Two days has passed since my last encounter with Adrian and in those two days I had stopped living.
I had now literally lost everyone that I had ever cared about and everyone that cared about me. Being left bitter would be better than my emotional state, I was now nothing. Without the love of those who I cherished I was nothing, Rose Hathaway was no more. When they left me they each took a piece of me and my last piece rested with Adrian and when he left I was officially ruined. My heart broke into a thousand pieces when Dimitri my Russian god left me and when Lissa left and shattered those thousands of pieces of my heart even more and when Adrian walked out on me those pieces burnt into flames and now I was left with ashes. I was burnt into ashes. I wish I could burn myself into a million ashes and then be tossed out to seas. At least then I would no longer be feeling alone and tortured. Being murdered violently over and over and over again would feel like heaven compared to how I was feeling. No matter how many times I tried to sum up to myself how I felt I could not, there were no words for it. When I slept, which was only once since Adrian left and that was because I had taken too many painkillers, I didn't just see the three faces of the faces that I loved the most dearly, I saw more. Dimitri, Lissa, Adrian weren't the only ones who abandoned me. Christian, my mother, my father who I didn't even know, Eddie had left me too.
I know it is extremely short and I am sorry. I will most likely update tomorrow or the day after. Oh and this will not be a story where Adrian raises Dimitris and Roses child. I have a massive twist that I'd like to put in it if I continue this story. J