This isn't my first fic but it's my first Harry Potter fic so enjoy! Basically a happy memory for each of the people who died.
Died: Protecting her friend.
It had only been a couple of hours since Harry Potter had been told he was a wizard. His life had changed dramatically within those few hours and he now found himself strolling through a crowded street which he had been told was called Diagon Alley. It was packed with witches and wizards who were shopping in various magical stores. Harry was following Hagrid, a half-giant who was at least four times his height with a bushy beard, beetle black eyes, and a coat that seemed to be made entirely of pockets. So far, the day had been wonderful.
Hagrid had told Harry to get robes at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions while he went off to another shop of which the name had been unclear as Hagrid mumbled something about owls. He had returned twenty minutes later carrying a large birdcage. Inside was a beautiful snowy owl with large amber colored eyes.
"Happy birthday, Harry!" Hagrid said handing him the cage.
"Thanks!" He replied happily. No one had ever given him a real present before. All he had ever received for his birthday was a bent clothes hanger and some of Uncle Vernon's old socks. And that was only if the Dursleys remembered he had a birthday.
"'Er name's Hedwig." Hagrid told him as Harry opened the cage to pet the owl. She nipped his finger affectionately. She liked the young wizard and somehow they both knew they would become wonderful friends.
A/N: Yes, I know that in the books Hedwig died helplessly in her cage. I thought her death in the movie made more sense because at least she died with a purpose.
Hope you enjoyed! Seven more chapters will follow! You know you wanna review…