Just wanted to let everyone know that I have started posting the Sequel to the Right Path.

Its called Our Path and it is a little faster paced than the The Right Path. There will be more Pack especially Sam and Leah, and of course my favourite Paul. There will be some surprises some good and some bad unfortunatly.

I have been having some technical issues recently so I have not had the oppertunity to write as much as I like to so I will not be able to post this story as reqularly as TRP, I have written chapter 16 so there is some room for delays. I will definitly post weekly and will try to update more frequently when I can.

I really hope you all enjoy.

Shout out to Prophetical for pre reading the first few chapters. I hope she continues to pre read the remaining story and once I get my email working again so I can send attachments I will be emailing more.