Disclaimer: I do not Inuyasha or Ouran, just the storyline of events and any OCs that happen to pop up at anytime.
Note: There will be some character bashing throughout the story (one can easily be determined by the title). Some of it may be for humor, others may just be because of which character it is (Naraku or Inuyasha, my least 2 favorite characters). Just be on the lookout.
Kyoya sat there in bewilderment, blinking occasionally. He could not believe that had just happened. That small guy just shoved him around as if it was nothing. Here he was, nearly twice his size. He could not decide whether to be aroused by that or to be angry by the fact that some smallfry had actually managed to push him over. Kyoya decided to go with the anger. There was no way he would be attracted to another 'male'. Everyone else around him stood completely shocked. One of the twins, he couldn't be sure which, whistled while the other smirked.
"Damn," one of the red heads said, he was sure it was Kaoru. "That sure was sexy. Wasn't it, Kaoru?" He was wrong again. It had been Hikaru this time. Both looked too much alike.
"Yeah it was," Kaoru replied, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Sure wouldn't mind getting in on some of that action." This just caused Kyoya's eye to twitch. The two of them could sure be annoying at times. He did not fail to notice that Takashi had started to walk out of the room, following after his cousin, only replying with his usual "Hnn."
"So would I," Hikaru said right back. "That Taisho-san is one fiery hellcat."
"Yeah, imagine the claws he has. He is bound to make a scratching post out of us."
"Nothing I wouldn't give to get some pleasure from those hands." Tamaki tilted his head in confusion to the twins' comments. He had no clue as to what they were talking about.
"How do you get pleasure from a pair of hands?" he asked, blinking his blue eyes. the twins looked at him before looking at eachother and grinning, causing Kyoya's eyes to twitch even harder.
"Well, you see," Kaoru started with a knowing smirk. "You have to do things just right."
"Then you need to," Hikaru continued where his brother left off. Kyoya had finally had by this point. He did not need Tamaki go on a rampage from hearing the twin's hentai comments.
"Shut up!" Kyoya shouted at the lot of them. "Club is canceled for the day. I need to get home and figure things out. You guys will leave." He pushed himself off the ground and went to retrieve his bag. Then he stormed out a door in the opposite direction of the one that Taisho-san had went through. All of this caused the twins to look at eachother.
"What's his problem," Kaoru asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Hell if I know," Hikaru replied, shrugging his shoulders.
Two different pairs of wide eyes stared at her, one brown and the other sky-blue, as Kagome was pacing back and forth, fuming in her head about what had just happened with Kyoya. She was thoroughly ticked. Who did he think he was, trying to force anything out of her through use of her cousin? She was sure she hadn't told any of them about her relation to Mitsukuni, then. Who knew what he might of tried?
Honey looked to Haruhi with questioning eyes. She seemed to have somewhat of a hold on what was going on with the fuming 'male' in front of him. She was standing there with her arms crossed against her chest and seemed to be tapping her foot. One brow seemed to be raised into her hair line. 'What is going on,' he thought.
"Kagome, calm down," Haruhi said in an authorative voice, further confusing the small blond next to her. Here he thought the 'male's' name was Aokori. "There is no need for you to be wearing a hole into the floor by going on a tirade. Tell us what it is that you wanted to say because you have us thoroughly confused." Kagome stopped midstride and turned to her two cousins. She took a few deep breaths to try and stablize herself before speaking.
"I wanted to talk about us," Kagome stated in her usual soprano's voice when she had finally calmed down, confusing Honey even further to the point where he had his mouth hanging open. "You both know that I am related to you Haruhi. But what you don't know is that I am also related to you as well, Mitsukuni-sempai. My oka-san was your oba-san." Honey just blinked a few times before things clicked.
"How do you know I have a cousin," he demanded, looking straight into Kagome's eyes. "Why is it that your voice sounds like a female's now? Why did Haruhi call you 'Kagome'? What happened in there with Kyoya? How do I know that you are telling the truth? What proof do you have?" There were many more questions going through his head, so fast that Kagome had a hard time keeping up with them. He had been told by his father that he had an aunt that had been disowned by the family because of the man she had chosen to marry. Hunny had also been told that his aunt had went on to have two children, one a couple years younger than him and the other only about five or six. He had been given no names to go by. The only thing he had to identify his aunt by was a family heirloom that was handed down to the eldest daughter of each generation. This heirloom was a intricate rose pendant carved from a rare 10 karot Padparadscha sapphire(1) on a thin platinum chain. What was so special about this necklace was that it could only be worn by the daughter it was given to. This was because of the spiritual powers that ran rampent through the blood of the entire family. Never was it worn by someone who was not of blood.
Kagome stared at her blond cousin for a few seconds, going over the information she had received when she was hearing his thoughts. She knew exactly which pendant he was referring to. It was the very same necklace that her oka-san, Atsuko Nayame Higuarashi, had given to her in her will after she had been slaughtered a few weeks ago. The pendant had come with a note telling of her oka-san's past and family. This had been how Kagome had found out about her Oji. She learned about her cousin through research, which had also led to the information that she was descended from Sango and Miroku from the Hoken jidai.
"I know that you have a cousin because I am your cousin," she said calmly, raising a single brow at his antics. "My voice sounds female because I am in fact a female and my name IS Kagome. As for believing me and as for proof, this should be more than enough proof to you." Kagome reached down her neck and pulled out a thin, platinum chain. At the end, was located a red-orange, carved rose about the size of a marble, the coloring resembling a burning fire in the light.
Hunny's eyebrows raised high into his hairline at the sight of the pendant. This had to be the exact pendant he had been told about. There was only one like it in the entire world. If this person had it, that would mean that the person before him was not only female, but also was his cousin. There was no doubt about. Only a direct daughter of the family could wear or even hold the thing.
"You really are my cousin," Hunny said in astonishment, his eyes wide as Kagome raised a brow at his antics yet again. "Only my oba-san could have given that to you. Are you the only one or do you have any siblings? What is Oba-san like? Where is she?" He seriously wanted to meet his Oba. It would be nice to get to know her, as well as Kagome before him. He had always wanted a little sister, but he only had his younger brother Yasuchika and his two cousins Mori and Satoshi. While he was going through all of these thoughts, Hunny failed to realize that tears had started dripping out of Kagome's eyes slowly, leaving wet trails of salt upon her cheeks. Haruhi saw her little cousin begin to cry and she rushed over to hold her. She looked over to her sempai and spoke in her stead.
"Oba-san was murdered not too long ago," she said, while holding the smaller girl in her arms who was beginning to shed further tears. "Kagome was the one to discover her and Jii-chan completely obliterated within their shrine. If it wasn't for Taisho-sama taking her and Souta in, they would be completely on their own. She is going around as a male here at school because she believes that whoever killed Oba and Jii-chan are after her. They had plobably meant to get Souta as well, but he had been spending the night at a friend's." Kagome had begun to silently sob by this time. All the events of the past few weeks had finally caught up to her and now she just had to release them.
"You mean my oba-san is dead?" Hunny questioned. He couldn't believe his ears. His Oba-san was dead and someone was after his cousin? This he couldn't handle. Noone was going to take his cousins away from him, especially his little imouto (he had come to the conclusion that he would look at Kagome as if she was his imouto since he did not have a real one and she was the closest thing he had to one since she was his cousin). "Why would someone be after Kagome? If that is the case, then shouldn't she be some place safe where they wouldn't be able to get to her."
"Hnn," came the reply from behind them, causing all of them except Kagome, who was still crying slightly, to jump. Mori had come through the door earlier in time to hear what was being said. He was glad to have another little cousin to protect, especially one he could consider an imouto. He wasn't happy to hear that someone was out to get her. Mori was in complete agreeance with Hunny. NOBODY was getting their hands on her.
"Mori," Hunny said when he finally got his heartbeat back under control. "When did you get out here? Were you here long enough to hear everything that has been going on?" Haruhi had jumped slightly as well, but she settled down right away because Kagome had begun to lean heavily upon her. She needed comfort at the moment because she had been holding everything in since the moment she had retrieved Souta from his friend's house after discovering the bodies of her family. Kagome had to be strong in order to care for her otouto while he grieved. She was the only one he had at the time. Now that she had found her best friend, she didn't have to be the strong one anymore. Her Sessho-nii could only do so much, what with his own company to run and such.
"Hnn," Mori replied again in his deep baritone voice. "So she is our cousin. Nothing will happen to her." He went over to stand next to Haruhi as she continued to hold the sobbing girl. He placed his hand on Kagome's' shoulder, causing her to lift her reddened face from Haruhi's shoulder to look directly into his dark chocolate-colored eyes with hers, which had changed to a more aqua blue color. They stared at each other for several moments, as if having a silent conversation that only they could understand. Which in Kagome's case, was true because of her telepathy. She launched herself at him after several moments and hugged him, despite how much shorter she was than him.
"Thank you," she whispered into his chest, having stopped crying during the time of her silent conversation with him. "Thank you all so much. It means so much to me to know that I have people that are there to comfort me. I had to be strong in the case of Souta and I had no close friends around to be there for me. I had lost contact with Haruhi when she had to switch schools and my other friends, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi, just couldn't stand to be around me. I could tell that they felt too uncomfortable to be near me. It's understandable since they have never been through something like this before." Mori just looked down at her head for a few seconds before lifting up one of his hands and patted her gently on the shoulder. There was nothing he was goiong to let harm her.
"What about that Hobo guy that you were always around?" Haruhi asked in confusion, grateful that her cousin was a bit happier. "He seemed to be very nice. Why didn't he try to comfort you?" Kagome couldn't help but sigh at this comment. She had never really liked the guy in the first place. Turning around to look at her cousin, she answered.
"Hojo," she corrected," was just some guy who had a crush on me at one point. But by the time anything happened, it became some sort of obsession. He started stalking me shortly before all this happened. After the funeral, he tried to get ahold of me any way he could. What was really bad was when he tried to break into Sessho-nii's estate after I moved in with him. Sessho-nii personally chased him off the lot with his katana and several of his Pyrenean mountain dogs(2). The last I heard, he was currently waiting in an asylum waiting trial for stabbing a girl who looked surprisingly quite like me. I never really liked him in the first place." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a pack of wet wipes, which she then preceded to use to wipe the tear stains off of her face. Turning to Hunny, she spoke again. "It was nice meeting you for the first time. Please make sure to tell Oji-san about me and Souta. I know for a fact that he will want to meet us. Tell him that 'when the flames rise, what was once a kitten becomes a lion of legend(3).' He will know what that means. He once told my mother that in a letter shortly before she died. Use it as an identifier when he asks about me."
"I've never heard that before," Hunny said in response, looking at Kagome. She laughed at his comment. It would take him a while to figure out what she was refering to. It had something to do with their ancestors from the demon exterminator village in the past. Only people who had a deep knowledge of the legend surrounding their ancestors. She had personally lived through it.
"He should know," Kagome said with a giggle. "Everyone of the family-heads have an understanding of the knowledge surrounding our ancestors." Turning around, she started to leave.
"Anyway," she said over her shoulder. "I've got to head out. I don't want Sessho-nii to worry himself into hole over me if I'm late. Sayonara."
As she watching the buildings flash by through the window of her limo, Kagome reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone from her pocket. Turning it on, she scrolled through her contacts before selecting a certain one. Waiting for the person to pick up, she thought of all the things that she had planned for Kyoya. He had quite a lot in store for him.
"Hey Shippo," she said when the person on the other end answered. "I wanted to know if you could do me a favor." She giggled at what he asked her.
"No, I don't need you to have Manten discipline those two boys of yours. They haven't done anything yet. I wanted to know how good you are with computers?"
Note: Hey people. I thought this would be a grear place to leave off before next time, in order to keep you guys anticipating what it is I have in store for Kyoya. I thought you like a hint, something to do with his laptop. You probably also saw the numbers above in parantheses. Those are things that I was going to explain.
1) A Padparadscha sapphire is a rare type of sapphire. Where as a normal one has a coloring in some sort of blue tone, this type usually ranges in either orange, red, or inbetween. They are very rare.
2) A Pyrenean mountain dog is a beautiful breed. Take a look at them on Google. They are long-haired and snow white. Something I always imagined Sesshomaru to own if he was to have a dog.
3) This is just a saying I came up with in reference to Kilala if any of you haven't figured it out already.
Please send me a review on what you think of this or any suggestions for the story. I enjoy the feedback immensley. Thanks!