but at home he was a lovely husband and father that every child dreams of. He had great contact with CJ, they had their own tradition - every month they would go on a trip to a different place, neither of them had ever been to. It was always great fun for both Bass men. With Anna, he went for coffee and a croissant at her favorite cafe near the school every Wednesday at 6.30 a.m. It was time he had reserved only for her. They talked about the past week, without any secrets, and about their long-term plans. They've always talk so long that they were always late - Anna to school, Chuck to the office - even though they were always starting their Wednesday breakfast so scandalously early. With Christie, he visited every museum, they've found in New York and New Jersey. Chuck didn't expect it, but he actually had a lot of fun watching ancient pots and remains of ancient Rinos. Every Monday afternoon, they went to the laboratory at Columbia University to watch the chemists working. The scientists sometimes let Christie do some minor work (Chuck donated to the research very generously). And every once in a while, Chuck took his wife on an unexpected trip to the places she always wanted to go, bought her a beautiful necklace, or stormed into her office in the middle of the day to take her to a private wine tasting.

But with Timothy he didn't have a ritual. He tried taking him to baseball, but he didn't look really interested in the game. He tried taking him to the cinema for the old movies marathons, but Tim, instead of watching the movies, was watching his father checking if he was bored. It made Chuck so uncomfortable that he hadn't been able to focus on the plot. He tried taking him shopping, but even that didn't make a difference - Timothy was so scared of his father he didn't want to bond with him in any way, even though Chuck had tried everything he could possibly think of. And all that without any significant difference in the way things were.

That was the reason why every appearance of his younger son made him slightly uncomfortable. He was happy Blair had such a good relationship with Timmy but, to be honest, it made him slightly jealous as well. What was wrong with him?

"Where are you going, Mom? You just came back," asked Timothy as he directly avoided his father in this question.

"Just some kind of late business meeting. A charity gala of some sort, but it's a very good occasion for your father to meet with the contrahents. And I'll probably just chat with Nate and Maureen Van Der Bilt, because aunt Serena went somewhere. I can't really remember where because she goes on her infamous trips all the time..." Blair tried to recall the name of the place her best friend chose to spend her time, but she just couldn't.

"Santa Monica," helped her husband. "And what are you going to do, Timothy?" he asked their son with a voice full of sympathy, but Timmy took it as an insult.

"I promised Christie to help her out with writing down the reactions she's working on. I'll take care of her and her bedtime," he said, looking at his feet. "Mom..."

"Yes, honey?" asked Blair as she stroked his cheek lightly.

"Why did you choose those shoes? They are so... purple" he said. This remark sounded weird in the mouth of a fifteen-year-old who had a very deep voice for his age.

"Don't they go just perfectly with the dress?" asked Mrs. Bass in a worried tone. She knew she could count on her son's honest opinion and listened to him every time he decided advice on her outfits.

"They go just a little bit too perfectly. Matching lighter purple with darker purple is too 2015. What would you say about orange pumps? Nah?" he said, when he saw her facial expression. "I know! Wait a second, I'll be right back. Green and pink Louboutin high-heels, that's it," he muttered under his breath. "Why didn't mom think about them in the first place?"


"You need to tell mom and dad," said Christinne, giving him laboratory glasses made of Plexiglas. "Take those, you cannot replace your eyes."

They were both in her little home laboratory Chuck and Blair organized for her in the spare bedroom. She had everything she needed to make simple experiments but nothing too dangerous. It was her kingdom and the place where the Bass children had many of their get-togethers.

"Thanks, Chris," he said while putting the glasses on and preparing himself to write on the white blackboard. "You know I can't tell them. That would be... I can't do it, okay? How they look to people, their public image... it's very important to them. I don't really think having a gay son is a part of the perfect PR of the Golden Couple of the Upper East Side."

"You're being an idiot," said Christinne plainly as she put a tiny bit of potassium in a little glass container. "They don't see it that way. Look what dad is doing. For example, he goes with Anna to that cafe, every week. Even though he's very busy and waking up so early certainly doesn't help him on the meetings. But he's doing it anyway, just because he loves doing it and it's more important to him than work. And taking mom for all those lunches and brunches in the middle of the working days? How many headlines like 'Mr and Mrs Bass again out of the company. Shouldn't they be working or something?' have you seen in the past few weeks? Do you really think they care that much?" she asked in disbelief.

"I think mom already knows. I don't know how, but she always knows everything about us, doesn't she? It's just... I don't want to do this to dad. I see how hard for him it is to accept that I'm different. How would he react if I told him I'm not really... a guy." His eyes were full of tears now.

"But you are a guy, Timmy." Christinne took off her gloves and glasses and sat on her brother's lap. She took his face in her little hands and kissed his forehead. "You're just unique. You won't have a wife, and you probably won't have children either, but you're a man. As good as dad is. Don't you ever question it." She put her head on his arm and he started rocking her just like she was a baby.

"Are you really ten?"

"I am, my big brother," she said with a huge grin.

"You're way too clever to be ten."

"You couldn't be more right. So, now, what do we get if we mix KOH with HNO3?" she smiled and he started to laugh.