A/N- I don't know why but I do love the idea of Santana Lopez as a teacher, damn she would totally rock my education world :D
Chapter 1
Standing in the hallways, Brittany was taking in the surroundings of the college that her parents had sent her to. She was reluctant to go at first but decided to give it a go when she heard that Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes and Tina were also being sent here by their parents. The five of them were best friend from their McKinley high school days, Brittany being closest to Rachel. The two had known each other all their lives and even though they had had two very different personalities, they were similar in the sense that they both batted for the same team. Yes they were lesbians but Brittany did tend to have the odd one night stand with one of her male friends.
As she continued walking down the hallway, a familiar voice came from behind her. "Excuse me, could you watch where you're going". Rachel had told the other girl who clumsily bumped into her, resulting in Rachel dropping her bag. "Sorry".
"Yeah you better be, now pick up my bag, then I'm going to give you three seconds to get out my face". The girl immediately did what she was told and Brittany couldn't help but giggle at the rudeness of her best friend. Rachel was very open-minded and said whatever the fuck she felt, unless it came to feelings. After the girl left, Brittany made her way over,
"Rachel, can I just say how much I missed you over the summer". The smaller girl turned around, "Brittany...she pulled her in for a hug, "When did you get here?"
"About ten minutes ago, witnessed your little encounter with that girl''.
Rachel laughed, "Yeah well she should watch where she's going".
"Well carry on like that; you'll end up making enemies before we even get to the end of this day".
"Brittany...Rachel put her arms around the girls shoulders, "If that happens, I have you to beat some sense into them".
They both laughed in unison, being best friends, they always managed to have each other's back and they had a understanding that only the two would get.
"So have you seen the others?" Brittany asked.
"No can't say I have actually". Rachel was unable to continue her conversation when an announcement came through the speakers.
Brittany and Rachel made their way inside the hall to see that most of the students were already seated. They somehow managed to spot Quinn, Mercedes and Tina who were seated at the front. They quickly scooted over and luckily there were two chairs available for the best friends.
"Hey you guys, we didn't notice you coming in". Rachel explained as she sat down.
"Yeah when did you get here?" Brittany further questioned.
"Mercedes here forced me and Tina to wake up at the crack of dawn; we've been here for the last half hour"
"Yeah well, don't want to be late on our first day, and if it weren't for me, you divas would still be in bed".
"This place gives me the creeps".
"Why's that Tina?" Brittany asked.
"I don't see any other Asians".
Before the 5 friends could burst into laughter, a tall skinny woman, with short blonde hair came through the doors of the hall and she had a scowl, sort of angry face plastered on her face.
"Rightio let's get this show on the road... To those who are back for their second year, I just pray to god that you've learnt from last year's mistakes... And as for all the newcomers who have joined today, well let's just say you'll do well to survive in this college... Oh and I'm your principal Sue Sylvester, stay away from me and maybe we'll get along just fine... Is that clear? Good, you're all free to go.
As the students all started leaving, there was a lot of commotion in regards to the principal's speech and her extremely harsh words. "Did she say we'll do well to survive, should we be worried?"
"Tina...Mercedes started, "She didn't mean it literally, so relax and stop getting worked up about everything". As they were walking down the hallways out of the main hall Quinn observed their uniforms.
"Does anyone else think that our uniforms are cringe worthy, like who the fuck would put something together like this?" She stared in disbelief, willing to do anything to be back in her old cheerio's uniform.
"I think it looks cute on me, in fact, it looks cute on all of us". Brittany states with pride in her eyes.
Ignoring the subject, Rachel took out her timetable. "Okay so it says here that a Miss Lopez is our tutor and looks like she'll be our teacher for most of the lessons...with a Miss Pillsbury and Mr Schuester as our other teachers for the year".
"Sounds good... Quinn deadpans, "come on we don't want to keep Miss Lopez waiting, let's get going".
As the students all sat down in their desks waiting for their teacher, Brittany was getting rather impatient so thought she would entertain the class for a bit. She got up, went over to the teacher's desk, tying her hair back up into a ponytail, whilst borrowing Tina's glasses. In her best voice, she role played Miss Lopez.
"Good morning class, I am Miss Lopez, I like to teach as I am a boring granny who has no life... oh and I also have two dogs who mean the world to me". The classroom was filled with laughter as they continued watching Brittany and her acting skills.
"Bet she comes in wearing a granny jumper". Quinn told her friends who just carried on laughing.
"Ahh what if she's Asian?" Tina happily contemplated.
Brittany picked up a chalk and started writing obscene words on the black board. When she heard that the laughter had died down from her peers, she stopped writing and before she could turn around to see why, she felt someone grabbing the chalk from her hand.
"What the fuck you..."
"Thank you for covering me, but I can take it from here now sweetie". Brittany without hesitation went back to her seat. She turned to see all her friends and her new classmates with their mouths opened, completely shocked; drool visible in every corner.
"Right then...the teacher started, "let's start again shall we, I am Santana Lopez and I will be your main teacher for the year... Not only will I be your tutor, but also your English and Maths teacher... There'll also be Mr Schuester who will be your Music teacher and Miss Pillsbury who will not only be your Science teacher, but she is also an excellent guidance counsellor".
Miss Lopez went on to say..."Oh and if anyone dares to use my class as their playground, then I suggest that they leave now". She glanced at Brittany as did everyone else. "Well that's settled then" Miss Lopez concluded.
As the first half hour went by with the teacher getting to know her students, the class were still finding it hard to digest just how Miss Lopez was. Santana was far from wearing any granny jumpers; she had a black suit on with a chequered shirt underneath. Her shirt had the top three buttons opened revealing her cleavage. She also wore a medium length skirt and the tone of her legs were shown visibly. Her hair was also let out, a few strands clipped to the middle; she was simply drop dead gorgeous.
After learning her student's names, Miss Lopez started explaining what the first assignment was going to be. They were going to be reading Macbeth and would need to write an essay on what the story portrayed. One student was in her own world though and she was now being questioned by her teacher.
"Sorry, I do not allow any IPods in my classroom".
The girl spoke back, "I'm not even listening to it, I just can't be bothered to remove the headphones from my ears".
"You really must think that I was born yesterday, right, hand over the IPod".
The girl shrugged, getting up from her seat and handing the device to her teacher. "You can come collect this at the end of the day and while you're up Lucy, you can hand out a copy of the Macbeth book to everyone".
When the class were all sitting quietly, writing notes from what was written on the board; Rachel looked at the direction of where her friends were seated. "Pssst...You guys, how hot is Miss Lopez, like seriously, how the fuck do I concentrate when all this sexiness is thrown in my face".
"You're telling me, there should be a law against looking like that". Brittany who was sat next to Quinn's desk smacked her blonde counterpart on the arm.
"Oi, what the fuck, you don't even swing that way".
"Britt, are you seeing what we're seeing, even Mercedes and Tina, the two straightest bitches this world has ever seen were drooling over her".
"It's true, we really were". Mercedes confessed.
"And look...Tina gestures with her hand towards all the other students, "everyone here is infatuated with her".
Brittany looked around, Tina was right. All her classmates had their eyes pinned to either Miss Lopez's chest or her flawless face. In truth, she found this all to be rather sickening. She might have been gay but the idea of a student and teacher just felt wrong in the blonde's eyes. When she was about to say something back to Tina, a strong voice came back at her.
"So Brittany, trying to be the teacher wasn't enough, you're now disturbing my students whilst they are trying to work".
Brittany looked at her friends for support but soon realized she wasn't going to get any.
"Erm Miss Lopez, I..."
"Don't bother; you can save your explanation for detention after college today".
"You what, no way"
"Really...because you are in my classroom, first you think it's okay to write on the board and now you think its okay to disturb others...so unless you want me to make a phone call home, then I suggest you accept detention and start respecting me a little bit more".
Brittany just about manages to choke out, "Yes Miss Lopez" and can't help but feel that she just isn't going to like this teacher at all.
The rest of the day went okay for Brittany. Mr Schuester and Miss Pillsbury's classes were fun and she found herself quickly forgiving her friends even though they didn't have her back when Miss Lopez told her off. Because let's face it, Brittany genuinely wasn't in the wrong. It wasn't her that started the conversation about Miss Lopez and how 'sexy' she was.
When they made their way out of Miss Pillsbury's lesson, Brittany hugged all her friends, "I'll catch you lot tomorrow, unfortunately, I have a little date with detention now no thanks to you guys". They all mumbled a sorry but the blonde just let it go and gingerly walked over to Miss Lopez's classroom.
Brittany knocks on the door, when she hears no answers, she goes in anyway but her teacher was nowhere to be seen.
"Miss Lopez"... she calls out.
"Oh shit, I forgot I gave her detention, stay here okay, don't even think about leaving until I get rid of her".
"But Miss Lopez...the girl had said.
"Ssssh she'll hear you...Santana hissed as she hurriedly put her knickers back on, "stay here".
When she got out of the storage room, she found Brittany sat on one of the desks at the front.
"I see you made it then Brittany".
"Yeah didn't have a choice, by the way, what were you doing in there?" The blonde gestures toward the closed door at the back of the room.
Santana falters a little, but straightens up almost immediately. "Oh that's my storage room, it's where I keep all the spare equipment, you know like paper, pens, books, that sort of thing". She actually was saying the truth but she also used that room for her dirty little make out sessions.
Brittany just nods in understanding, she asks her teacher what exactly she was supposed to do whilst being in detention.
"How about we just forget about it, you can go home" Santana desperately offers, eyeing the storage room door intensely in case the student came out.
"Yeah go, it's not nice getting in trouble on the first day but I'm warning you, I don't want any more silliness from you"
"Yeah sure thing Miss, bye..." Brittany leaves the classroom and Santana rushes back to the storage room, feeling much more relieved now that the blonde was gone. "Has she gone Miss?"
"Yeah Lucy, she's gone...you can have your IPod back now and I'll see you tomorrow". Giving her student a devious grin, Santana now feels satisfied just like she always did when one of her students went down on her.
AN- review and let me know! x